Conservative Commentary/Opinion on Local, State & National issues. Hours 6am to 7pm to respond to comments
Monday, November 30, 2020
Lawless Election says Former State Attorney General
Phill Kline: 2020 Election One of the Most Lawless in US History
“It’s real clear if people step back and look at it. This was a lawless election. And it was lawless in the same framework and design in all of these key swing states, particularly in the urban areas that are controlled by blue elected officials. The evidence is clear.”Read about it...
Corrupt Joe Biden
Hunter Biden Confesses Partnership With China ‘Spy Chief’, Joe Biden Named As Witness in Criminal Case
Read this entire article that shows the corruption of Joe Biden. Click here
Pennsylvania Trial Court rules on election
Pennsylvania Trial Court Rules’ Election ‘Was Likely Unconstitutional In PA’ & Gives ‘Legislators Power to Choose Electors’
You can read the full court order at this link definitely worth the read.Obama - The most Alienating President in modern history
Barack Obama Let Loose His True Feelings About Trump & American citizens
It's really a shame that Obama still touts this racism thing...all Trump supporters including our President is "racist." It gets sickening."Obama claimed in his book that “the dark spirits that had long been lurking on the edges of the modern Republican party – xenophobia, anti-intellectualism, paranoid conspiracy theories, an antipathy toward black and brown folks” and that Trump capitalized on this supposed bigotry at the heart of the American experience to win the White House as a backlash to the nation having a black President.
Did the Americans in these counties not know Barack Obama was black when they voted for him in 2008 and 2012 and then realized a “deep-seated panic” over a “black man in the White House” when Donald Trump descended his golden escalator at Trump Tower in 2015 to announce his presidential campaign?"
Donald Trump won the highest level of support among nonwhite candidates for a Republican since 1960. And did Obama forget it was a Republican president who freed the slaves?
For those who have any Doubt of Election Fraud
Is There Evidence of Election Fraud? Judge for Yourself…
The examples of election fraud provide a link to the source of information and details of the scam.Even West Palm Beach (the main hub in this blue county) is mentioned in this article!
Conservative Business Journal
What happens when you screw your supporters who made you small fortunes!
Fox News Ratings Crash Continues, Once Led in Every Time Slot, Now Only Tucker Winning Ratings Game
For years, now, Fox was the automatic winner in the ratings game, always topping the charts as the most watched cable network in every time slot. But now, three weeks after Election Day, it appears that Fox’s advantage has been wiped out in every time slot except during Tucker Carlson’s show.Worse, even left-wing MSNBC beat Fox in every time slot except Tucker’s.
The reason why I like Tucker Carlson the best is he listens to his guests. He does not talk over them or interrupt them. He reports facts and is not on some ego trip.
Read Washington Sentinel article
Viewersz are changing to Newsmax and OANN.
Sunday, November 29, 2020
Dominion Rep worked for Kamala Harris
Dominion Rep Who Scanned Ballots in Georgia County Where Thousands of Trump Votes Were Uncounted Also Worked for Kamala Harris
A Dominion representative who has been scanning ballots in Floyd County, Georgia, appears to have worked as an official photographer for Kamala Harris’ campaign last year.Over 3,000 votes, the majority of which were for President Trump, went initially uncounted in the county.
Aric Thompson, Dominion representative and one of men scanning ballots there, worked as an official photographer for Senator Harris in 2019, according to his LinkedIn profile. He even has a portfolio online with photos he took of her.
Corruption runs deep?
Hunter Biden Cover-up
Text Messages Show Joe & Jill Biden COLLUDED To Cover Up Hunter’s Actions With A MINOR
"New text messages show what’s going on behind the scenes of the Biden family and it’s horrible.It’s no wonder why Biden recently flipped out on reporter, Andy Mehalshcick from WYOU.
Questions and controversy continue today about Hunter Biden, your son, Mehalshick began."
Joe Biden, of course denied it and blamed it on Trump, the Democrats excuse for everything rotten for which they are responsible. One of Saul Alinsky's rules is--"Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it." And the Democrats have been doing that for four years...deny, deny and deny and blame it on President Trump.
Supposedly Joe Biden got 80 million votes. "Keep the Pressure on" Republicans, another one of Alinsky's rules. We can learn too!
Biden will Reopen the Swamp for Business
Biden’s ‘Return to Normalcy’ Is Going to Be Terrible
He's already re-opening the Swamp with his recent appointments.Biden's "normal" was a system in which constitutional boundaries were routinely overridden in the name of left-wing policy priorities; in which nasty rhetoric by Democrats was written off as a natural byproduct of the right’s innate evil; in which alternative news sources were treated as conspiracy outlets.
That’s the “normal” the media and Democrats wanted.
The old normal was bad for America. That's why Donald Trump was elected. It's why Democrats nearly lost the House, and why they seem poised to not take back the Senate. We can only hope as we really do need to go back to "normal" which means Republican control of the Senate.
Read this great article! and although President Trump did try to Drain the Swamp, it was deeper than he ever realized.
Democrats Flip the Switch!
Obama In 2008: We Can Only Trust Mail-In Ballots If Signatures Are Verified
Here’s what the worst president in American history said in 2008 on MSNBC, “Well, I think we have to figure out whether this is fraud proof. I mean, Oregon has a terrific mail-in system but they’ve already scanned everyone’ signature whose registered to vote so that they can check to make sure that in fact the right people are voting.”Click here and see the video!
Depraved Authoritarianism - Keith Olbermann
CRAZED: Keith Olbermann Wants To Convert Trump Hotels Into Prisons For Supporters
The holiday season is amplifying the fascistic tendencies of the political left with strict stay-at-home restrictions, snitching on neighbors, and calls for reprisals, and supporters of President Trump have targets on their backs.In yet another unhinged outburst, former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann called for the conversion of properties owned by Trump including his hotels into prisons for those who have backed the president.
