Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Waterman & Ramiccio in Run-Off

Comment Up
14 of 14 Precincts Reporting

Percent Votes
Javier Del Sol
2.01% 50
Lisa Maxwell
26.35% 656
Tom Ramiccio
29.84% 743
Rachel Waterman
41.81% 1,041



Anonymous said...

OMG Lynn, i think we all have to brace ourselves with what you will post in the next four months...this blog has definitely been earmarked as posting the nastiest of the nasty, politically speaking...

Lynn Anderson said...

Depends on which side of truth you are on. The REAL stuff or made-up fabrications that have been over the top by Mr. Ramiccio. I believe most people understand what is right and what is not.

So, earmark this--Waterman will continue to run a clean campaign.

Anonymous said...

Lynn just list what the city has done right in your mindfervo

Anonymous said...

I certainly hope with the support of Lisa Maxwell for Ramiccio will put him over the top ! We DO need someone with experience,leadership and vision and it is clear that Rachel has NONE !

Linda G.

Anonymous said...

What vision does Ramiccio have?

Anonymous said...

Rachel can afford the appearance of running a clean campaign - You're doing a lot the dirty and negative campaigning for her, as are the cyclists who systemically steal Tom's signs....
You blame Tom himself for signs put in 'illegal' spots....therefore can we also blame Rachel personally for the sign stealers?

Lynn Anderson said...

What I am blogging about happens to be the TRUTH, something you obviously don't know anything about.
Prove to me that anyone in the Waterman campaign stole a sign and I will put it up here. If you can't, stop the smear attacks. We are all sick of it.

Anonymous said...

Lynn, my previous statement was rhetorical - you blamed Tom for illegal sign placement, so the question was posed, should we therefore blame Rachel for all the sign stealing?
I assume on both sides that the candidates themselves know nothing about either issue....I'm pretty confident that supporters of the candidates have done these things...aren't you?
There's no 'smear' here...just tossing your own words and rationale back to you -
Take it easy....

Lynn Anderson said...

Your "rationale" is confusing. I am sure that the candidates know what's going on. If they don't, shame on them for not making it clear to their workers to do it right. This blaming the other guy stuff doesn't cut it with me. Tom's signs are illegally placed all over town. He has eyes. They all do.