Sunday, November 17, 2019

Gregg Jarrett Keynote Speaker at December Club 45

Gregory Walter "Gregg" Jarrett (born April 7, 1955) is an American news commentator, author, and attorney. He joined the Fox News Channel in November 2002, after working over ten years for local NBC and ABC TV stations, as well as national networks Court TV and MSNBC.

Every Republican alive knows who Gregg Jarrett is and now we'll get to meet him in person. He has described Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe as "illegitimate and corrupt" and likened the FBI to the KGB.


Lockem Upped said...

I hear Roger Stone may be there on the first stop of his Farewell Tour!

Lynn Anderson said...

Roger Stone will be pardoned— don’t worry about him

Lockem Upped said...

Like Flynn? Like Manafort? Amazing how many criminals have worked with Trump these last few years for the "Law & Order President." LOL.

More to come because they're nothing but fraudsters and liars.

Hey, refresh my memory, Lynn. How many of Obama's circle went to jail when he was president?

Lynn Anderson said...

NY went after Manafort for tax invasion and other personal crimes because of his connection to Trump, working in his campaign for 5 months until his "resignation" as Trump did not want to deal with the distraction.

General Flynn was set up by the FBI, told him he didn't even need an attorney, and convicted him for lying to the FBI about his conversations he had with Sergey Kislyak, who was Russia’s ambassador to the United States, about U.S. sanctions imposed on Moscow by President Barack Obama. Too bad he lied about this as his questions were kosher and proper.

The Deep State was and still is out to ruin all those affiliated with Trump.

I can't think of a corrupt government officials who was out to get Obama but there were plenty of scandals during his administration that seem to be overlooked by the Media.

Good luck on the impeachment. You guys will lose in 2020 BIG TIME!

Lockem Upped said...

Actually, I don't think we have too much to worry about. If the Democrats and Americans don't take care of him, looks like like God is working on it, too. A few more buckets of KFC and a couple more weeks like the last one and America and the world will be a much better and safer place. All we can do is pray.

Anonymous said...

7:43 REALLY? Clinton,Comey,Brennan,Simpson,Ohr's,McCabe, Clapper.Paige,Strocke etc,etc.etc.

Lynn Anderson said...

@8:13--they didn't go to jail but here's hoping when the IG Report comes out.

Lynn Anderson said...

@7:59--you guys are living on another planet. You proved nothing with these third hand "witnesses" who were not even on the call, never talked to the President. This is a power play by the State Dept and ambassadors with a different political view than the President who want their word as gospel.
You lose!
This entire mess reminds me of the city of Lake Worth whose staff wants their own way and manipulates the commission to approve of their suggestions. Bornstein is a whiz at this. Is he a Democrat? LOL

Anonymous said...

You talk about god, 7:59. Blasphemy from an atheist and Democrat. Go get a job as a comedian or something you are better suited to do.