Conservative Commentary/Opinion on Local, State & National issues. Hours 6am to 7pm to respond to comments
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Ben Carson Brings Crowd to its Feet
Republican Ben Carson was confronted by a Muslim at a town hall in Staten Island Monday night over his suggestion someone of his faith should not be president of the United States.
Hesham El-Meligy, chairman of the Staten Island Libertarian Party, used the question and answer period to challenge the candidate on his view. Listen to how Carson responds. [ThreePercenterNation]The 2nd Protects our 1st
George Zimmerman files massive lawsuit against 2 Democratic presidential candidates
"George Zimmerman, the Florida block watch captain who was acquitted on murder charges in the 2012 death of Trayvon Martin, is suing two Democratic presidential candidates for defamation," NBC News is reporting.Read about George...
According to Zimmerman, the phrase has a double meaning: It refers to both the Second Amendment protecting the First Amendment and the Confederate battle flag protecting the American flag.
I own this signed print by Zimmerman.
Mexican Cartels Increasingly Powerful
Mexican Army Raids Cartel Military Bunker Right Next to Texas Town
Perhaps Amy Klobuchar doesn't remember the name of Mexico's president but he's not doing his job with the dangerous cartels who are running his country. Perhaps if he was, his name would b e remembered."Mexico is a failed narco-state. The country’s new president, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO), ran on a promise to bring the drug cartels operating within his country to heel. AMLO has failed at this. A new all-time high of 36,000 people were murdered in the cartel wars in 2019."
The Mexican military accidentally found a drug cartel bunker. Read about it... and what was discovered in this bunker right next to the U.S. border.
A Bizarre but Inescapable Truth
For today’s enraged, power-obsessed Democrats, deception is a creative force.
The Democratic Party has become essentially a gargantuan web of lies and liars – and little else.
Lines from The Whistleblower Newsletter. If you don't subscribe, try it; you'll love it.Click here to subscribe.
Quid Pro Quo Joe being Investigated by Ukraine
Ukraine Opens Investigation Into Joe Biden’s Firing Of Ukrainian Prosecutor
Zelensky is doing the right thing!
Democrats and the liberal press let both Biden's off the hook, dismissed the entire episode, but not Ukraine.Read about the scurrilous Bidens
Joe Biden,
Friday, February 28, 2020
Biden has Lost his Mind
Former White House Physician Says There Is Something Wrong With Biden’s Mind And Says It’s ‘Scary’ After Latest Gaffe
Has Biden Lost his mind?Bernie, a Tool for Communist Cuba
Bernie Sanders praised on front page of communist Cuban newspaper
Bringing shame on the greatest country on Earth, Bernie continues his quest to destroy America. 76% of Democrats say they will support him if he is the nominee."The Cuban paper, Granma described Sanders campaign as “unstoppable” as he inches closer toward the nomination."
Read about it...
REMINDER: Republican Club Meeting March 5
The Republican Club of Central Palm Beach County invites you, one week from today, to the March 5, 2020 meeting. The speaker will be Armando Escalante of the John Birch Society. This should be a very interesting meeting--hadn't thought of this society in decades but now with rise of socialism in our country and Bernie Sanders, this is a "must" meeting for all patriots..
Escalante is currently the Florida/Alabama Coordinator for the John Birch Society. "The organization supports limited government and opposes wealth redistribution and economic interventionism. It opposes collectivism, totalitarianism, anarchism and communism. It opposes socialism as well, which it asserts is infiltrating U.S. governmental administration." [Wikipedia]
Republican candidates are also welcome to attend and are given 2 minutes each to speak.
The meeting is from 6:00-8:00 pm, starting with a beverage and light appetizers, included in the $19 admission payable with cash or check. Member admission is $16, with annual membership of $25. We meet at the Atlantis Country Club at 190 Atlantis Boulevard, Atlantis, FL 33462.
For more information, please contact Ruth Field Beck at 561-294-5436 or via
Democrats Distort the Truth
AP FACT CHECK: Democrats distort coronavirus readiness
WASHINGTON (AP) — Democratic presidential contenders are describing the federal infectious-disease bureaucracy as rudderless and ill-prepared for the Coronavirus threat because of budget cuts and ham-handed leadership by President Donald Trump. That’s a distorted picture. For starters, Trump hasn’t succeeded in cutting the budget.He’s proposed cuts but Congress ignored him and increased financing instead. The National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention aren’t suffering from budget cuts that never took effect.
