Conservative Commentary/Opinion on Local, State & National issues. Hours 6am to 7pm to respond to comments
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Muslim giving democracy "The Finger"
I guess she didn't like President Trump's latest executive order--increased vetting of refugees and temporarily suspending entry from seven states which have a high radical Islamic population.
Too bad. I don't like people wanting to migrate or travel or visit my country giving us "the finger." It's the crazy news media and left-wing zealots who encourage them.
Hillary doesn't understand what "Protecting American Values" means
Well, who in the hell are we, Hillary? People who want to make this country safe again. We have the say so as to whom enters our country. It is not the other way around. And now we have a president who is looking our for this great nation.
(Angry Patriot) – Hillary Clinton always has something to say that will fuel the liberal anger and make herself seem like a saint. Her latest will disgust you.
Besides, Hillary has no right to speak on matters of our nation like she’s some kind of valued voice. It’s not just that she lost the election. She has also traded secrets our to the highest bidder and put a price on our national security. She doesn’t know the meaning of “American values” and she certainly does not uphold our Constitution. She does not get to speak for “who we are,” not now and not ever. She’s a criminal and will never be anything else. I agree with Donald Trump’s order, and I support it. Who else is with me?
The order in question denies entry, for 120 days, to people coming from the following countries: Iraq, Iran, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Libya, and Yemen. This is a preventive measure to keep the American people safe while Trump’s Administration implements a solution for our vetting process. (via The Hill)
Read more... at The Angry Patriot
Read Margaret Menge's article...on an illegal immigrant brutal crime that happened right here in Lake Worth/Greenacres.
Big Cypress Gallery Opening
Opening Reception - Meet Clyde & Niki
February 3 - February 4
Event Navigation

Clyde Butcher,
NAPC Candidate Debate
The debate this year was missing a top ingredient--enthusiasm. Only a couple of people were sign waving. No cars driving by honking horns for their candidates. Very few people were passing out candidate literature. During the first half of the debate, no one even clapped after a candidate spoke.
The room was not completely filled as it has been in the past. Perhaps that had something to do with the live streaming on Facebook that was a new feature. Perhaps it had to do with the fact there was very little advertising of it. People stayed home. Some people wore candidate t-shirts but not nearly as many as in past years.
Attorney John Paxman was the moderator again this year. He always does a good job. There were ushers all over the place, something different from years past. They had t-shirts saying "USHER" so you couldn't miss them. They passed the bucket for a collection for the Lake Worth Playhouse for clean-up and electricity.
The 17 questions were good with the debate lasting 2 hours and all the candidates performed to the best of their ability. Some are better speakers than others and some are better informed.
There was only one candidate who wanted the Atlanta Braves at John Prince Park, Ellie Whittey. But she has her campaign signs in 15 downtown stores she told us. A lot of the downtown merchants wanted national league baseball to bulldoze our park. She was the only candidate not to submit a bio for the program. I was surprised that Omari Hardy was against the Braves going there as Scott Maxwell is behind his campaign, a commissioner who lobbied every city around the park to approve a resolution supporting the Atlanta Braves coming there. The Lake Worth majority commission of which Christopher McVoy is not a part, voted for a Atlanta Braves resolution as well.
I left the playhouse with no new revelations and nothing to change my mind about who I believe will be the best commissioner in District 2 and District 4.
See PBPost article...
View the video
Draining the Swamp
[Politico] Yesterday, President Donald Trump signed three new executive actions to reorganize the National Security Council, impose a five-year ban on lobbying for administration appointees and a lifetime ban on lobbying the government for other countries, and order the Department of Defense to come up with a plan within 30 days to defeat ISIS.
It was unclear if the actions were officially executive orders. He was surrounded by aides including senior advisers Kellyanne Conway and Steve Bannon, and White House Counselor Don McGahn.
Now let's see all the liberal heads collectively explode, the news media go wild and nutty people filing lawsuits.
Monday, January 30, 2017
President Trump's Executive Order Ban
Aren't you sick to death of the now over-used expression--"This is what America Stands for?" It doesn't stand for immigrants entering our country who want to do us harm.
"U.S. Rep. Lois Frankel, former mayor of West Palm Beach, joined the protest, which was organized by Women’s March Florida and South Florida Activism. She just had to give us all her political bull...politics before our country. The executive order applies only to non-U.S. citizens, so anyone with U.S. citizenship—whether that person in natural-born or naturalized—is not affected. But on Sunday, Reince Preibus, the White House chief of staff, said on NBC’s Meet the Press that Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) agents would have the “discretionary authority” to question U.S. citizens coming from the seven countries. CBP agents have had that authority even before Friday’s executive order."[The Atlantic]
This is NOT a Muslim ban. If it were, Trump missed the top ten Muslim nations in the world. Do we know who these people are who are coming into our country? Are they vetted thoroughly? The Press and politics is blowing this out of proportion to suit their agenda. Hold Donald Trump to the same standard as Barack Obama.
