Monday, August 12, 2024

Judicial Watch pursuing the murder of Ashli Babbitt

'Outrageous killing': Feds ordered to answer $30 million lawsuit over shooting of Ashli Babbitt

Unarmed Capitol protester shot by officer who admitted he didn't bother to assess her intentions

A federal judge has ordered the U.S. Department of Justice to answer a $30 million wrongful death lawsuit filed on behalf of the estate of Ashli Babbitt.

The unarmed protester was at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, like many others, opposing the certification of Joe Biden as president.

In a crowd in the building, in which two individuals already had dislodged the glass panels in the lobby doors, she was raising herself into the opening when Capitol police officer Michael Byrd shot and killed her.

According to Judicial Watch, which is pursuing the case on behalf of the estate of the Air Force veteran, the government agents are accused of wrongful death, assault and battery, negligence.

The lawsuit was filed earlier this year, and it cites a long list of prior incidents involving Byrd, the Capitol Police and others.



Anonymous said...

He should have first asked her what she was planning on doing and if they didn't like her answer, politely asked her to leave. Instead, they shot her dead as she climbed through a window with a screaming mob behind her. Totally unjustified!

Lynn Anderson said...

This capitol policeman over-reacted because of the occasion and murdered an unarmed woman veteran.

Anonymous said...

The slaves for Satan overreacted to someone coming through a broken window. If they didn't drink from the cup of evil, she would be alive and enjoying the words of our Savior.

Anonymous said...

I pray there is justice for Ashley, how sad, what a tragedy and she was unarmed and a veteran.

Anonymous said...

At least they care more than our government FBI and DOJ, they killed her and covered up all! Government gangsters! Pray judicial watch gets some positive resolution for Ashli!