Thursday, June 4, 2020

Election Dates and Omari Hardy

Election Dates

A Presidential Primary Election is held on the third Tuesday of March in a presidential election year. The Primary Election is held 11 weeks before the General Election for purposes of nominating party nominees to be voted for in the General Election to fill a national, state, county, or district office. A General Election is held in November of every even-numbered year. The election dates for 2020 are:
  • Presidential Preference Primary Election: March 17 (held)
  • Primary Election: August 18
  • General Election: November 3
Omari Hardy has to win his primary election running against Al Jacquet. He seems confident that he will win.

Each of them have raised basically the same amount of money ($21,200 Jacquet, $20,803 Hardy) although contributions to Omari Hardy's campaign are more from the grassroots. Benny's on the Beach gave him $1,000.

1 comment:

Lynn Anderson said...

Hardy should win the nomination.