For 120 days, the order bars the entry of any refugee who is awaiting resettlement in the U.S. It also prohibits all Syrian refugees from entering the U.S. until further notice. Additionally, it bans the citizens of seven majority-Muslim countries—Iraq, Iran, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Libya, and Yemen—from entering the U.S. on any visa category.
Donald Trump,
Executive Orders,
Immigration Ban,
Lois Frankel
Travel Ban for 7 Muslim countries
The Brotherhood’s self-avowed goal is to
spread Shariah around the globe. In the U.S., it works through a network
of alphabet-soup organization that include CAIR, the Muslim Student
Association or MSA, the Islamic Society of North America or ISNA, the
Islamic Circle of North America or ICNA, and the Muslim American Society
or MAS.
Read about it...
President Trump is following through with his campaign promises. A few people will get caught in the crosshairs in the beginning of this 120 day executive order that bars citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the US in order to ensure the safety and security of the American people. Green card holders will now have to go through a different level of security and waivers will be expedited for all those with dual citizenship.
Read about it...
President Trump is following through with his campaign promises. A few people will get caught in the crosshairs in the beginning of this 120 day executive order that bars citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the US in order to ensure the safety and security of the American people. Green card holders will now have to go through a different level of security and waivers will be expedited for all those with dual citizenship.
Donald Trump,
Executive Orders,
Muslim Brotherhood,
Sharia Law
President Trump's temporary ban on travelers from Seven Mid-East Countries
"The Immigration and Nationality Act passed June 27, 1952 revised the laws relating to immigration, naturalization, and nationality for the United States. That act, which became Public Law 414, established both the law and the intent of Congress regarding the immigration of Aliens to the US and remains in effect today. Among the many issues it covers, one in particular, found in Chapter 2 Section 212, is the prohibition of entry to the US if the Alien belongs to an organization seeking to overthrow the government of the United States by "force, violence, or other unconstitutional means." This, by its very definition, rules out Islamic immigration to the United States, but this law is being ignored by the White House.
Islamic immigration to the US would be prohibited under this law because the Koran, Sharia Law and the Hadith all require complete submission to Islam, which is antithetical to the US government, the Constitution, and to the Republic.
All Muslims who attest that the Koran is their life's guiding principal subscribe to submission to Islam and its form of government. Now the political correct crowd would say that Islamists cannot be prohibited from entering the US because Islam is a religion. Whether it is a religion is immaterial because the law states that Aliens who are affiliated with any "organization" that advocates the overthrow of our government are prohibited..Enforce the law," says Susan P!!
President Trump is making America safe again in spite of the first snafu that his security team now fully understands. There is nothing wrong with re-screening those holding Green Cards when re-entering this country.
Trump's executive order was based on a bill that Obama signed into law in December 2015. The countries were chosen through Obama's Visa Waiver Program Improvement and Terrorist Travel Prevention Act as part of an omnibus spending bill. The legislation restricted access to the Visa Waiver Program, which allows citizens from 38 countries who are visiting the United States for less than 90 days to enter without a visa. Right now, the temporary ban involves 7 countries for 90 days.
Sunday, January 29, 2017
Evita at Lake Worth Playhouse
Saw Evita today, an operetta that concentrates on the life of Argentine political leader Eva Perón, the second wife of Argentine president Juan Perón. The story follows Evita's early life, rise to power, charity work, and eventual death. Great casting.
Staff Sgt gets first dance with First Lady
U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Jose Medina, 29, of Puerto Rico danced with first lady Melania Trump Friday night during the Salute to the Armed Services Ball in Washington, D.C.
Lake Worth Tree Festival February 18th
January 27, 2017
Contact: David McGrew
Phone: 561.586.1677
City of Lake Worth Annual Festival of Trees
The Lake Worth City Tree Board will hold its 12th Annual Festival of Trees on Saturday, Feb. 18, 2017 from 9 a.m. to 3 the Cultural Plaza, 414 Lake Avenue (between Lake & Lucerne Avenues and M Street & Federal Hwy)
Admission is free and everyone is welcome. The theme this year is “Birds, Bees and Trees: how planting and properly caring for South Florida native trees, shrubs and ground-cover can serve as quality habitat for birds, bees, insects and butterflies.”
“At the Festival of Trees, you can buy native trees and plants from local nurseries and representatives from native nurseries can share information and advice as well as answer questions you may have about proper plant placement and tree pruning,” said David McGrew, City of Lake Worth Horticulturalist and staff liaison to the Tree Board.
A series of talks will take place on the Festival stage.
At 10:30 a.m., Melissa Mcgaughey-Moyroud, proprietor of Lorax Designs - a 17-year old landscape design firm specializing in Florida natives, edibles, butterfly gardens, composting, pesticide & fungicide-free landscapes and minimal irrigation, will speak about the top 5 small native trees best suited for downtown Lake Worth (flowering, full sun, full shade, butterfly/ hummingbird, low care). Lorax Designs has been awarded the Broward County NatureScape Emerald Award twice (2005, 2013) and the Florida Native Plant Society State Award for Professional Landscape in 2006.
