Tuesday, January 27, 2015

City Manager Lake Worth Bornstein on WPEC Channel 12 last night

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Click here... talking about potholes and the fact that the bond lost only by 25 votes.  What he failed to mention was that the city had $50,000 of taxpayer money to use on their campaign plus another PAC with $20,000 in its coffers whereas the Citizens Against Unfair Taxation had about $6,000 with only a handful of people walking door to door.  Let's get an even playing field.

"The $60 million dollar bond to fix the roads failed by just 25 votes in the recent election. The city takes that close count as a good sign.

Now, officials are using that virtually split vote as a springboard and asking for help, looking to those who live there to offer ideas on how to pay for improvements."

All the city needs to do is 2 percent better than its last effort.


Anonymous said...

Let's see 70,000 vs. 6,000 . The 6,000 side WON. Which side managed their money better? I did. Tonight we are having the WRONG meeting. We should be having a meeting about mismanagement of the taxes that we already give to these BOOBS! (wait-DICKS) These DICKS reduced our road budget from 1 million down to 500,000. And then wanted to give themselves 800,000 EACH to play with. So, the DICKS wanted 800,00 to roll around in and they have the nerve to actually have a meeting like this farce tonight. It will be hard not to vomit when I have to look at these DICKS. Katie Mcgveron

Anonymous said...

Fire Crotch strikes again!

Anonymous said...

Burn Baby,burn. Katie Mcgveron

Anonymous said...

Crash and Burn Baby. You're a wreck! Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

Orphan piglet searching for father-fears he may have become bacon- call 555-7449

Lynn Anderson said...

The bully blogger has come out on his blog that Katie and I are upset with Channel 12...NO WAY. We LOVE Channel 12. It is he that clobbers them all of the time or any media that speaks the truth. Is he nuts?

Anonymous said...

And of course the city held the vote in August, when most people are away during a primary election that didn't and wouldn't attract high voter turnout.

25 vote difference was actually significant bc vote total was low.