Sunday, February 9, 2014

Quote of the Day - Rubio and Menendez

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“We have this trend in Latin America of people who get elected but then don’t govern democratically. Argentina is an example of this.”

~ Senator Marco Rubio

--comparing the country to Venezuela, which also is suffering high inflation.

Talking about the very possible collapse of the Argentine government--

“We have debt to the United States that they keep playing with by saying ‘we’re going to renegotiate’, and never get to a renegotiation.”

~ Senator Robert Menendez, a Democrat.


Anonymous said...

Rubio said one thing to get elected. Once elected, Rubio ignored what he had previously said. Rubio is not to be trusted. He is a typical political snake.

Lynn Anderson said...

Are you talking about immigration? Is that the one thing you condemn him for or is it everything? Be specific.
or tell us how you would get rid of possibly 33 million illegals in our country.