At 11 a.m., Andy Tellier, who has a Bachelor of Science in Horticulture at Western Kentucky University, founded Arbor Experts 14 years ago and currently serves as the consulting arborist at the Norton Museum of Art, will speak about the Ficus altissima preservation project recently performed for the City of Lake Worth.
At noon, Christen Mason, who serves as Chair of the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council and works as an invasive species biologist with the South Florida Water Management District, will speak about removing invasive exotics on residential lots. At work Ms. Mason develops and co-ordinates restoration plans and manages invasive plant removal.
At 12:30 p.m., Stephen J Byers, from Bee Healthy Honey Farms a bonafide bee farm located in unincorporated West Delray Beach hobby to business, will speak about getting started as a beekeeper and how beekeeping can grow from a hobby to a business.
Pam Triolo will read the Arbor Day proclamation at 1 p.m. and Downtown Dance Lake Worth will perform immediately afterward.
Children activities - making natural bird feeders - will take place at the Audubon Society of the Everglades table.
Tree Board Chair, Richard Stowe said that “In its 12th year, the Festival of Trees has evolved into an “edutainment" event in which exciting information-packed talks are capped off by beautiful dance performances.”
The Lake Worth City Tree Board is composed of volunteers appointed by the Mayor and City Commissioners. The Tree Board is one of a number of advisory boards which assist the City Commission. Members of the public are encouraged to attend Tree Board meetings on the second Thursday of the month.
Please contact David McGrew with any questions or comments.
January 27, 2017
Contact: David McGrew
Phone: 561.586.1677
City of Lake Worth Annual Festival of Trees
The Lake Worth City Tree Board will hold its 12th Annual Festival of Trees on Saturday, Feb. 18, 2017 from 9 a.m. to 3 the Cultural Plaza, 414 Lake Avenue (between Lake & Lucerne Avenues and M Street & Federal Hwy)
Admission is free and everyone is welcome. The theme this year is “Birds, Bees and Trees: how planting and properly caring for South Florida native trees, shrubs and ground-cover can serve as quality habitat for birds, bees, insects and butterflies.”
“At the Festival of Trees, you can buy native trees and plants from local nurseries and representatives from native nurseries can share information and advice as well as answer questions you may have about proper plant placement and tree pruning,” said David McGrew, City of Lake Worth Horticulturalist and staff liaison to the Tree Board.
A series of talks will take place on the Festival stage.
At 10:30 a.m., Melissa Mcgaughey-Moyroud, proprietor of Lorax Designs - a 17-year old landscape design firm specializing in Florida natives, edibles, butterfly gardens, composting, pesticide & fungicide-free landscapes and minimal irrigation, will speak about the top 5 small native trees best suited for downtown Lake Worth (flowering, full sun, full shade, butterfly/ hummingbird, low care). Lorax Designs has been awarded the Broward County NatureScape Emerald Award twice (2005, 2013) and the Florida Native Plant Society State Award for Professional Landscape in 2006.
At 11 a.m., Andy Tellier, who has a Bachelor of Science in Horticulture at Western Kentucky University, founded Arbor Experts 14 years ago and currently serves as the consulting arborist at the Norton Museum of Art, will speak about the Ficus altissima preservation project recently performed for the City of Lake Worth.
At noon, Christen Mason, who serves as Chair of the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council and works as an invasive species biologist with the South Florida Water Management District, will speak about removing invasive exotics on residential lots. At work Ms. Mason develops and co-ordinates restoration plans and manages invasive plant removal.
At 12:30 p.m., Stephen J Byers, from Bee Healthy Honey Farms a bonafide bee farm located in unincorporated West Delray Beach hobby to business, will speak about getting started as a beekeeper and how beekeeping can grow from a hobby to a business.
Pam Triolo will read the Arbor Day proclamation at 1 p.m. and Downtown Dance Lake Worth will perform immediately afterward.
Children activities - making natural bird feeders - will take place at the Audubon Society of the Everglades table.
Tree Board Chair, Richard Stowe said that “In its 12th year, the Festival of Trees has evolved into an “edutainment" event in which exciting information-packed talks are capped off by beautiful dance performances.”
The Lake Worth City Tree Board is composed of volunteers appointed by the Mayor and City Commissioners. The Tree Board is one of a number of advisory boards which assist the City Commission. Members of the public are encouraged to attend Tree Board meetings on the second Thursday of the month.
Please contact David McGrew with any questions or comments.
City of Lake Worth,
Cultural Plaza,
Hameed Darweesh
Obviously, the president's new policy is not for men like Mr. Darweesh.
Foreign Policy,
United States
Netanyahu tells Trump--"Build the Wall"
(The Blaze) – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took to Twitter on Saturday to offer President Donald Trump praise over his idea to build a wall on the southern U.S. border with Mexico.
