Monday, January 5, 2015

Quote of the Day - Rudy Giuliani

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Guiliani blames Obama for the recent protests against the police.

"We’ve had four months of propaganda, starting with the president, that everybody should hate the police. I don’t care how you want to describe it — that’s what those protests are all about.

The protest are being embraced, the protests are being encouraged. The protests, even the ones that don’t lead to violence — a lot of them lead to violence — all of them lead to a conclusion: The police are bad, the police are racist. That is completely wrong. Actually, the people who do the most for the black community in America are the police."

~ Rudy Guiliani

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right, this is a bunch of bs, that is why they avoid those areas, Black and Hispanic areas treating them like other countries, like the jungles of Africa or Guatemala. The police seem to always avoid heavily populated minority areas, maybe so they don't come across as being racist or because they do not want to deal with the drugs, prostitution, open alcohol, other lawlessness, etc, just easier to avoid those areas.

Fact is, there is a problem, has been for a long time, it is real, but often times never really addressed or talked about, kind of like alcoholism or addicts and drug abuse.

It is all very sad. Pray for all of this.

"...Actually, the people who do the most for the black community in America are the police."