Friday, February 4, 2022

U.S. Raid in Syria results in top ISIS leader blowing himself up

ISIS leader blows himself up during U.S. special ops raid in Syria

U.S. special operations forces conducted a large-scale counterterrorism raid in northwest Syria overnight Thursday, and President Joe Biden said the operation had left the ISIS terror group once again without a leader. Mr. Biden's brief statement early on Thursday came after residents, rescuers and a monitoring group reported multiple deaths from the raid, including among civilians.

The White House released a statement from President Biden, who described the raid as a "counterterrorism operation to protect the American people and our Allies, and make the world a safer place."

al-Qurayshi "exploded a bomb that killed him and members of his own family" as the raid got underway." 8 childred got out.

Read about it...

Did Joe finaly do something right?

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