This graphic depicts the feelings of some voters out here. I talked to one friend yesterday who hadn't even made up her mind whether she would vote at all. I can well understand her dilemma.
I won't be at my precinct today. I won't be wearing anyone's campaign t-shirt. This is the first election where I literally dropped out. There has been so much negative propaganda in our local elections. It gets tiring. Anyone who has ever agreed with Jennings, a declared anarchist, on any issue is considered part of the problem by one political faction in this city. Jennings is blamed for it all. We all know how silly that is but politics can be silly. We vote for an individual not necessarily because we think they can affect change or that their glossy mailer is more attractive than their competitor's. Sometimes it is because we may consider that person as the best of the two evils and luck be with us, that one person just may vote the way we wish.
Personality probably shouldn't count but it does. We want to vote for someone we like and who we feel is sincere and might have an inkling of respect for us. Politics, unfortunately, does not rest on a rational analysis of the issues. Personality, culture, and environment do play significant roles when we vote for our officials here or anywhere.
Albert Einstein said, “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” Depending on how adept you are at focusing your concentration, you may have noticed a slight shift in your perception – a weird shift in reality, where you are suddenly viewing these candidates from a different perspective--Dustin Zacks contributed to that perception as some believed his word as gospel whereas others were not convinced that he was truly an independent in this race but a hatchet man for Triolo. There were too many other weird unexplainable happenings going on.
Getting qualified people to run is getting more difficult as good people are vilified daily by we bloggers who are holding elected officials to a higher standard than ever before. We have to take some blame here. I think all of the candidates are well qualified. It boils down to-- who do you trust?
Under-paid public servants are what they are but we expect them to be the most knowledgeable with omnipotent powers to solve it all. We also expect them to listen to our concerns, return calls and e-mails and not display anger or disappointment or ever remove us from the Chamber.
Every commission has its own demons. I don't expect a new one to be much different than any that came before. Counting on "hope" and "change" is just not good enough. We all tried that with Obama. And that's where the problem lies for me and to others who are still tossing and weighing the possibilities as we walk into that voting booth today.
If our graphic is correct then Waterman has got to be the one to GO.
To anon at 7:24 am you are so right time for that spoiled brat to go..
Go Pam.
It's time to send a message to the commission that the people who live in this city are the boss. We will not accept being treated as idiots. Today is our turn to send Golden and Waterman packing. It sends a clear mesaage to the remaining 3 commissioners to listen very carefully to the public if they want to keep working for us.
Lynn- did I read you right that you are advocating NOT VOTING AT ALL, and that you are NOT VOTING??????? WHAT THE HECK!!!
Please tell me I am wrong!? I would rather you vote for the opponent of my candidate choices than not vote at all. Can you clarify?
Don't knock Pam for what Dustin did....that's not fair to her. I blame that darn advisory board selection meeting as the catalyst for the Dusty drama....
Anonymous at 10:14--No, I said that a friend of mine said that she might not vote...that the choices were a problem for her. I voted, but it took a lot of soul searching and analyses.
You are right that none of the candidates are perfect. But nobody could be a worse representative of Lake Worth, its people, for democracy in general, or the City as a whole than Rachel Waterman. She is the worst we ever had. She has got to go because knowing her plans for LW, we haven't seen any of her destructive intentions yet. If she is re-elected for a full term, it will be seriously bad news for LW. That you can count on
Agreed Lynn it did take a lot of soul searching but I also voted but know that this city has to move forward and right now it seems it has stalled. We did have some big triumphs with the RO coming online but then the beach project goes on hold....It's this constant yoyo affect that Made me choose and I hope that my vote does not disappoint. But as you have said you never know until they take office.
I went Triolo and Amaroso....
FYI my blood pressure spiked this morning worring about this election and the future of our city. Sometime we all care just that much! Breath in Breath out.
She is DEFINITELY NOT the worst we have ever had--not even close. She hasn't been in office long enough to be the worst, the best or anywhere in between.
I'm sure Golden and Waterman appreciate your continued support on your blog and your votes today.
Thanks for the thoughtful meditation on the election Lynn. I still haven't voted and am still not entirely sure what I'm going to do once I get into the booth. The hyberbole about Waterman is especially tiresome; no one running for office wants to see Lake Worth fail. Unfortunately, people feel a need to align with a "side"and simplify something which (as you point out) has complex context.
Lynn in the past few months (since the special election) the assessment has gone through " I am for it, although I did not vote for it" The budget was approved, and nothing has been done to the millage rate.. Pretty bad judgment in my opinion.
I am sure the cabal will have out all the extra voters they need
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