Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Lake Worth and Race Relations

Other than Dustin Zack's public comment that showed the contempt millennials have for just about anything (in this case, Commissioner Maxwell), this meeting didn't get intersting until they got to NEW BUSINESS.

You need to go to 1 hour and 3 minutes or so at the start of New Business regarding the REAL discussion and subsequent vote on the League of Cities program.

Commissioner Omari Hardy, who says the Black community here is "marginalized," pigeonholed Maxwell, Triolo and Amoroso into not only getting it on the Agenda but voting for these professional services to conduct workshops with city residents and staff to hear about their horrible experiences with "systemic racism" and how all the rest of us can do better.

This is an unnecessary waste of public funds and resources to invent/create a problem that does not exist. If the three on the commission had voted against this, they would have been accused of racism or worse. There was no where to go on a political level. Omari, the only racist in our city, won this vote even though he fought it and wanted to change it and in the end didn't vote for it.

The first phase of this will run through June 15, 2021 and will cost $21,780. There are other components that will arise later for a vote.


Anonymous said...

Hardy is a very confused young man. How sad it must be to believe that you are discriminated against because you are black.

Anonymous said...

First, Hardy’s engagement had zero to do with the meeting and should not have been commented on by bumbling Robinson. What gets me angry is Hardy wants these level 200, level 300 courses added to the contract. Well is he going to fit the bill for those??? The additional $20K + per course added?? I mean for Christ sake. You go to the beach we don’t even have hand soap. It’s obvious the city is hurting for cash. And that’s not all. Racism is not prevalent in Lake Worth. It just isn’t. I give kudos to Vice Mayor Amoroso, he was able to keep his cool for the meeting. I was literally yelling at the computer screen. So embarrassing for Hardy and Robinson to start their crap in front of the National League of Cities. Lynn, curious on any other comments or what you thought...

Lynn Anderson said...

@2:29...I agree with everything you said.
and you are so right. Omari and Robinson wanted and voted on The League of Cities to present and LW to contract for their professional services. They were guests and Hardy and Robinson acted like a bunch of spoiled punks...acted so rudely. In the end, Hardy wanted to add something to the contract and he was voted down so in a little childish fit, he voted NO for the entire thing. Can't stand it. It's beyond crazy.
You always know there will be some sort of BS going on with Omari on the dais.
November 2nd can't come soon enough...that's when he is out of here for good.
Andy is a man of few words but when he does speak, it is all on point and on things that he has accomplished or the city has done. He kept out of the cat fight last night. I kept watching his face...he never flicked an eyelash...didn't let Omari get under his skin. Scott Maxwell was cool too. The mayor has to run the meeting so that is always a challenge with Omari. Oh, and Dustin, Scott does not have a Twitter account.

Anonymous said...

Anyone can feel marginalized. It's ignorant and/or arrogant to think any group has a monopoly on pain unless you're just trying to get more free stuff.

Anonymous said...

"Scott does not have a twitter account." Lynn, @votemaxwell1 tweeted about "fiscal responsibility" during one of his re-election campaigns, just as was stated during public comment. Do you ever get tired of being dead wrong?

Anonymous said...

Are these people meeting in person yet? If not, why not? Omari has his future in front of him, and it is clear what path he wants to follow. But what is Robinson's gig? Robinson can only lose his seat on the council, and what will he do then? He has no future, and he clearly isn't interested in preserving his present position. How far does he think he can go on Omari's coattails?

When Andy is representing a position you support, there is no better person to have on your side. He's very talented and persuasive.

Lynn Anderson said...

@4:44...I checked with the source.

Lynn Anderson said...

OK--just found it...back in 2016 when he was running for election...hasn't been on it since.
What exactly do you object to that he said, Dustin?

Lynn Anderson said...

this was the tweet--
Scott Maxwell
“We have Lake Worth moving again with progressive policy decisions, new fiscal responsibility to stabilize property taxes and more."
11:33 AM · Jan 13, 2016·

So, Omari--what is your problem with that? My only problem with it would be using the word "progressive" to describe sound policy decisions.

Anonymous said...

Omari needs to go and NOT be elected to state rep. His #1 goal will be to hurt Lake Worth.

If you search public records, he has lied and cheated to get this democratic nomination. I think the ethic commission and the election committee was recently made aware of these issues.

More to come.

Lynn Anderson said...

@9:50--eagerly awaiting

Anonymous said...

if omari looses the election who says he cant lie bout his adress and run for mayor of lake worth.think we have problems now

Lynn Anderson said...

@9:42...Omari will win his general election if he's still on the ballot

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I still think it is crazy that he can run for the primary while not even living in the district. When he moves into the district in order to run for the state seat, he should resign his commission seat, however that scenario is not addressed in our Charter.

Lynn Anderson said...

Omari will face Republican Danielle Madsen and independent Rubin Anderson in November. Do you think either one has a chance in liberal PBCounty?
I hope I'm wrong in my prediction but I did say "if he's still on the ballot."