“President Trump is right. I built a wall along Israel’s southern border. It stopped all illegal immigration. Great success. Great idea,” Netanyahu tweeted along with American and Israeli flag emojis.
Benjamin Netanyahu,
Build the Wall,
Donald Trump
Saturday, January 28, 2017
Hawaiian Surfers
Laurence McNamara's grandson, Makai McNamara of the North Shore Surf Shop team is following in his father Liam's and uncle Garrett's footsteps. He is 21 and the 2nd generation of professional McNamara surfers. Garrett broke the world record in 2011 for largest wave ever surfed at Nazaré, Portugal
Rider Makai McNamara lines up a deep barrel at Sunset. He just scored a 10 at Big Pipe. The Banzai Pipeline, or simply "Pipeline" or "Pipe," is a surf reef break located in Hawaii, off Ehukai Beach Park in Pupukea on O'ahu's North Shore
Rider Makai McNamara lines up a deep barrel at Sunset. He just scored a 10 at Big Pipe. The Banzai Pipeline, or simply "Pipeline" or "Pipe," is a surf reef break located in Hawaii, off Ehukai Beach Park in Pupukea on O'ahu's North Shore
We ARE a Sanctuary City - Don't kid yourself
In the Palm Beach Post today was an article on Sanctuary Cities wherein everyone in authority denies that we are a Sanctuary City or a Sanctuary County. When you have a PBSO that is less than cooperative with the federal government in this regard, then we have a big problem.
Thanks to Ric Bradshaw, not only is Lake Worth a Sanctuary City but the entire county of Palm Beach was named one and officially added to the list on October 15, 2015. Source: 10-8-14 DHS DDO Report. Sanctuary Cities.
Back in June 2014, Sheriff Ric Bradshaw said he will no longer hold illegal aliens in the county jail if they are arrested for shoplifting (this offense happens all of the time in Lake Worth--lock up everything Publix) or driving without a driver's license. He says that he will release them immediately unless ICE goes before a magistrate. If they are arrested for a felony, that will be an exception. Bradshaw created this Sanctuary city status.
Read Bradshaw's statement back in 2014
ICE has to go before a judge before getting the criminal illegal released to them otherwise he won't hold them? Bradshaw's policy opened up the floodgates for more and more illegals to drive without a license and commit petit theft. Don't we have enough crap in our city?
We have a big problem in Palm Beach County when elected officials and our own PBSO believe the government is forcing us to obey the law or when Commissioner Amoroso insinuates that it is a racial thing against brown people or those who don't speak English.
Thanks to Ric Bradshaw, not only is Lake Worth a Sanctuary City but the entire county of Palm Beach was named one and officially added to the list on October 15, 2015. Source: 10-8-14 DHS DDO Report. Sanctuary Cities.
Back in June 2014, Sheriff Ric Bradshaw said he will no longer hold illegal aliens in the county jail if they are arrested for shoplifting (this offense happens all of the time in Lake Worth--lock up everything Publix) or driving without a driver's license. He says that he will release them immediately unless ICE goes before a magistrate. If they are arrested for a felony, that will be an exception. Bradshaw created this Sanctuary city status.
Read Bradshaw's statement back in 2014
ICE has to go before a judge before getting the criminal illegal released to them otherwise he won't hold them? Bradshaw's policy opened up the floodgates for more and more illegals to drive without a license and commit petit theft. Don't we have enough crap in our city?
We have a big problem in Palm Beach County when elected officials and our own PBSO believe the government is forcing us to obey the law or when Commissioner Amoroso insinuates that it is a racial thing against brown people or those who don't speak English.
Women's March - The After Effects
Besides their garbage mouths, they left the entire area a pigsty. Read the clean-up report.
Cringe-Worthy Moments:
Celebration of the Re-Opening of the Lake Worth Gym
Contact: Aundra Lowe, Recreation Athletic Coordinator
Phone: 561.533.7363
10:00AM – 12:00am
Lake Worth, Florida - Please join us as we celebrate the grand Re-Opening of the City of Lake Worth Municipal Gymnasium on Saturday, February 4, 2017. Doors will open at 10:00am followed by a ribbon cutting ceremony, bounce houses, music and much more!
Contact: Aundra Lowe, Recreation Athletic Coordinator
Phone: 561.533.7363
10:00AM – 12:00am
Lake Worth, Florida - Please join us as we celebrate the grand Re-Opening of the City of Lake Worth Municipal Gymnasium on Saturday, February 4, 2017. Doors will open at 10:00am followed by a ribbon cutting ceremony, bounce houses, music and much more!
ISIS near our southern border
There long have been claims of activity by Islamic terrorists just across the U.S. southern border in Mexico
... claims that ISIS was setting up training camps in the region and
that Muslim terrorists were infiltrating the U.S. through that region.
Generally the claims have been dismissed as right-wing paranoia and anti-Muslim bigotry.
Now this border state is issuing alarms about that very issue in its new Public Safety Threat Overview, released just this month.
Better late than never ...
Read about it...
