Friday, March 6, 2020

Republican Candidate to Defeat Lois Frankel

Steven Ledewitz, President of the Republican Club of Central Palm Beach County, with Michael Bluemling, Jr.

Aren't we all sick of Lois Frankel?  Well, Michael Bluemling, Jr is the guy who will defeat her this November. He's young; he's got the drive; He's got the smarts. We need someone in Congress who will get something done to benefit all of us in District 21 and someone who supports our President and the direction he is taking our great country.

Michael spoke at the Republican Club of Central Palm Beach County last night. He is a candidate for Congress District 21 against the do nothing Lois Frankel.

Michael holds a bachelor of science degree in business administration from ECPI University, a master of professional studies in human resources and employment relations from Pennsylvania State University, and a graduate certificate from UMass Dartmouth in Organizational Leadership. In addition, he graduated from the Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans (EBV) program through Florida State University.

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