Read the AP Fact checks
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Why China's not talking about Coronavirus
Watch China expert's theory of 'repulsive' way coronavirus got loose
But now a China expert has revealed how he believes the threat began: through people eating animals that were used as test subjects at a lab that allegedly developed the virus.The expert is Steven Mosher, a social scientist, anti-abortion activist and author who specializes in anthropology, demography and the Chinese government's tactics to contain its population.
Read the rest of this incredible theory at WND.
Awh, Obama's upset
Obama Now Demanding TV Stations Stop Running Anti-Biden, Pro-Trump Ad In South Carolina
From The Hill:Former President Obama’s attorneys say they plan to file a cease-and-desist letter over a pro-Trump group’s television ad in South Carolina that attacks former Vice President Joe Biden by using a portion of Obama’s book out of context.
Obama is also demanding that all South Carolina television stations immediately stop running the ad from the Committee to Defend the President, which is aimed at supporting President Trump’s reelection bid.
Donald Trump,
Joe Biden,
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Criminal Happenings Lake Worth (Beach)
Sheriff’s Office, Lake Worth Beach
Theft: Five gas pump card readers were stolen at a station in the 2200 block of 10th Avenue North.
Theft: A license plate was removed from a vehicle parked at a business in the 1900 block of Lake Worth Road.
Trespassing: A man, suspected of being a drug dealer, was trespassed from a property in the 2100 block of 10th Avenue North at the request of management.
Criminal mischief: Someone in a dark-colored sedan threw a rock through a window of a residence in the first block of Holiday Drive in Lake Worth. A witness provided details on the five occupants of the vehicle. [PBPost]
Theft: Five gas pump card readers were stolen at a station in the 2200 block of 10th Avenue North.
Theft: A license plate was removed from a vehicle parked at a business in the 1900 block of Lake Worth Road.
Trespassing: A man, suspected of being a drug dealer, was trespassed from a property in the 2100 block of 10th Avenue North at the request of management.
Criminal mischief: Someone in a dark-colored sedan threw a rock through a window of a residence in the first block of Holiday Drive in Lake Worth. A witness provided details on the five occupants of the vehicle. [PBPost]
City of Lake Worth,
The Palm Beach Post
Liberal Court sides with Trump
Ninth Circuit Sides With Trump Admin on Abortion Funding Rules
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, which is known for being the most liberal circuit court, has sided with the Trump administration on a controversial abortion funding rule.The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the Trump administration's decision to withhold Title X funding from medical facilities that provide abortion is constitutional.
Read about it...
"It's a f-ing horse race" and "We have this f-ing president"
UPDATE: ABC News suspends correspondent after he wonders 'how to challenge' 'f***ing' Trump
Click here
Click here
‘Socialist’ ABC Reporter Admits Bosses Spike News Important to Voters, 'Don’t Give Trump Credit'
Donald Trump,
Fake News Media,
Project Veritas
Stop HB 311
Tallahassee Alert
Stop HB 311, this bill will be worse than the Red Flag Law!
HB 311 will be heard in the House Judiciary Committee today, Wednesday, February 26th.
HB 311 amends Florida Statute 790.162 and deals with criminal arrests of people that threaten to cause harm to other people or groups of people with firearms or any destructive device.
Unfortunately, HB 311 is similar to Florida’s Red Flag Law, where the state could start dragging people into court without much evidence.
HB 311 does not require the state to prove the existence of an actual firearm or weapon, nor a person’s actual intent or ability to carry out the threat. As long as the state proves that the defendant threatened to use a firearm, whether he or she has the actual ability to carry out the threat, it has met its burden.
The US Supreme Court has ruled that a threat without showing the person’s actual intent and ability to carry out the threat is not enough to charge someone.
House Judiciary Committee: (850) 717-4850
Stop HB 311, this bill will be worse than the Red Flag Law!
HB 311 will be heard in the House Judiciary Committee today, Wednesday, February 26th.
HB 311 amends Florida Statute 790.162 and deals with criminal arrests of people that threaten to cause harm to other people or groups of people with firearms or any destructive device.
Unfortunately, HB 311 is similar to Florida’s Red Flag Law, where the state could start dragging people into court without much evidence.
HB 311 does not require the state to prove the existence of an actual firearm or weapon, nor a person’s actual intent or ability to carry out the threat. As long as the state proves that the defendant threatened to use a firearm, whether he or she has the actual ability to carry out the threat, it has met its burden.