This nut job should have stuck with sports announcing on ESPN but he burned his bridges there as well.
Read about the Whack job
Saturday, November 28, 2020
The "I Hate America" Group
'Decolonization' activists vandalize monuments in 4 states over Thanksgiving
The "I hate America Group" is coddled and encouraged by Democrats. And some of you who voted for Biden thought things would get better. Forget about it. Anarchist/Communists/Marxists will be more emboldened than ever before.
Monuments were vandalized in four U.S. states over the Thanksgiving holiday, and several were marked with graffiti referring to the LANDBACK campaign for "decolonization" that seeks to return lands to indigenous people.
In one city, businesses were also targeted and covered in anti-Thanksgiving, anti-capitalist messages.
Read about the Communists who all should be in prison.
City of Lake Worth to have Virtual Tree Lighting!
Lake Worth Beach Holiday Tree Lighting!
Please join us online tonight Saturday, November 28th at 7PM for our Virtual Holiday Tree Lighting! Stay safe while participating in the City's annual holiday tradition from the comfort of your own home.Visit at 7pm on Saturday, November 28.
Joe Biden Interview with Lester Holt - Biden's Plans for first 100 days
Regarding Covid-19 and getting kids back in school--The first argument: We can’t spend the money. The second argument: Our best investment isn’t our children but our businesses.
Listen to what Joe Biden has to say about his priorities in his first 100 days some of which are:
- Immigration bill making citizens of the 11,000,000 plus illegals
- Will "do away with" many of the Trump Executive Orders
- Wants to Bail out state and local governments for mismanagement and keep them from "going under"
- Wants to focus on minority communities and people on the edge by getting them $$$$
March for Trump
The March for Trump is holding a bus tour starting on November 29th in South Florida that will finish with the massive rally in Washington DC on December 12.
More than a million of us turned out in DC last weekend on short notice and we are teaming up with some incredible patriots to make sure that this one is even bigger!
We are so excited to announce that we are already partnering with these amazing patriots to make the tour and March for Trump in DC happen:
• Mike Lindell and My Pillow
• Right Side Broadcasting Network
• War Room with Stephen K Bannon
• Tyrant's Curse by Dustin Stockton
Republicans likely to win their case in Pennsylvania
Judge: Republicans Will Likely Win Pennsylvania Election Lawsuit
The judge who ordered Pennsylvania to not certify the results of the 2020 election wrote in an opinion on Friday that the Republicans who filed the related lawsuit will likely win the case.“Petitioners appear to have established a likelihood to succeed on the merits because petitioners have asserted the Constitution does not provide a mechanism for the legislature to allow for expansion of absentee voting without a constitutional amendment,” McCullough wrote.
Friday, November 27, 2020
John Durham shuts down his Investigation
Durham Investigation Shuts Down with Zero Indictments
The Durham investigation is shutting down. Closing up shop. Dimming the lights. Going home and not stopping to pick up some milk on the way there.Oh, and there will be zero indictments for sedition against the US government filed against James Comey, John Brennan, Andrew McCabe, Bruce Ohr, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Sally Yates, Hillary Clinton, Christopher Steele, Fusion GPS, or anyone in the hot garbage mainstream media for their roles in the conspiracy.
Read about it
The Deep State that permeates our government is corrupt beyond belief! But we all believed this would happen to the Durham Report as it was not released before the election. Now it will be buried within the piles of garbage that makes up the Deep State.
Rallying for Election Integrity
Another MAGA Million March planned for December 12
The organizers of the large march and rally in Washington this month say they’re planning an event that could potentially draw even more people in the nation’s capital on Dec. 12.The date is significant because it’s two days before the Electoral College electors meet in their states and vote for president and vice president.
Read about it...
Dec. 14, 2020: Meeting of the Electors. electors meet in each state and cast their ballots for president and vice president. Each elector votes on his or her own ballot and signs it. The ballots are immediately transmitted to various people: one copy goes to the president of the U.S. Senate (who is also the vice president of the United States); this is the copy that will be officially counted later. Other copies go to the state's secretary of state, the National Archives and Records Administration, and the presiding judge in the district where the electors meet (this serves as a backup copy that would replace the official copy sent to the president of the Senate if it is lost or destroyed).
Dec. 23, 2020: Deadline for Receipt of Ballots. The electors' ballots from all states must be received by the president of the Senate by this date. There is no penalty for missing this deadline.
Jan. 6, 2021: Counting of the Electoral Ballots. The U.S. Congress meets in joint session to count the electoral votes.
Jan. 20, 2021: Inauguration Day. The president-elect becomes the president of the United States.
President Trump Deserves our Gratitude
President Trump deserves our thanks
"His administration restored our respect among nations, he ushered in the greatest economy in American history, he fought for the average worker and traditional values, and he took a ton of abuse for doing it.The reason Trump deserves our thanks is that he never had to do it in the first place. He has his billions, a great family, and great homes. He had conquered more than one profession and endeavor. Why did he want to voluntarily put himself at the mercy of lowlifes from both parties, from RINOs and goosesteping Democrats? Perhaps, because he loves this country and can see with a sharp eye that the basis for its success is being sacrificed on the altar of authoritarian socialism.
They threw every vicious line, every lying canard, every false charge, and every bit of corruption they could muster from their dark twisted psyches at the man and they still couldn’t fairly beat him. But alas, if only politics was about fairness."
Read all about it... at LifeZette.
