Monday, November 16, 2015

Quotes of the Day - Obama on ISIS

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  • “Al Qaeda is decimated,” “on the run.”
  • “The Global War on Terror is over.”
  • “ISIS is JV.”
  • “The world is less violent than it has ever been.”
  • “We will degrade and destroy ISIS.”
  • Yemin is an example of a “successful counter-terrorism strategy.”
  • “ISIS is contained.”
This is how out of touch and out of tune this president is. We know it and the world knows it. Obama, on the other hand, has made a running joke regarding our security. The primary function of the President of the United States is to keep our country safe. This is his sacred duty.
Source: Nice Deb


Anonymous said...

I've always believed that today's ultra-right conservatives would celebrate and make use of tragic terrorist acts against Obama. Thankfully, they've had little opportunity to do so during his administration until now.

Remember how the Left pounced on George W. Bush on September 12th and rubbed his nose in the ruble of 9/11? Yeah. Neither do I.

Today's Republican Party is a special collection of low lifes that represent the worst that America has to offer. Most of this country already knows that and, because of tragic incidents like Paris, the world is also learning the shallowness of their character and intellect.

Today's GOP spokesperson, Donald Trump, is accomplishing more in this area and America needs him to keep talking so that the world knows America's Republican Party is all about. The trash is on display.

Lynn Anderson said...

You guys still blame Bush for just about everything. That is too funny.
Donald Trump is saying things that we all are thinking. It has nothing to do with "ultra-right."

As far as Paris goes, what the world has learned is that so-called progressives are dangerous, in every respect, to this country and to the world. It is Obama who uttered those comments, not Republicans or intelligent people anywhere. IMO.

Anonymous said...

Are the proud Democrats like W.B., M.P. and L.S. who give their advice to the City, and can't handle their own affairs, among your proud democrats?
Let's talk about Trash. Hillary Clinton, & Obama lying to the American people, and the families of the slain Ambassador,and soldiers who died
trying to protect the Ambassador and Obama and Hillary telling the survivor's families and the American People they would not rest until they found those responsible and hold them responsible, Well we are all still waiting.
Who ever heard of a President , in all history, leading from behind to be successful? These are the policies of the Democrats, they are the COWARDS.
OBAMA can't do anything and he blames everything he does wrong on George Bush.
Your LIBERAL ways are what causes the Destruction of our Country.