Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Political Puzzle

Rumors are all over the place as to whom will run. So far, we have had only two candidates to announce to the media that they would be running for Mayor—
Wes Blackman, although I heard he changed his mind and it is now District 3 seat he is after again. Who knows?
Tom Ramiccio wants to run again.

Greg Rice is being seen much more in public these days. His name is out there.

Javier Del Sol says he is running. We seem to see him everywhere. He even told me that he was against people coming here illegally. Politics will do strange things to people. This is Cara's choice.

Rene Varela’s name has been tossed around. He couldn't get support from his own Democrats last time around. Perhaps things are different now.

Ron Exline’s name has been mentioned.

Laurence McNamara says he will be running.

Next we will hear that John Rinaldi is running and that might be a good thing if it were not for Greater Bay.

How many more will come out of the woodwork for Mayor? Better question, why would anyone want this job?

And in district 1, the rumor is that Retha will not run again and that "they" are running Dan Winkle. He won't even make a stand supporting his own neighborhood. I guess he will garner it somewhere else...don't want to get that political support upset now do we, Dan?