2021 Lake Worth Candidates who have filed for March 2021 Election
List of 2021 Candidate Contact Information
Pam Triolo, incumbent
314 No. Lakeside Drive
Lake Worth Beach, FL 33460
Charles Wesley Blackman
241 Columbia Drive
Lake Worth Beach, FL 33460
Ronald Joseph Hensley
728 N A St.
Lake Worth Beach, FL 33460
William Joseph
523 S. K St. #7
Lake Worth Beach, FL 33460
Treasurer: Juna Florestal
5628 Upland Way
WPB, 33417
Betty Resch
207 So. L Street
Lake Worth Beach, FL 33460
Treasurer: Sam Goodstein
1717 12th Ave. Sol, #F4
Lake Worth Beach, FL 33460
Commissioner for District 1
Scott Maxwell - incumbent
1809 Hillcrest Ave.
Lake Worth, FL 33461
Sarah Malega
408 So E Street
Lake Worth Beach, FL 33460
Commissioner for District 2
Carla Blockson
1802 Pierce Dr.
Lake Worth Beach, FL 33460
Treasurer: Paul Blockson
1802 Pierce Dr.
Lake Worth Beach, FL 33460
Paola Saray Branda
2232 Lake Worth Rd Apt 108
Lake Worth Beach, FL 33461
Mary Ann Rasura
2112 Park St
Lake Worth Beach, FL 33460
Ryan Olander
1702 No. A Street
Lake Worth Beach, FL 33460
Commissioner for District 3
Andy Amoroso - incumbent
517 Lucerne Ave. #314
Lake Worth Beach, FL 33460
Drew Martin
1015 No. M Street
Lake Worth Beach, FL 33460
Sidney Powell Releases the Krakens -- Kicking ASS
The Kraken is released on Michigan!
Sidney Powell has dropped the bombshell cases in Georgia and Michigan,
These cases are specifically suing the State officials. In Georgia, they are going after the Governor, Brian Kemp, and the Secretary of State, Brad Raffensberger. In Michigan, it is also the Governor, Gretchen Whitmer and Secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson.
“The scheme and artifice to defraud was for the purpose of illegally and fraudulently manipulating the vote count to make certain the election of Joe Biden as President of the United States.”
Thursday, November 26, 2020
Rod Blagojevich and Leo Terrell
Rod and Leo Defend Trump Legal Team's for Not Revealing Key Evidence
"President Trump has a constitutional duty to make sure there is election integrity in our voting systems. And the voting is overwhelming. I should say the allegations of the wrongdoing is overwhelming…The evidence will be there. They’re going to find it because of the statistical anomalies of the case as well as the unlikelihood, the improbability that you can be ahead by 800,000 votes in Pennsylvania, or a little less than that, with 63 percent of the vote in and then somehow you lose? Those things are all valid allegations that are being put out there.
It will be a long road in the sense that there will be hurdles the Trump campaign will have to overcome. He's inevitably and not unexpectedly going to lose at the local level in those states where Democrats control everything or we have Obama appointed judges. The path for President Trump is that he has to navigate through those thickets and get his case before the United States Supreme Court. That's where I think he'll prevail."
Another Phony Democrat Busted
Do as I say, not what I do!
The Democrats care more about virtue signaling than actually doing good for the country and their communities. We know this all too well. And it becomes ever more clear as we watch Democrats continuously violate their own rules when it comes to COVID-19.Read about the hypocrite! There are so many of them.
Florida in Phase 3
Gov. Ron DeSantis extends order banning local mask mandates
The measure, which extends an executive order DeSantis signed in September, prevents local governments from fining folks who fail to mask up — and from ordering restaurants to close without public health or economic data to justify the move.Everyday, our governor is attacked by the alt-left Palm Beach Post and everyday for the last eight months, they write about Covid as a frontpage article. They are determined to turn Florida "blue."
Read the article and see the video
Democrats still Cheating in Georgia
Thousands in Georgia Registered at Postal, Commercial Addresses, Portraying Them as Residences, Researcher Says
Why do Democrats have to cheat to win? We had a few candidates and even an elected official in the city of Lake Worth that lied about where they lived. One is now a Democrat recently elected to the Florida Legislature.Read about this revolting, dishonet act by Democrats
Mad Dog Mattis doesn't believe in "America First"
Jim Mattis Reveals His Hopes For A Biden Administration And They’re Absolutely Appalling
(Right Country) – "Hey remember how excited folks were to have Jim “Mad Dog” Mattis as the Secretary of Defense at the beginning of President Donald Trump’s first term?That love affair ended quick, brutal, and extremely violent. Mattis soon proved that he’s not really the patriot we all believed him to be when he turned on the president and actually resigned from his post." Personally, I believe Trump fired his sorry azz and he was allowed to resign.
Read about Mad Dog...
Say it ain't so, Joe!
“Mysterious” Election Day Spike Gave Biden Nearly 600,000 Votes, Only 3,200 for Trump
"What I saw there was a chain of custody, that in all cases, that was broken."Mail-ins, drop box, the election day USB card flashdrives: no chain of custody.
They have photos of a guy walking in w baggies of USBs.
Read more and see the videos
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
James Mattis drinking Chinese Green Tea
James Mattis failed to disclose his role with consultant tied to China in bombshell column
A media-celebrated Foreign Affairs column this week by former Defense Secretary James Mattis blasting President Trump’s “America First” theme did not disclose that Mr. Mattis holds a senior position at The Cohen Group, which dedicates itself to making business deals in communist China.No wonder he "resigned" from the Trump administration. Our Commander in Chief was wise to this guy. And now he wants Biden to dismiss Trump's America First policy. Of course he does.
Read about this disgraced general
George Soros: The One World Order Guy
Soros, One, if not The Most Corrupt Person In The World
Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán lambasted billionaire plutocrat George Soros as “one of the most corrupt people in the world” after he called on the European Union to make Hungary and Poland submit to “open society” values.He is probably the ugliest person alive and I'm not talking about his appearance.
