Friday, October 15, 2021

Joe Biden could get tangled up in the ongoing Hunter FBI investigation

Were He Not President, Biden Would Have Been Under FBI Investigation Long Ago

"A report published Tuesday shows that President Joe Biden could get tangled up in the ongoing FBI investigation into his son Hunter Biden’s finances because of their shared bank accounts and payment of one another’s bills.

Hunter Biden has said that he and his father shared a bank account and also admitted last year that he was under federal investigation over his taxes."



Anonymous said...

Oh no. I think you guys finally got him!


Lynn Anderson said...

Certainly hope the FBI comes to that conclusion, Lib

Anonymous said...

MONEY LAUNDERING IS A SERIOUS CRIME. Biden crime family enterprise.

Anonymous said...

If that is the case, why wasn't he under investigation prior to taking the Oath of Office. He's only been president since the end of January.