Monday, September 7, 2020

City of Portland is housing Antifa Rioters

"Immediately after acquiring this footage, I was chased approximately four or five blocks by two men, one with a slingshot and one just bare-fisted (known as Trumpet Man). I called Law Enforcement, and they had my back... the way they are supposed to and always will!!!

I'm not filming General homeless individuals. This encampment is filled with young vibrant people who are actively, at night, committing crimes, and burning Portland to the ground... There is usually 2 large buses that are close by, school type buses, but they must have sent them somewhere. I've been in this area a couple-few times this is the first time I filmed it...

Brigading is a tactic where a large group of subversive persons attempt to Gaslight a subject!👇👇👇👇👇👇"

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