Hungary and Poland are clashing with the EU establishment and its globalist allies after their recent decision to veto its proposed seven-year budget, which contained provisions that, in the view of Polish justice minister Zbigniew Ziobro, would have reduced them to “political and institutionalized enslavement."
They may be clashing but our country has been "CLASHING" for years. Soros-Funded Group says: ‘We Need to Abolish ICE’ to Protect Accused Visa Fraudsters. Now with Biden about to be #46, we will experience more globalism and socialism/communism in our country. It's getting tougher every day to save the United States of America.
Anyone who voted for Biden committed a terrible act...sedetion... a serious felony punishable by fines and up to 20 years in prison. All those Democrats who encouraged the anarchists committed a crime.
Socialists/Communists come on this blog and mock me for my beliefs blaming it on my age,(what do old people know?) etc. but 90 year old George Soros they worship. There is no diverting from the fact that they are always hypocritical and enemies of our country. And the naive follow willingly.
The Dark Force that Undermined a Duly Elected President
Limbaugh: Obama is dark force who created shadow government
He literally was undermining a duly elected president
We have now learned that Obama ran every operation in the four years of Trump’s first term. He ran the Russian hoax. He ran the Russian coup. He ran the impeachment operation. He ran Stormy Daniels," Limbaugh told his audience.Read more...
They gave her Hell for congratulating Lindsey Graham
Dianne Feinstein Steps Down As Head Of Judiciary Committee After Backlash From Progressives
Supposedly, the Democrat party wants to "bring us all together."Yeah, right!
"Feinstein was widely criticized by the radical left after she was seen hugging Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC) at the end of Barrett’s confirmation hearings.
“Mr. Chairman, I just want to thank you,” Feinstein said to Graham as the hearing was ending. “This has been one of the best Senate hearings that I’ve participated in, and I want to thank you for your fairness and the opportunity of going back and forth.”[Lifezette]
15 Mafia Punks Indicted
DOJ indicts 15 members and associates of the 'Philadelphia Mafia' on federal racketeering charges
DOJ Press ReleaseBeing a free society, our country allows the opportunity for crime even fraudulent elections. It is always illuminating when the bad guys are caught! Let's hope that these indictments result in convictions.
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Emergency Petition filed in Wisconsin over fraudulent ballots
Amistad Project Files Emergency Petition in Wisconsin Over 150,000 Fraudulent Ballots
The Amistad Project filed an emergency petition Tuesday in the Wisconsin Supreme Court challenging the state’s unofficial results in the 2020 presidential election, saying it has identified over 150,000 potentially fraudulent ballots.The petition takes issue with 156,807 Wisconsin votes, of which it states that some are illegal votes counted and others are legal votes not yet counted.
The Petition
Voting Machines are easily Hacked
A hacker needs only one minute to change voting results in 24 states.
The Hacker Demonstrates How Easily Voting Machines Can Be Forced To Change Votes After Dominion Claims It’s Not Possible.Biden and Democrats, a Deplorable Bunch
Dr. Fauci Rips Dem Narrative on Vaccines, Sticks Up for Trump Admin
“I trust vaccines. I trust scientists. But I don’t trust Donald Trump,” Biden said during an October town hall meeting. “And at this moment the American people can’t either.”The subtext was that a vaccine could be rushed through to appease the president and improve his re-election chances — something that should have been treated as farcical conspiracy theorizing on its face but, instead, was taken seriously by the Left.
Read more... about the political dolts who continue to diss President Trump like the whack jobs, Andrew Cuomo and Bill DeBlasio.
Corn and Cob - Who will be the Official Thanksgiving turkey?
The public can vote on the White House's website on whether Corn or Cob will be named the official National Thanksgiving Turkey. The winner will receive a turkey pardon from the commander in chief at the Rose Garden on Tuesday, though both turkeys will make their way back to Iowa where they will spend the rest of their days in the care of Iowa State University’s Animal Science department.
Vote on Corn or Cob
Sidney Filing Lawsuit
Proceeding to File Lawsuit
“The evidence I’m compiling is overwhelming that this software tool was used to shift millions of votes from President Trump and other Republican candidates to Biden and other Democrat candidates. We are proceeding to prepare our lawsuit and plan to file it this week. It will be epic.”Although not officially on the Trump Legal Team, she says she is representing #wethepeople who had their votes for Trump and other Republicans stolen by massive fraud through Dominion and Smartmatic.
Read about it...
Governor DeSantis cracks down on Violent Protesters
Gov. DeSantis Bill: No Liability for Drivers Who Run Over 'Mob' Blocking Road
DeSantis introduced a bill that will not only declare it a third-degree felony to obstruct traffic during an “unpermitted protest, demonstration or violent or disorderly assembly," but also remove liability for drivers who run over the mob while "fleeing for safety."Monday, November 23, 2020
Dominion Voting Machines have China connection
Dominion CEO Admits In Testimony: Machines Rely On Chinese Parts From ‘Screen Interface Down To Chip Level
"The comments came during Poulos’s sworn testimony before the House Administration Committee on January 9th, 2020.The unearthed remarks boost claims that Dominion’s voting systems could have been influenced by a foreign actor – specifically the Biden-backing Chinese Communist Party.
Democratic Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren interrupted, inquiring “before you go forward, what are the components that are from China.”
Poulos then reveals that “the actual glass screen on the interface down to the chip component level of capacitors and resistors” are from China."
Read all about it... WOW!
