Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Presentation in Lake Worth on right to Defund the Police

CS/HB 1 presentation by SPLC 9-9-21 at 6pm

"Combating Public Disorder: Authorizing specified elected officials to file an appeal to the Administration Commission if the governing body of a municipality makes a specified reduction to the operating budget of the municipal law enforcement agency; providing that a municipality has a duty to allow the municipal law enforcement agency to respond to a riot or unlawful assembly in a specified manner based on specified circumstances; reclassifying the penalty for an assault committed in furtherance of a riot or an aggravated riot; prohibiting cyber-intimidation by publication; prohibiting a person from willfully participating in a specified violent public disturbance resulting in specified damage or injury; creating an affirmative defense to a civil action where the plaintiff participated in a riot, etc."

So, wouldn't you know that the SPLC asked to present (or some commissioner put it on the agenda) and has hit Lake Worth Beach with it's Democrat commission on defunding the police under the guise its all about Home Rule. On September 9, the Commission will have a presentation by Paul Chavez, attorney at the Southern Poverty Law Center who wants cities to challenge Section 1 of HB1.

Critics of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) say the organization has become extreme and “thoroughly disgraced,” after the center released its 2020 “census of hate groups,” which included numerous pro-life and family organizations. Some believe the SPLC is a "hate" group.

Now they are taking a stand that cities CAN defund the police!


Anonymous said...

Lynn, if “all politics are local” I certainly applaud the posting of this article and would hope to see more from you on Lake Worth. With a left leaning City Commission you certainly have a target rich environment.

Lynn Anderson said...

Yes, I believe that all politics start at the local level. My problem here is, there are more dire happenings on the national level where my interest lies today. Our country is under the worst administration in history. What a horrible mess they have made here and abroad.

Anonymous said...

Have they decided on the new manager yet?

Lynn Anderson said...

@7:22...not yet

Anonymous said...

what merger is 7-22 refering

Lynn Anderson said...

@8:06--Manager is what he asked.

Anonymous said...

Lynn, while I do understand your take on the National issues, I would opine that a regular venture into the trends of Lake Worth will have a greater impact. Decisions made by the “progressive” city government will impact immediately and are more easily rectified by encouraging/promoting a more conservative agenda. This starts with voting and a relentless campaign to get local conservative voters engaged. Change in Lake Worth starts with the local election in March.

Anonymous said...

8:49 and 8:45, who are probably the same person, make a cogent argument for you to abandon national and international issues, over which you have no influence, and to concentrate instead on local issues, where you can have a great impact.

You should seriously consider it!

Lynn Anderson said...

The ONLY way anyone has an impact is to run for office and win.
In the meantime, I concentrate on what interests me which is defeating Democrats, all of them in 2022 and 2024.