Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Alt-Left in Full Frontal Attack Mode

Marco Rubio crushed for accusing Biden of using Trump's Capitol riot to divide the country

According to Rubio, "Biden has a historic opportunity to unify America behind the sentiment that our political divisions have gone too far. But instead he decided to promote the left's efforts to use this terrible national tragedy to try and crush conservatives or anyone not anti-Trump enough."

And for some reason, the Alt-Left always has a quote from Alt-Left socialist  Omari Hardy, the newly elected Democrat to the Florida Legislature. This is what he said:

@marcorubio You are a terrible human being.
— Rep. Omari Hardy (@Rep. Omari Hardy)1610292264.0

They are out to take down all Republicans.

Read about it...


Lynn Anderson said...

To read about those who died at our Capitol:
Once this investigation is concluded, I am sure it will find domestic terrorists infiltrated this rally.

Anonymous said...

The problem is that people aren't used to hearing a good speech, and they resent anyone who comes even close to laying things out in an effective clear-thinking manner. They knew it was a good speech, therefore, they had to attack Rubio, before people had a chance to digest the content, and come to their own conclusion.

Rubio's speech was the best speech made in this country, since Kennedy. Anyone who doesn't realize that, either wasn't born yet, or is basically a one-celled organism.

A speech like that could wind up giving the speaker the Presidency!