Voter Fraud Training Video from Detroit
#DetroitLeaks video
that exposed voter fraud training in Detroit, Michigan before the November 3rd election.Michigan AG Dana Nessel Sent Cease and Desist Order to Journalist Demanding He Erase His #DetroitLeaks Video Showing Voter Fraud Training — OR FACE CRIMINAL PROSECUTION
Standing Up to Anarchists/Marxists in Portland
Antifa Rioters in Portland Attack Driver and Attempt to Trap Him with Motorcycle
They Messed with the Wrong Guy
This incident happened a few months ago when a man was in his truck trying to go down the street when some of the Antifa idiots tried stopping him. At one point, someone on a motorcycle pulled in front of him and laid the bike down, while another ran up to the truck and started smashing the windows.This guy was fed up with this mess and in fear for his life; he decided to put the pedal to the metal, running over the motorcycle and dragging it under his truck for 12 blocks.
Corrupt Democrat involved the Wrong People! Surprise!
FBI Arrests ANOTHER Corrupt Cincinnati Democrat
Charges unveiled against Sittenfeld in his 20-page indictment allege he schemed to funnel money from developers into a political action committee (PAC) that he secretly controlled, court records show.And politics really does start at the local level. Developers have always been involved here in Lake Worth politics. Beware.
Read about this corrupt Democrat
ABC Reporter Caught by PV, Instantly Gets Suspended
Project Veritas has done it again.
This time the conservative watchdog caught ABC News Correspondent David Wright slamming Trump, his network, and admitting he is an outright socialist. In addition to slamming his network and even admitting ABC does not give Trump credit when credit is due.Is Durham Report On or Off?
Durham Investigation Shuts Down with Zero Indictments
"According to the Federalist, Durham’s office is quietly shutting things down.The fake “President-Elect” Joe Biden has named Sally Yates – one of the co-conspirators who hatched the Russian collusion plan inside the Obama Oval Office – as the incoming Attorney General. If the Democrats succeed in stealing Donald Trump’s 2020 landslide election out from under us, Yates will be Durham’s new boss. It could be bad for his career for Durham to charge any of the Russian collusion hoaxers with sedition."
It's shutting down
Daily Mail says "It's still on"
Sunday, November 22, 2020
The Devil went down in Georgia
Elections Chief Ousted In Floyd County Georgia
The elections chief for Floyd County, Georgia, where about 2,600 ballots had initially gone uncounted, has been fired.County elections board member Melanie Conrad said her panel dismissed Robert Brady, chief clerk of elections, on Thursday, according to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
Read about it...
2 plus 2 is not equaling 4
Former Dominion Exec./Antifa Supporter Boasts About Rigging Election, No Longer with Company
Kyle Rittenhouse out on $2 million bail
Kyle Rittenhouse Walks Free After Massive $2 Million Bail Posted, Huge Conservative Name Helped Fund It
Rittenhouse posted $2 million bail through his attorney, Lin Wood.Wood, on social media, stated that MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell contributed to the fund to defend and release Rittenhouse, as did numerous other individuals.
Read about it...
CNN pushing a radical Marxist Agenda
Brian Stelter, CNN, makes an impassioned argument about why freedom of speech is a “threat to democracy.”
Joe Biden Quote of the week
~ Joe Biden
Biden and Democrat Party represent the Elite
Biden Fills Administration With What Some believe to be America’s Most Corrupt
It should come as no surprise that Biden would fill his cabinet with insiders who represented the very industries he has denounced and said he would take on. Some of these very same industries donated heavily to his campaign.Employers with employees that donated heavily to Biden are big-name universities like Harvard and the University of California, along with Big Tech companies Facebook and Microsoft. Employees at Big Pharma and health insurance companies have also donated heavily to Biden, as have employees at big banks.
The Republican Party is the party of the working-class in America.
Look Who Is Now in Charge of MI, WI, PA and GA
6th & 8th Circuits: Brett Kavanaugh
7th Circuit: Amy Coney Barrett
11th Circuit: Clarence Thomas
Some conservative justices will now have jurisdiction in certain major states where the election is being contested.
Saturday, November 21, 2020
Democrat Conspiracy Theorist wants to reeducate 75 million Trump Supporters
DNC Member Suggests 'Deprogramming' 75 Million Trump Supporters
"I can’t imagine the psychic energy it must take to persist in politics in a country where you believe the other side lives in a kind of Jonestown archipelago, persisting in cult-like thrall to a toxic leader whose orders have arrayed millions of your countrymen against all that’s good and pure."Read about this nut job...
Higher Judge Rules for Trump Campaign
Pennsylvania Judge Reverses Court Ruling For Trump
He Just Ordered Allegheny County To Throw Out Undated Ballots
Just recently, Rudy Giuliani alleged Pennsylvania had 682,770 ballots “that weren’t inspected,” and should in turn be rejected. He also claims there were “two different standards” in parts of the state.Read about it...
Dominion Voting Systems BACKS OUT of Testifying in PA!!!
If you've got nothing to hide, then why are you hiding?
Senate Report Confirms Biden family's ties to China & Russia
Hunter Biden Burisma and Corruption--The Impact on U.S.Government Policy and Related Concerns
New Senate report purportedly 'confirms' Biden family's business ties to Chinese, Russian governments
"The new information is consistent with other records within the Committees' possession which show millions of dollars being transferred from a Chinese entity linked to the communist party to Robinson Walker LLC," the senators noted before detailing the transactions.Click here for Report
Ballots found in Garbage Bags in Seattle Suburb
Garbage Bags Full Of Stolen Ballots Found In Another Democrat Controlled City
Every single week we’re hearing more reports of tampering with the election in some fashion.It’s mostly coming in the form of mail-in ballots being thrown out somewhere and someone finding them in a ditch or in a dumpster.
Well, it’s happened again, this time it’s in a suburb of Seattle. It’s even being reported that this particular suburb tends to lean more Republican than the rest of King County.
Read about it...
