Monday, January 11, 2021

Senator Manchin will NOT support the $2,000 Stimulus

Democratic senator can foil Biden's promise of $2,000 checks

'Absolutely' will not support another stimulus payment

A spokesperson for Manchin explained to Fox News: "He has also said repeatedly that when the Biden administration comes in they can assess the needs of the American people and submit proposals to Congress about how best to address those needs.

When the time comes, Senator Manchin will evaluate those proposals. He has also made clear that the focus when delivering economic relief must be on those who are unemployed through no fault of their own."

I 100% agree with Joe Manchin. He is an exception to Democrats who want to break the bank and who continually increase the unsustainable national debt.

Read about it...


Lynn Anderson said...

What Trump said was that he wanted included in the bill cutting what he described as extraneous spending and increasing the amount of stimulus checks from $600 to $2,000. Democrats wanted to spend, spend, spend on ridiculous things that had nothing to do with Covid. And Nancy kept screwing around.

Kelli said...

People need the $2000 where I live. Playing politics with people's lives is just plain wrong. Everyone supported giving billions of dollars of subsidies to the farmers and the first two stimulus checks and we need it really bad now. I don't care who is giving us the money or who is for or against it. We need it and I'm glad Biden understands that.

Please give us the money so we can pay the rent and get groceries!

Lynn Anderson said...

In case you don't remember, President Trump is for the $2,000 stimulus. If anyone has been playing politics it has been Pelosi and Democrats.

Anonymous said...

Unemployed through no fault of their own???

I know a couple people who were called back to work, and refused to go because "they get more money being home than working" There should be a hotline to report people like that.

Anonymous said...

Are you serious? Trump said $2000 and Pelosi had it written that night, approved and pushed thru within two days. McConnell refused. Come on, you know this. You dont have to like Pelosi to give her credit on this one.

Jeff said...

Anon @7:57, plenty of people lost their jobs because of the impact of COVID and the bad economy. Like Kelli, I think this is a matter of humanity and helping our fellow Americans who are hurting. I didn't hear anyone complaining about money being spent on everything for the last 4 years and now it's a problem? C'mon, we know better. Remember everyone cheering $40,000,000,000 for the wall. Those were the days!

I know Biden is going to do the right thing, agree with Trump, Pelosi and the Democrats and issue $2000 checks. Hopefully, for everyone's sake, there will be more.

Lynn Anderson said...

@10:23--Let's get the economy opened and people back to work. Stop using Covid as an excuse for everything.
Unsatisfied with the $900 billion stimulus deal that Congress passed, Trump urged lawmakers to amend the legislation, and threatened to oppose it otherwise. “I am asking Congress to amend this bill and increase the ridiculously low $600 to $2,000 ... and to send me a suitable bill or else the next administration will have to deliver a Covid relief package,” he said in a speech posted to Twitter Tuesday evening. Trump’s chief demands included cutting what he described as extraneous spending and increasing the amount of stimulus checks from $600 to $2,000.

Kelli said...

I moved to Lake Worth 3 months ago and I'm finding out a lot about the people in this town. Everything has to be so political, it's sad.

People need help. No one had any problems helping out farmers. No one had any problems with the previous two stimulus checks. Now that there's a new president it's like...hey, hold on a minute now. It's fine if you're living on social security or a pension or an annuity and don't have to worry. But what about other people? People who lost there jobs in the restaurant industry or airlines or anywhere else. No one thinks about anyone else anymore it seems.

Enough with my rant. I'll simmer down now.

Lynn Anderson said...

The entire nation is divided so it's not unusual to live in a city that is "so political." Everything evolves from politics...all your freedoms and prosperity. People in this city, regardless of politics, care about all residents here and go out of their way to help in many ways. Our present Commission certainly has. Luckily our state is under a great governor, not locked down and people are working. I would wager to say America has done more for its residents during this pandemic than any other country on the globe. We now have the vaccine and every American who wants it will be vaccinated. Soon, there won't be any more Covid excuses. So, welcome to our community.

Anonymous said...

Kelli, you've been here for 3 months and you've learned a lot? That's amazing.

Kelli said...

Well, I started out knowing nothing so I could only go up, right? :)

Thanks for the welcome, Lynn. I come from a small Midwestern town where everyone pretty much knew each other and helped each other out. We rarely talked about politics because our lives were more affected by what we did for each other and how we treated each other. Down here, you're just a small fish in a big lake. It's going to take me a while to get used to that as well as how some people look at each other only as Democrats or Republicans rather than just their neighbors. Actually, I hope I don't get used to that. I never want to be one of those people.

This is a good way to keep up with local things. I'm going to continue to follow along although I doubt I'll have much to add.