The US Supreme Court has ruled that a threat without showing the person’s actual intent and ability to carry out the threat is not enough to charge someone.
House Judiciary Committee: (850) 717-4850
Messy Debate in South Carolina
According to Biden, Guns Killed More People Since 2007 Than Communism Killed in 20th Century
Biden had his biggest gaffe yet. He said that guns have killed a hundred and fifty million people (in America) since 2007 when Bernie voted to exempt the gun manufacturers from liability.Last night's Democrat debate was a farce of humongous proportions. What an embarrassing event for America, highlighting the numbskulls wanting to lead the free world.
Sleazeball Schiff
Trump says ‘Shifty Schiff’ leaked details of briefing on Russian election meddling
Schiff’s past actions haven’t exactly bolstered his reputation for honesty and fair dealing...even says he doesn't know who the "whistleblower" is even though the guy is dating his daughter.No one believes this guy, not even Democrats.
Read about Shifty Schiff
Adam Schiff,
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Bernie, The Communist
Bernie’s pro-Castro remarks backfire
CNN commentator Anna Navarro fired back at Sanders’ remarks, saying: “Castro regime’s been in power in Cuba for +60 yrs w/o free elections. They’ve killed, jailed, tortured thousands. They confiscated assets, expelled priests & nuns… And let’s be clear, Cubans weren’t exactly communicating by grunts. Most knew how to read.”
And there are some on Facebook saying that Bernie is going to get the Cuban American vote in Florida.
Democrats have no chance in 2020
Democrat Party in Total Panic over 2020
And they all should be in a panic as every single Democrat candidate can't lift a 3 pound sack of potatoes. And Bernie is a communist!Read about it...
Thank God I can say "I used to be a Democrat" when the party actually was sane.
Now it's time for all Democrats to just #WalkAway.
Bernie, the Disaster
Bernie Sanders' disastrous answer on '60 Minutes'
Bernie Sanders, the clear front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, was asked over the weekend how much his various plans would cost if implemented. He didn't know.When CNN has a problem with a Democrat, there must really be a problem!
Obama tried to take Credit for Trump Economy
Barack Obama Takes ANOTHER Reality Beatdown on Presidents Day
Barack Obama tried to take credit for the record Trump economy. It was a shameless move by the former president. But it wasn’t the first time Obama tried to steal President Trump’s successes. Barack Obama broke precedent as a former president in 2018 and trashed his successor President Trump–calling him out by name
Monday, February 24, 2020
Omari Hardy is the Winner in the Winner and Loser of the Week
Winner and Loser of the Week in Florida politics — Week of Feb. 16
Read about it... "State Rep. Al Jacquet: Good grief. This was a runaway choice for the Loser of the Week. In a video on his personal Facebook page, Jacquet referred to Lake Worth Beach City Commissioner Omari Hardy as a “batty boy.”In the Caribbean, that term is a slur against homosexuals.
Really, Jacquet? Really?
Hardy is running in the Democratic primary to unseat Jacquet.
'It appalled me that a member of the Florida House of Representatives and member of the Florida Democratic Party, which for years has stood up for LGBTQ rights, would use that kind of language,' Hardy told the Palm Beach Post.
He added that even though he is not gay, 'it was still personal for me because I was raised in a same-sex household. I have two mothers and I know how hurtful those types of slurs can be. I don’t think that language represents his constituents. That has no place in politics and it certainly has no place in the Legislature of America’s third-largest state.'
Jacquet apologized.
Hardy did not accept the apology." []
Texas, they're coming after your guns and then yours!
Anti-gun Bloomberg group spending millions in bid to turn Texas anti-2nd Amendment
The group plans an $8 million ad blitz followed by an unprecedented $60 million to try and influence the 2020 election. AND, it already flipped Virginia blue.Read about it...
School in Oregon Suspends Student for wearing Trump Shirt
School Suspends Student For Wearing Pro-Trump Shirt
Student Sues, Judge Issues EPIC Verdict
An Oregon court has upheld the right of Senior Addison Barnes to wear a pro-Trump T-shirt.Read what the Judge said... You have to remember, this is crazy Oregon, a liberal state that wants to take away your rights and free speech.
"Score one for the Constitution."