Friday, November 20, 2020
Leading News outlets are Liberal Voices and Propaganda of the Left
'We no longer have' an 'honest press'
Commentator: Media 'casually compares Trump to Hitler' because it's 'what they believe'
Just recall 2016 when the same liberal news organizations that are damning Trump as a tyrant and suggesting he might be planning a coup cheered and facilitated Democrat efforts to delegitimize Trump’s victory by claiming he was a crooked businessman who had colluded with Vladimir Putin to steal the election.After early efforts failed to convince electors to defy the will of their states and cast their ballots for Hillary Clinton, talk turned to impeachment before Trump was even sworn in.
On the morning of his inauguration – which was boycotted by several dozen Democrat members of Congress because, as Rep. Jerrold Nadler said, he was not “legally elected” – a Washington Post article reported, “The campaign to impeach President Trump has begun.” [WND]
Newly Elected GOP Congresswoman Who Grew Up In Socialist Country CRUSHES Socialism Ideology
Indiana's Republican Victoria Spartz won her seat with more than 50% of the vote
and, when asked by Fox News host Ainsley Earhardt why she thought so many House seats had been won by Republican women, replied that it was due to the Democrats' socialistic agenda. She was happy to see that so many Americans had rejected that agenda."I grew up in a socialistic country," Congresswoman-elect Spartz said. "In my 42 years, I grew up in socialism. I saw what happens when it runs out of money. And it's not pretty." Ukraine, of course, is still recovering from decades of Soviet rule, which finally ended with the collapse of the USSR in 1991.
Richard Blumenthal Pressures Zuckerberg to Kick conservatives off Platform
Stand for America - Sen. Kelly Loeffler for Senator
Georgia Senate candidate Raphael Warnock's shocking politics
Positions are 'anti American, anti-police, anti-Israel, anti-Semitic, anti-jobs, anti-taxpayer'
Former U.N. ambassador and South Carolina governor Nikki Haley's advocacy group issued a video spotlighting the radical views of Georgia Democratic Senate candidate Raphael Warnock. [WND]
Can you even imagine Democrats floating into the state to elect this guy? Out of state millions of contributions to elect this guy? Democrats really do want to destroy our country
Key Points from Trump Campaign Press Conference
Challenges to Election Results
1. Observers were allegedly prevented from watching mail-in ballots being opened.2. Allegedly unequal application of the law in Democratic counties
3. Voters allegedly arrived at the polls to discover other people had voted for them.
4. Election officials were allegedly told not to look for defects in ballots, and to backdate ballots.
5. Ballots casting votes for Joe Biden and no other candidates were allegedly run several times through machines
6. Absentee ballots were accepted in Wisconsin without being applied for first.
7. There were allegedly “overvotes,” with some precincts allegedly recording more voters than residents, among other problems.
8. Voting machines and software are allegedly owned by companies with ties to the Venezuelan regime and to left-wing donor George Soros
9. The Constitution provides a process for electing a president if the vote is corrupted.
Read the explanations of key points...
Thursday, November 19, 2020
Biden's "Reset" will strip Americans of Freedom & Money
FBI Investigating Election Results?
Lou Dobbs Says FBI Is Investigating The Results Of The 2020 Election
“I have now received word from a highly reliable source that the FBI does have an investigative team that is now looking into this election.Now, what that means beyond that — but at least its confirmation that they are investigating, and we’ll see what moves,” Dobbs said on his program, as reported by the Washington Examiner.
People flocking to Uncensored Parler and MeWe
As many conservative-minded users flock to alternative social media platforms, MeWe social platform CEO Mark Weinstein comments on the 'threat to democracy' that Facebook and Twitter have become in his opinion, and why freedom of speech is exercised on his platform. Plus he reacts to CNN talent talking negatively about his and similar products. - via The Chris Salcedo Show, weekdays at 5PM ET on Newsmax TV
Republicans Prevailed Overall - So much for Polls
'Experts’ Listed 27 House Races As Toss-Ups. Republicans Won All 27
Despite being assured by that conservatism was about to drown beneath an impending “blue wave,” Republicans won every single close race.Republicans also won all 26 races deemed “leaning or likely Republican,” and even picked up 7 of the 36 seats listed as “leaning or likely Democrat.”
Read about it...
P.S. Trump won too!
Dominion Stole the Election
The President’s report reads:
- Dominion deleted 2.7 million Trump votes nationwide.
- Data analysis finds 221,000 Pennsylvania votes switched from President Trump to Biden.
- 941,000 Trump votes deleted.
- States using Dominion Voting Systems switched 435,000 votes from Trump to Biden.”
Deplorable Democrat Election Tactics
Michigan Democrat Doxxes Republican’s Children Before She Reverses Course To Certify County Vote
Two Republicans on the Wayne County Board of Canvassers were berated, smeared as racists, and one even had her children doxxed before the pair reversed course on Tuesday night to certify the vote in Michigan’s most populated county.Read about it...
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Pretty Boy Justin
Justin Trudeau Exposes Truth About Pandemic, Tells UN It's an Opportunity for 'Great Reset'
Dominion in Hot Seat
Dominion Allegedly Switched votes to Biden
“We’re getting ready to overturn election results in multiple states,” Powell said on Fox Business, adding that she has enough evidence of election fraud to launch a widespread criminal investigation. “I don’t make comments without having the evidence to back it up.”“They can stick a thumb drive in the [voting] machine, they can upload software to it even from the Internet … from Germany or Venezuela even,” Powell said, adding that operations “can watch votes in real-time” and “can shift votes in real-time,” or alleged bad actors can “remote access anything.”
Large Scale Election Fraud?
BREAKING NEWS! Director of Smartmatic Makes Stunning Admission About Voting Machines
Smartmatic machines have been helping dictators, tyrants and cunning politicians steal elections since at least 2004. And these machines were used in our elections.The problem was not only with the Dominion software, even though it was also a major problem in previous elections, and most likely in other previous elections. But the Smartmatic machines are just as bad, if not worse, than the Dominion software.
