Thursday, October 10, 2024

Evening sky 10-10-24

In a sit-down with Tucker Carlson, Elon Musk dropped some truth bombs that will make the swamp creatures squirm.

According to Musk, the elite are terrified of a second Trump term—and not just because of his America First policies. Oh no, there’s something far worse for them lurking in the shadows: Jeffrey Epstein‘s infamous client list.

“You know, I think part of why Kamala Harris is getting so much support is that if Trump wins, that Epstein client list is going to become public,” Musk speculated. 😆

Good Night, Patriots!


Anonymous said...

Let it all be revealed! Revelation is real!

Anonymous said...

It's the same with the podcast with Roseanne Barr and she discovered and put on her podcast recently about all of these elitist using children and babies and killing them and using their adenochroma so that they can stay young and youthful and it's all been exposed that that's why we're missing 335 000 children who are missing in the system they're using their adenochromo so all the elitists can stay young and youthful it's all they care about remember Hillary Clinton carries her little Tabasco sauce of adenochromo in her purse with her!?