Generally the claims have been dismissed as right-wing paranoia and anti-Muslim bigotry.
Now this border state is issuing alarms about that very issue in its new Public Safety Threat Overview, released just this month.
Better late than never ...
Read about it...
Friday, January 27, 2017
March For Life
The 2017 March for Life saw thousands of pro-life demonstrators rally at the National Mall in Washington, DC, spurred on by encouraging messages from newly-inaugurated President Donald Trump and appearances by his top surrogates. Vice President Mike Pence became the first VP ever to address the crowd, while Trump’s winning campaign manager Kellyanne Conway headlined the event.
Read Breitbart.
Murdering Creep finally gets what's coming to him
This thug raped an Iraqi war veteran's wife... then executed the wife and the veteran for fun. The thug just found out what's coming for him--DEATH. My only question is, why does it take so long for justice to be given?
Read about it...
On October 15, 2008, four Marines entered the Pietrzak home, sexually assaulted Jenkins-Pietrzak and tortured the couple before killing them. Two of the four accused Marines worked under Pietrzak's command. Despite efforts to convey the event as being racially motivated, Riverside County authorities maintain the motivation was robbery, and the pending murder with special circumstances and sexual assault charges do not include an assertion that the crime was racially motivated. All four of the accused plead not guilty to murdering Pietrzak and his wife. Source; Wikipedia
Death Penalty,
Muslim Refugees still coming to the U.S. despite Executive Order
Since Donald Trump's first full day in the White House on Jan. 21, the U.S. has imported nearly 2,000 refugees from around the world, with about half coming from Muslim-dominated countries.
Didn't he already take care of this? Didn't he sign an executive order?
Why is the United Nations still hand-picking who gets to come to the U.S.?
Among the nations that are sending Muslims to the U.S. as “refugees,” the following are the numbers that have entered since Trump took office:
Didn't he already take care of this? Didn't he sign an executive order?
Why is the United Nations still hand-picking who gets to come to the U.S.?
Among the nations that are sending Muslims to the U.S. as “refugees,” the following are the numbers that have entered since Trump took office:
- Syria – 266
- Somalia – 211
- Burma – 185
- Iraq – 183
- Sudan – 37
- Afghanistan – 13
Donald Trump,
Executive Orders,
United Nations
Lake Worth City Manager says we're not a Sanctuary City
Ric Bradshaw says the same thing when it comes to the County.
Read about it...
Lake Worth is a Sanctuary City right along with 30 other cities across the country. How in the heck did this happen in our country? All of Palm Beach County under Public Safety with the PBSO, is a Sanctuary area as well because Ric Bradshaw will not call ICE when they encounter an illegal committing a crime. Why aren't the laws of this country enforced? Well, we know why. We just elected a new president who plans on changing this.
Miami caves to President Trump and orders employees to begin working closely with the federal immigration authorities.
Trump's Executive Order
Another Women's March Idiot
You remember this crazy lunatic who said: “If someone was cruel enough to assassinate MLK, maybe someone will be kind enough to assassinate Trump."
Well, she's being investigated by the Secret Service and she was fired from her jobs.
Not only were women who participated in the Women's March fooled by felons, but they have aligned themselves with a woman such as this who threatened the president. What now will they do to Madonna?
Read about it...
Death Threat,
Secret Service,
Women's March
Women are in bed with the worst of Women
(Spectator) – Via Twitter, on a Reddit forum, I stumbled over this horrifying story: Donna Hylton, a woman who spent time in prison for participating in the kidnapping, rape, murder, and ransoming of a gay man, spoke at the Women’s March as an advocate for women of color.
Here, Donna Hylton, is being interviewed by CGTN or the Chinese Government Television Network:
Here, Donna Hylton, is being interviewed by CGTN or the Chinese Government Television Network:
Women's March
Thursday, January 26, 2017
Internal Auditor To Retire from Lake Worth
Here's a man whose suggestions were ignored and/or never implemented. Another one bites the dust.
Kenneth Oakes, the City of Lake Worth Internal Auditor, will
be retiring on March 31, 2017. Ken has served as the Internal Auditor for the
past four years and during his tenure with Lake Worth, many of his audits,
particularly the early ones, have significantly impacted the City’s processes
and controls.
In Ken’s time with the City, he has built an impressive
portfolio of more than 45 reports, memos on a variety of audit topics, audit
plans, documents establishing new programs and procedures, and investigation
result memos that have been sent to the City Commission.
Ken’s initial plans for his retirement involve his fishing
equipment and passport and visiting his kids in New York during the warmer
“Ken was our first Internal Auditor to serve even though the position was first created in 1988 it remained vacant for many years. The IA is an important part of our government and Ken basically created and set the bar for future Auditors. I have valued his reports, insights, and thoughtful approach to the City organization.” ~Lake Worth City Manager, Michael Bornstein
“Years before working in the City, in fact even before I was
a full-time Florida resident (pre-2005), I was a regular visitor to the Lake
and Lucerne restaurant scene. This practice will absolutely continue, as I have
always felt very comfortable in this wild and wooly culture. In addition, my
graphic artist wife Sue has exhibited art works in many of the City’s venues over
the years. I’m sure this will continue as well. Even though I live in suburban
Lake Worth, my attachment to and connection with this burgh will continue.”
