Saturday, June 6, 2020

New Flag at City Hall

Many thanks to commissioner Scott Maxwell who bought and raised the new flag at City Hall that was cut to shreds and burned by an idiot "protester" from West Palm Beach. We can only assume that the city decided that it would inflame the situation more if it pressed charges.

We should never tolerate insurrection of any kind or give a pass to a punk who commits petty larceny and destruction of property.


Anonymous said...

thanks scott.i don't understand why good citizens get fined for little things like putting garbage out on the rong day or not cutting grass.then these ass holes disgrass our whole city and they are told not to do it again.did they get an ice cream cone also

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry; a good citizen doesn't put his garbage out on the wrong day. So what does he do then? Let it sit there for a week? I don't call that a good citizen!

Lynn Anderson said...

Anonymous — you are taking the garbage analogy rather than a metaphor