Thursday, September 9, 2021

Waterspout across Intracoastal from Harvard Drive College Park area

I was sent this photo just now by a Lake Worth resident who took this photo of a waterspout across from her home. Waterspouts can do a lot of damage.

From the photo it looks like a "Tornadic waterspout," also accurately referred to as "tornadoes over water," are formed from mesocyclones in a manner essentially identical to land-based tornadoes in connection with severe thunderstorms, but simply occurring over water.

It was reported that this was moving down the coast. Has anyone ever seen a waterspout before? I just got a severe weather alert on my phone until 6:15.

See the videos

Around 4th and Lakeside Drive--taken by Pam Triolo's husband


Laurence said...

Thank you, Lynn for the explanation and picture.I've heard of them many times but
it's the first picture I've seen of one.

Anonymous said...

that is so cool

Anonymous said...

Anyone notice the object in the middle far right of the photo?

Lynn Anderson said...

Pam, you have a great view from your house!
@7:23...what do you think the object is?

Anonymous said...

I actually saw that yesterday but it didn't register