~Lake Worth Internal Auditor, Kenneth Oakes
contact Ben Kerr, the City of Lake Worth Communications Specialist with any
questions or comments.
City of Lake Worth,
Internal Auditor,
Kenneth Oakes
CNN releases the REAL news
CNN (Fake News) reported that President Trump’s crowd size was much smaller than President Obama’s crowd size in 2009, and CNN provided two pictures to show the difference.
CNN quietly releases updated photo of the real size of the Donald Trump Inaugural.
Obama in final hours
WASHINGTON (AP) — Officials say the Obama administration in its waning hours defied Republican opposition and quietly released $221 million to the Palestinian Authority that GOP members of Congress had been blocking.
But guess what?
President Trump has frozen the secret monetary gift to the Palestinian Authority
Shots fired at vehicle in Lake Worth
[Palm Beach Post]: LAKE WORTH
A vehicle with bullet holes was left Wednesday afternoon near Wingfield Street and 14th Avenue South, the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office said.
Deputies responded to the area after reports of shots fired. A victim, (did the Post mean to used the word "victim?") however, has not been found.
Road patrol deputies are searching for possible victims and witnesses, the sheriff’s office said.
Instead of commission candidates worried about Round-Up on our golf course, I would like to see them all tackling the slum, blight and crime in our city which has truly been under-stated in Lake Worth.
A vehicle with bullet holes was left Wednesday afternoon near Wingfield Street and 14th Avenue South, the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office said.
Deputies responded to the area after reports of shots fired. A victim, (did the Post mean to used the word "victim?") however, has not been found.
Road patrol deputies are searching for possible victims and witnesses, the sheriff’s office said.
Instead of commission candidates worried about Round-Up on our golf course, I would like to see them all tackling the slum, blight and crime in our city which has truly been under-stated in Lake Worth.
City of Lake Worth,
Liberal Women used again
The Women's March was disgusting in many ways. What started out as an anti-Trump subversive march became anti-American and all that we stand for even attracting punk criminal protesters the day before. Many women unknowingly were used for ultra-causes even ISIS.
(Angry Patriot) – Linda Sarsour was one of the organizers of the Women’s March that took place all across the country, and she has ties to terrorist organizations.
Released on Twitter is a picture of Sarsour holding up one finger, as in the salute that means loyalty to ISIS, as per Daily Caller.
(Angry Patriot) – Linda Sarsour was one of the organizers of the Women’s March that took place all across the country, and she has ties to terrorist organizations.
Released on Twitter is a picture of Sarsour holding up one finger, as in the salute that means loyalty to ISIS, as per Daily Caller.
Donald Trump,
Women's March
The Government holds the Key - Voter Fraud
Even at our local elections, poll watching is now the norm. Why would candidates believe that it is necessary to have them? Everyone knows fraud happens. One fraudulent vote can change a result.
The Democrats and the Fake News Media love to hammer President Trump when he talks about voter fraud. Even yesterday on Fox News, Shepard Smith gave the same old line..."it can't be proven." They try to convince you that Donald Trump is a nut job or that he is obsessed with Hillary's popular vote and that the Democrats are all squeaky clean.
"But here's how it can be finally proven that countless votes being cast in U.S. elections are completely fraudulent..."
Here's how to prove it...and now with Donald Trump as president, we can get to the truth and expose the cover-up that has occurred over the past eight years.
The Democrats and the Fake News Media love to hammer President Trump when he talks about voter fraud. Even yesterday on Fox News, Shepard Smith gave the same old line..."it can't be proven." They try to convince you that Donald Trump is a nut job or that he is obsessed with Hillary's popular vote and that the Democrats are all squeaky clean.
"But here's how it can be finally proven that countless votes being cast in U.S. elections are completely fraudulent..."
Here's how to prove it...and now with Donald Trump as president, we can get to the truth and expose the cover-up that has occurred over the past eight years.
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Lake Worth Electric Utility Director Resigns
January 25, 2017
Contact: Ben Kerr, Communications Specialist
Phone: 561.586.1631
Resignation of John “Jack” Borsch, Director of City of Lake Worth Electric Utilities
John “Jack” Borsch, the Director of the City of Lake Worth Electric Utilities has tendered his resignation with the City, effective February 26. Jack has served as the Director of Electric Utilities since August 2015 and during his tenure with Lake Worth, the Electric Utilities has celebrated multiple successes thanks to his leadership.
In Jack’s time with the City, Lake Worth Electric Utilities has closed the gap on FP&L rates bringing the City to the verge of rate parity for residential properties. Next month the ribbon cutting ceremony will be held for the Lake Worth Solar Field where the first phase of solar panels will begin to provide 2% of the City’s electric needs, a project that has been developed and led by Jack and his department. During Hurricane Matthew, and recent storms, Lake Worth Electric Utilities has managed to maintain power for most residents with only minimal disruption due in part to Jack’s planning before and actions during the storm.
