Thursday, September 7, 2023

Dems lose their social media cheating

Scumbag Leftists Lose their Social Media Cheats

In the most brazen election theft in history, Democrats used a host of tricks to plant Joe Biden in office. Because that’s what you do to brain-dead vegetables: you plant them

But they won’t have a scamdemic in 2024 for a “rinse and repeat.” I think they re trying though. While they will cheat again, things will be different.

The first collective step just happened, as a U.S. federal judge put a wrinkle in the Biden plan.

The judge restricted some agencies and officials of the Biden administration from meeting and communicating with social media companies. These companies colluded with Biden and the Democrats to moderate content, according to a court filing and known reality recognized by most conservatives.

The ruling declared that government agencies like the Department of Health and Human Services and the FBI could not talk to social media companies for “the purpose of urging, encouraging, pressuring, or inducing in any manner the removal, deletion, suppression, or reduction of content containing protected free speech” under the Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

Merrick Garland is reviewing and evaluating their options.

Read about it...


Anonymous said...

Merrick Garland is corrupt

Anonymous said...

Dems are demonic! Slaves for Satan!

Lynn Anderson said...

To the Democrat who continues to come over here and insist that I was a Democrat for 90% of my life and voted for Obama, prove it.
I was a Director of the Democrat Club in Lake Worth at one time until I saw the light 15 years ago.
Dems continue to lie; that's what you all do best.
Obama was the beginning of all the socialism/communism/globalism/Marxism that began in our country. Biden now is a puppet and Obama is pulling his strings.