Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Quote of the Day - Kelvin Cochran

Black mayor of Atlanta, Kasim Reed, who wants to be politically correct, fired black Christian police chief who has served with distinction for 30 years over what he says is racial bias. The mayor forgets that there is a Constitution of the United States. Now all you phonies can come out of the wood work and call a black man bigoted or homophobe, etc., words usually reserved for white people.

Read about it...

“This happened to me, but it’s really not about me,” Cochran concluded. “It’s a warning to every American that freedom of speech and freedom of religion are hanging by a thread, which will snap if we don’t fight to preserve these cherished protections.”

~ Kelvin Cochran

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He violated city rules by not having his book approved and so was fired. Good, too. What's next? "I don't support homosexuals, so bringing them out of a burning building violates my freedom of conscience"?? "I don't support divorce, so divorcees cannot buy food in my store"?? If you're going to hold a job, do the job. And if you're going to serve the public, serve the public. Save your personal beliefs for home and church.