Even the director of Smartmatic, Antonio Mugica, admitted back in August 2017 that the Smartmatic engine and the software they used generated at least one million additional "phantom votes" for the elections in Venezuela.
Even the Mob is involved in Voter Fraud for Biden?
Philly Mob Boss Ready to Flip on Biden on How They Stole The Election In Exchange For Full Expungement Of His Criminal Record
Philadelphia mob boss "Skinny Joey" Merlino may be ready to turn on the Democratic party and expose how they committed election fraud, flipping 300,000 votes for Biden.Read this shocking revelation
Lin Wood said he was 100% confident that Biden will never become president of the United States.

Attorney Lin Wood: Team has 'smoking guns' to prove Trump won
Trump campaign attorneys Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell have "the smoking guns" to prove the president won the 2020 election, said prominent Atlanta-based lawyer Lin Wood after spending the day with Powell."I've seen sworn affidavits, I've seen sworn video statements," he said Monday in a Newsmax TV interview with Howie Carr. "I think that Rudy and Sidney have done a magnificent job in a short period of time of piecing together a solid legal case on what was intended to be a complicated scheme of fraud as it relates to the voting machines."
Read about it...
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
Democrats' in Funding Scandal Indicted
AG Barr Indicts 8 For Funneling Millions In Foreign Donations To Schiff, Clinton And Top Senate Democrats [Update]
Bill Barr indicted eight individuals for illegally funneling foreign money to Adam Schiff, Hillary Clinton and several Democratic senators.
It turns out the a gigantic, multi-million dollars campaign funding scandal for Democrats just got blown sky high by The United States Department of Justice.Read about it...
Project Veritas' Wall of Shame
Biden Hires Reparations Advocate
Biden’s Hypothetical Administration Hires Reparations Advocate
A Muslim immigrant from the “terrorist country” of Iran who used to shout "Death to America, Mehrsa Baradaran, a professor at the University of California, Irvine School of Law, is helping Biden prepare to “hit the ground running on Day One” as a member of his Department of the Treasury agency review team. Baradaran is an outspoken advocate of reparations for black Americans, both as a means of correcting “white supremacy” and closing the racial wealth gap.Gads, we're in trouble! The Civil War ended 155 years ago. Now we're in a war of stupidity.
Read about it... and the insanity of it all.
Read about her
Ron Hensley files Intent to Run for Mayor of Lake Worth
Lake Worth to issue Refund to Municipalites
City to vote on $780k in refunds on Regional Sewer charges
The City of Lake Worth Beach, Florida entered into an interlocal wastewater service and wastewater facilities cost sharing agreement in 2013 with the City of Atlantis,Town of Lantana, Town of Manalapan, Town of Palm Beach, Village of Palm Springs, Town of South Palm Beach, Town of Lake Clarke Shores and the Palm Beach State College (“Sub-Regional Participants”).Pursuant to the cost sharing agreement, at the conclusion of the fiscal year, the City performs a true up of the revenues and expenses of the operations and maintenance accounts of the Sub-Regional Sewer System. Per the agreement, each Sub-Regional Participant, including the City, shall receive a refund if overbilled, or be billed and be responsible for any amount that was under billed.
The Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 - 2020 true up determined a refund is due to the Sub-Regional Participants, including the City, of a total sum of $780,115.67, broken down proportionally as stated below:
City of Atlantis $ 39,965.81
Town of Lantana $ 108,012.48
Town of Manalapan $ 5,984.97
Village of Palm Springs $ 199,171.92
Town of South Palm Beach $ 16,134.62
Town of Lake Clarke Shores $ 39,105.88
Palm Beach State College $ 3,348.30
City of Lake Worth Beach $ 368,391.69
TOTAL: $780,115.67
Racist Guys being Sued
Obama, Sharpton, Holder And BLM Served With $2 BILLION Lawsuit- Americans CHEERING…
A former federal prosecutor is suing President Obama, former Attorney General Eric Holder, self-proclaimed civil rights activist Al Sharpton, and Nation of Islam leader and all around evil guy, Louis Farrakhan.The grounds for the suit? They are being sued for inciting a race war that led to the rampant police shootings by radical leftist scumbags.
Read about it...
Monday, November 16, 2020
Fox twit Leland Vittert gets owned by Trump spokeswoman Erin Perrine
Fox News host, Leland Vittert must have been auditioning for a job at MSNBC because he was flat out disrespectful to Trump campaign spokeswoman, Erin Perrine.
Throughout the exchange, Vittert yelled, cut off, and rolled his eyes at Perrine. If she was a liberal, Vittert would have been canceled for “mansplaining.”
Witty Kamala
Watch As Kamala Harris Laughs Hysterically After Joking About Killing President Trump
Her laugh is one of the top 10 most annoying sounds ever. But what's more annoying, the millions of insipid people who watch these shows. The media definitely won this election for Biden."Rigged Election," said the President
Biden ‘Only Won in the Eyes of the Fake News Media’
He only won in the eyes of the FAKE NEWS MEDIA. I concede NOTHING! We have a long way to go. This was a RIGGED ELECTION!” Trump wrote on Sunday morning. “WE WILL WIN!” he said just minutes before. Both posts were labeled as “disputed” by Twitter.“Some of the most popular ballot-marking machines, made by Election Systems & Software and Dominion Voting Systems, register votes in bar codes that the human eye cannot decipher,” reported The Associated Press in February of this year."
Read about it...
Of course the dishonset Palm Beach Post's headline this morning was misleading and wrong.
Lake Worth Mayor Pam Triolo has three challengers
Lake Worth Beach mayor, Pam Triolo, will face at least three challengers in March election
Wes Blackman:Urban Planner. He says he runs calm, cool and collected meetings. Has years of experience as former Chair of the Planning & Zoning as well as the Historical Preservation boards
Betty Resch:
Practicing attorney and past city attorney for Lake Worth. If elected she says she will push for term limits and look into the role of city manager Michael Bornstein. "Who's running the show?" asks Betty.