Jack is moving to IHI Industrial based in California where he will manage a fleet of power stations along the US Eastern Seaboard.
“Jack has been a key part of my management team and a strong leader in transitioning Lake Worth Electric Utilities into a well-run operation. I wish him the best of success as he moves into his new position.” ~City Manager Michael Bornstein
“I love the City and have worked hard to make positive changes over the last two years. This decision was not one based on any malcontent with the City but rather was based on a positive opportunity that would allow me to be located closer to family.” ~Lake Worth Electric Utilities Director, John Borsch
Please contact Ben Kerr, the City of Lake Worth Communications Specialist with any questions or comments.
Contact: Ben Kerr, Communications Specialist
Phone: 561.586.1631
Resignation of John “Jack” Borsch, Director of City of Lake Worth Electric Utilities
John “Jack” Borsch, the Director of the City of Lake Worth Electric Utilities has tendered his resignation with the City, effective February 26. Jack has served as the Director of Electric Utilities since August 2015 and during his tenure with Lake Worth, the Electric Utilities has celebrated multiple successes thanks to his leadership.
In Jack’s time with the City, Lake Worth Electric Utilities has closed the gap on FP&L rates bringing the City to the verge of rate parity for residential properties. Next month the ribbon cutting ceremony will be held for the Lake Worth Solar Field where the first phase of solar panels will begin to provide 2% of the City’s electric needs, a project that has been developed and led by Jack and his department. During Hurricane Matthew, and recent storms, Lake Worth Electric Utilities has managed to maintain power for most residents with only minimal disruption due in part to Jack’s planning before and actions during the storm.
Jack is moving to IHI Industrial based in California where he will manage a fleet of power stations along the US Eastern Seaboard.
“Jack has been a key part of my management team and a strong leader in transitioning Lake Worth Electric Utilities into a well-run operation. I wish him the best of success as he moves into his new position.” ~City Manager Michael Bornstein
“I love the City and have worked hard to make positive changes over the last two years. This decision was not one based on any malcontent with the City but rather was based on a positive opportunity that would allow me to be located closer to family.” ~Lake Worth Electric Utilities Director, John Borsch
Please contact Ben Kerr, the City of Lake Worth Communications Specialist with any questions or comments.
City of Lake Worth,
Jack Borsch,
Utility Director
Lake Worth - State of the City Address
January 24, 2017
Contact: Silvina Donaldson
Phone: 561.586.1730
City of Lake Worth Mayor’s State of the City Address – 2017
Tuesday, January 31st | 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Lake Worth Casino Ball Room
This year, City of Lake Worth Mayor, Pam Triolo, will be presenting her State of the City Address on January 31st at 6:00 PM in the Lake Worth Casino Ball Room. The Mayor will be discussing the City’s current progress and exciting plans for the future. City staff will have tables with information and guests will be able to meet with select staff to learn more about what is being done to move the City forward.
Free parking will be available at the Casino and Beach Complex premises starting at 5:30 PM. Seating and parking will be provided on a first come first serve basis.
Admission is free.
January 24, 2017
Contact: Silvina Donaldson
Phone: 561.586.1730
City of Lake Worth Mayor’s State of the City Address – 2017
Tuesday, January 31st | 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Lake Worth Casino Ball Room
This year, City of Lake Worth Mayor, Pam Triolo, will be presenting her State of the City Address on January 31st at 6:00 PM in the Lake Worth Casino Ball Room. The Mayor will be discussing the City’s current progress and exciting plans for the future. City staff will have tables with information and guests will be able to meet with select staff to learn more about what is being done to move the City forward.
Free parking will be available at the Casino and Beach Complex premises starting at 5:30 PM. Seating and parking will be provided on a first come first serve basis.
Admission is free.
City of Lake Worth,
Pam Triolo,
State of the City
Radical Muslims behind the Women's March?
Why would American women, and even the homosexual community, make common cause with those who would strip them of their rights and civil liberties?
“Very powerful Muslim Brotherhood organizations helped organize and promote this event targeting very specific groups. And, starting in 1962, the Muslim Brotherhood placed very powerful people in the media profession to co-opt the media.”
Read about it...
“Very powerful Muslim Brotherhood organizations helped organize and promote this event targeting very specific groups. And, starting in 1962, the Muslim Brotherhood placed very powerful people in the media profession to co-opt the media.”
Read about it...
Muslim Brotherhood,
Women's March
This will piss off Liberals
WASHINGTON, D.C., January 24, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) – The U.S. House of Representatives voted 238 to 183 today to permanently ban taxpayer funding of abortion.
The No Taxpayer Funding of Abortion Act (HR 7), introduced by Rep. Chris Smith, R-NJ, makes permanent the so-called Hyde Amendment. Thus far the amendment, which prohibits federal money from being used to fund abortions through Medicaid, has been subject to annual renewal.
