Sunday, January 10, 2021

Democrats Trying to Eliminate the First Amendment

Employees’ of Amazon, which hosts Parler, asking company to cut ties with the Twitter alternative

Google kicked Parler off Google Play, and Apple had given Parler 24 hours to implement a full moderation plan of its platform or face expulsion from its app store.

Now we’re hearing that employees of Amazon want the company to cut ties with Parler, which is hosted on Amazon’s AWS hosting platform.

Buck Sexton says on Twitter, "Parler isn’t a “Right wing” app, it just protects freedom of speech. It’s viewpoint neutral. That’s what our digital overlords are so worried about: free expression. Democrats can’t allow a place to share ideas without their thumb on the scale. Worth asking why."


Anonymous said...

"No shoes, no shirts, no service." - Publix policy

If you're a private company and people refuse to play by the rules, guess what? You get to close the doors to them.

Violate a social media's Terms of Service, they have the right to kick you off their platform.

It's capitalism. It's the American way. It's not surprising that you're against it.

Lynn Anderson said...

And I'm not surprised that you're against free speech and the First amendment. You want to silence anyone with a different opinion. Democrats want a dictatorship. LOL

Anonymous said...

Anonymous even the ACLU is against this censorship

Anonymous said...

Remember the Dixie Chicks?

Remember Colin Kaepernick?

It's weird how the 1st Amendment only applies to Republicans, isn't it?

Lynn Anderson said...

Gee, whatever happened to the Dixie Chicks? As far as a-holes go, I really don’t dwell on Kaepernick. What’s he doing now? Some speaking gigs ?

Anonymous said...

Colin Kaepernick would have probably gone much farther in life, if he had gotten a nice haircut.

Anonymous said...

Each social media platform has a Terms of Service (TOS). They're called "rules." And if you break them, they'll toss you off.

This isn't real difficult, people.

Anonymous said...

People act like there was no communication before social media. Personally, I think all social media has done is spread hatred and violence.

Glad I'm not going to be affected by it.

Anonymous said...

5:34: How about no wedding cakes?