Saturday, August 14, 2021

"Screw your Freedom," says Arnold Scwhwarzegger


Lynn Anderson said...

I always wondered what Maria Shiver saw in him. She changed her political party back in 2011 from Democrat to Independent.

Lynn Anderson said...


Anonymous said...

An inelegant comment from a democrat politician who screwed his maid.

Lynn Anderson said...

Actually, Arnold was a Republican

Anonymous said...

Parading around Beverly Hills in his gas hog carbon emitting "custom" Hummer - maskless and smoking a cigar. Another Hypocrite RINO! Why does anyone even listen to this fool?

Anonymous said...

Arnold made his living, and a good living it was, acting the fool, or buffoon, if you prefer. Nothing he does should surprise you. I think he is very comfortable with himself, and has no regrets. He can still draw a crowd.

In many respects, he's just like Trump.

Lynn Anderson said...

@8:15...Arnold made a living primarily by being a movie actor, producer, businessman, retired bodybuilder, and former politician who served as the 38th governor of California from 2003 to 2011.
He did not act as buffoon at all. So take your derogatory comments about Trump somewhere else unless you want to look like a buffoon.