Kim Jung - A dangerous little pissant
(Angry Patriot) – Remember Kim Jong’s little threat that he would be performing a nuclear test during President Trump’s Inauguration? Trump answered Jong with this statement, that his Administration will “develop a state-of-the-art missile defense system to protect against missile-based attacks from states like Iran and North Korea.” (via
Donald Trump,
Kim Jong Un,
North Korea,
Florida Open Carry Law bill to be rewritten
FL Sen. Greg Steube says "he’s not moving forward with a comprehensive proposal to legalize open carry in the Sunshine State. Steube made the announcement after Tuesday’s Senate Judiciary Committee meeting, where he sits as chair. Open carry as a whole isn’t totally off the table, though. Steube said he would instead file several different, smaller gun measures, which would still tick several proposals he has long pushed off of his legislative checklist."
Read more... and how Sen. Steube is switching strategies in the hopes of getting legislation passed this year that will make it easier for gun-owners with conceal-carry permits to carry their guns in public. The present bill SB 140 will be broken up into 10 smaller bills focusing on different aspects of the law in order to have a more successful chance of open carry to be enacted.
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Why people no longer like CNN
Marc Lamont Hill, a regular CNN contributor, disparages pro-Trump blacks...calls them "mediocre."
So where does that leave
Dr. Ben Carson
Herschel Walker
Dennis Rodman
Col. Allen West
Hermain Cain
Rev. Darrell Scott
to name a few
Radical Muslims in America
The federal government is actively facilitating the colonization of the United States by radical Muslims. And if action is not taken soon, America may suffer the fate of Europe – entire areas controlled by Shariah law.
Sharia Law,
United States
Inauguration Protesters
Couldn't happen to more deserving people. May justice prevail. And all those women who tried to knock down the fence near the Whitehouse, they should be arrested too.
The Set-Up
Bryant Park Neighborhood Association had its District 2 Candidate Forum last night at The Beach Club located at the Lake Worth Golf Course. It was not well advertised but it did have a full house...a house packed with opponents of Commissioner McVoy.
Omari Hardy has come a long way in one week's time but being a school teacher, he is probably a fast learner of the political game. You can say anything that sounds good. Who is to know the difference? Once you say something that may be short on facts, the damage is already out there. Last week he talked about infrastructure needs. Last night he mentioned that we had a bond that had passed to fix some of it.
He accused the incumbent McVoy of missing meetings, making it sound as if this is a constant practice which it is not. McVoy should have immediately asked for a rebuttal, something Hardy did frequently in order to discredit McVoy.
Commissioner McVoy missed one regular meeting in 2016 and a few workshops. Hardy accused McVoy of missing a general meeting and at a subsequent meeting voting approval on minutes of that meeting where he was absent. This is flat wrong if he was referring to the meeting of August 16 and approval of the minutes of that meeting on September 6, 2016. McVoy was the dissenting vote on Minute approvals. See Minutes of August 16, 2016
Commissioner McVoy, an honorable man and even clapping or smiling for his opponents, is a gentleman surrounded by piranhas in armed and dangerous Lake Worth politics.
Omari Hardy has come a long way in one week's time but being a school teacher, he is probably a fast learner of the political game. You can say anything that sounds good. Who is to know the difference? Once you say something that may be short on facts, the damage is already out there. Last week he talked about infrastructure needs. Last night he mentioned that we had a bond that had passed to fix some of it.
He accused the incumbent McVoy of missing meetings, making it sound as if this is a constant practice which it is not. McVoy should have immediately asked for a rebuttal, something Hardy did frequently in order to discredit McVoy.
Commissioner McVoy missed one regular meeting in 2016 and a few workshops. Hardy accused McVoy of missing a general meeting and at a subsequent meeting voting approval on minutes of that meeting where he was absent. This is flat wrong if he was referring to the meeting of August 16 and approval of the minutes of that meeting on September 6, 2016. McVoy was the dissenting vote on Minute approvals. See Minutes of August 16, 2016
Commissioner McVoy, an honorable man and even clapping or smiling for his opponents, is a gentleman surrounded by piranhas in armed and dangerous Lake Worth politics.
Chelsea, the Kid
(Bizpac Review) – Chelsea Clinton says Barron Trump shouldn’t be used as a political prop. Unless, of course, she’s doing it. Clinton posted a statement on Twitter and Facebook that defended Barron’s right to just be a kid and not be bullied by anti-Trumpers.
The 10-year-old son of President Donald Trump has been mocked by thugs who suggested he’s autistic. One SNL writer even said Barron would be “the country’s first homeschool shooter.”
In a social media post on Sunday night, former first daughter Chelsea wrote: “Barron Trump deserves the chance every child does — to be a kid. Standing up for every kid also means opposing POTUS policies that hurt kids.”
Although Chelsea is 36 years old, we still think of her as a kid. Her above statement proves it.
Monday, January 23, 2017
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