William Joseph
Investigator. Says more investment is needed to create jobs. Says he can unite people.
Challengers believe Mayor Pam Triolo is vulnerable after former commissioner, Omari Hardy, pulled his Academy Award racist performance that went viral. In 2020, when he decided to run for higher office, he continued to agitate and dominate conversation at the dais. It's surprising to me that they all, for the most part, maintained their cool. Of course, the meetings were Zoom so you couldn't punch his lights out. It is rumored that Omari is behind the over-throw of everyone presently on the commission.
Read the PBPost article
Antifa, The Cowardly Cockroaches

Antifa cowardly cockroaches didn't get violent until the sun went down when Washington descended into thuggery by domestic terrorists. They even had weapons (knives and 7 guns were recoverd), fistfights, assault on officers, etc.
Waiting for some reports from people who were there.
Dominion Software Hacked?
Hackers May Have Been Allowed Unsupervised Access to Ballot Counting Areas
"We know that the glitches aren't really glitches at all, but they were backdoors in which an algorithm was programmed to calculate how many votes Joe Biden would need to overtake President Trump and then fix the results to reflect such."
Read more.... Unfortunately, we all know the election was stolen from President Trump. Fraud can be proven without any doubt. But we are stuck with corrupt Biden unless a miracle occurs. With problems during past elections with this software--bugs, glitches, viruses, and hackers--I have to wonder why the Trump campaign did not have a solution for this probability and ensure this could not happen.
The Swamp is too deep, too clever and too corrupt.
Nothing redeeming about Joe
Biden Cancer Charity Spent Zero on Cancer Research, Millions on Executives' Salaries
Actually, I am surprised about this. Biden has now fallen to the bottom of the barrel of rotten apples.During the campaign, he used his dead son as well as the tragedy of his first wife's death in campaign ads to garner votes. Really sick. So why should I be surprised?
Read about corrupt Biden...
Sunday, November 15, 2020
Dominion Voting Systems
Here’s A Look At The Guy Behind The Security Of Dominion Voting Systems — The Plot Thickens
The Gateway Pundit has revealed that the individual who was, and possibly still is, responsible for the strategy and security of Dominion Voting Systems shared with the Illinois State Board of Elections in 2016, that it was possible to bypass their election systems software.Dr. Eric Coomer told election officials in Illinois that it was possible to gain access to the administrative capabilities of Dominion machines. That means, whoever is able to gain access is able to manipulate the results of an election.
Read more about this...
Election Shyster, Marc Elias
Meet one mastermind of the 2020 election scandal: Hillary Clinton’s lawyer
Marc Elias the Democratic National Committee’s election lawyer and legal adviser to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign, filed more than 50 lawsuits around the country challenging state election laws in advance of the 2020 presidential election.In a 2018 Tweet, President Donald Trump referred to Elias as the Democrats’ “best Election stealing lawyer.”
Elias was also a key player in the Russia collusion hoax. As the attorney for both the DNC and Clinton campaign, he helped bankroll research by Fusion GPS that created the bogus “Steele dossier” used by the FBI to obtain FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign during the 2016 race.
Our friend, Margaret Menge, is mentioned in this article.
Read about the snake... Read about his interference--People such as he should be prosecuted.
Governor DeSantis proposes bill cracking down on mobs
The liberal media are having a field day with DeSantis' legislation
We saw the criminal destruction from the "peaceful" mobs all across the country this year. Our governor is making it difficult for these criminals to pull this crap in Florida."It would make it a third-degree felony to block traffic. It would give immunity to drivers who accidentally injure or kill protesters involved in blocking traffic, and allow for lethal defensive actions in response to riots and burglaries." [WND]
Democrat Commits Voter Fraud
Mayoral Candidate Arrested on Record Number of Felonies
Of course the guy is a Democrat!
Zul Mirza Mohamed may be a name that you aren't familiar with unless you live in Texas, and it's likely going to stay that way after you read the link below.Mohamed was arrested for voter fraud after being caught forging approximately 100 absentee ballots.
Read about the lying criminal Democrat
Read about his criminal past
In Massachusetts, you're not really dead when you're dead
Blue State Passes New Law to Count Election Ballots of Dead People…I'm Dead Serious
"Good ol' blue state of Massachusetts just rushed a new law into effect that is quite literally forcing election officials to count election ballots filed by dead people.This bill that was signed into law declares that if someone sent in a ballot that was received before the Election Day deadline and then died after that ballot was received, the vote from that person must still be accepted and count in the numbers that would make up the final vote."
Read about it... Using Covid as an excuse!
Saturday, November 14, 2020
John Di Lemme: Conservative Business Journal News Nuggets
Here are *5* Conservative Business Journal News Nuggets from this week about the Election 2020 Fraud for you to Read and Share with your fellow Patriots...
Tens of Thousands of People are Raised from the Dead to Vote in the 2020 election
Click here
Pennsylvania Judge Rules in Favor of Trump Team on ID Deadline
Click here
Biden Coronavirus Task Force Doctor wants Stranglehold Quarantine Measures in America
Click here
White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Shares 234 Pages of Sworn Affidavits of Electoral Misconduct
Click here
Democrats Cry Equal Justice for Everything but the Sanctity of American Voters
Click here
Let's Keep America Great & Safe from Socialists!
Dead People Voting
Vote Analysis Reveals Just How Many Dead People Voted
The lows that the Democrats are willing to sink to try and win an election are absolutely disgusting and we can’t let this go.The left may try and destroy the country after this is exposed and President Trump wins reelection, but we can not allow our country’s democracy to be upended or evil will reign.[freedomheadlines]