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Roger Stone did Nothing Wrong
Trump can pardon Stone ‘anytime,’ former federal prosecutor says
At the time of his arrest after being indicted by Robert Mueller, Stone said: “The idea that a 29-member SWAT team in full tactical gear with assault weapons would surround my house, 17 vehicles in my front yard, including two armored vehicles, a helicopter overhead, amphibious vehicles in the back where my house backs on to a canal — that I would open the door looking down the barrel of assault weapons, that I would be frog-marched out front barefooted and handcuffed when they simply could have contacted me, I think people need to know about that.”At trial, prosecutors said Stone told five different lies to lawmakers on the U.S. House Intelligence Committee about his contacts with the Trump campaign and WikiLeaks.
After the process plays out, President Trump will probably do exactly that as Roger Stone did nothing wrong..
The Bern wants to Burn America
Bernie Says Undocumented ‘Entitled’ to Same Government Benefits As U.S. Citizens
"Democrats and entitlement. Everyone deserves everything, even those who have broken the law to get into the United States. No free lunch to Democrats essentially means free everything."Read about it... and the number one nut case running on the Democrat ticket as candidate for President of the United States
Bernie Sanders,
Free Stuff,
Trump Draining the Swamp
President Trump Fired THOUSANDS of DC Swamp Rats From One Agency
"Under former President Obama, 307,000 veterans died while waiting for care (according to CNN)."By President Trump signing the VA Accountability Act, 3,600 VA employees have been fired for not giving the care and respect that our veterans deserve.
Donald Trump,
Veterans Administration
Four Florida Cities make Deadliest City List.
Deadliest cities in the U.S.
Out of 67 cities, four Florida cities are listed:
#9: West Palm Beach
#35: Orlando
#52: Ft. Lauderdale
#58: Miami
Out of 67 cities, four Florida cities are listed:
#9: West Palm Beach
#35: Orlando
#52: Ft. Lauderdale
#58: Miami
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Quote of the Day - Dan Rather
When asked if Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is part of the Trump cult:
“Yes. The short answer is yes. Increasingly President Trump’s support seems cultish. It’s all about him, it’s not about a policy, it’s not the standards of politics. Ronald Reagan had a very solid following but he stood for something in terms of policy. Franklin Roosevelt, same way. These cults, cults generally don’t end well. People will say it’s too much to say it’s a cult. I don’t think so. The further we go, it is always all about him. It’s not about a policy.”
~ Dan Rather
Read about policy achievements of President Trump. When President Trump states that the press has been unfair and inaccurate, it is true. Now a top journalist gives his opinion, not fact, on even Trump supporters. This is outrageous and the number one reason why I will not watch any of these left-leaning cable channels.

~ Dan Rather
Read about policy achievements of President Trump. When President Trump states that the press has been unfair and inaccurate, it is true. Now a top journalist gives his opinion, not fact, on even Trump supporters. This is outrageous and the number one reason why I will not watch any of these left-leaning cable channels.
Hear Buyers of Gulstream Hotel at Casino
This should be interesting as the City of Lake Worth is counting on its residents to vote favorably for a height amendment on March 17 (Amendment 3) for these parcels at the Gulfstream Hotel. We should find out if they are indeed going to build a hotel on that property and what they have in mind and why they need 87 feet. Of course, every good intent is subject to change. If you notice, the announcement only says "their plans to restore the crown jewel..." and "save the historic Gulfstream hotel"
Gulfstream Hotel,
Instability & Disarray at our southern border caused by Liberals
Inconvenient Drug Cartel Facts Come out as Democrats Defend Open Borders
"Democrats directly oppose Trump’s immigration reform, claiming the president is cruel and uncaring. Their option? Open borders that encourage illegal immigration and smuggling. But a new report has come out that reveals the ugly truth about what the drug cartels are doing. Democrats won’t want to see this."Democrats can handle the truth; they just refuse to do so--all for the power trip, using these illegals/immigrants for a future Democrat vote. Selling out our country; really sick.
Read about it...
Friday, February 21, 2020
Was it Murder or Attempted Murder in Lake Worth (Beach)
Two face attempted murder charges following Lake Worth Beach stabbing
"Jesse Cavazos, 26, of West Palm Beach andKe Entrae McKiver, 25, of Lake Worth Beach (according to Booking data, his address is "at large") were taken into custody Tuesday on one count each of attempted first-degree murder.
Both remained in custody without bail Friday at the Palm Beach County Jail.
According to a Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office arrest report, the stabbing occurred at about 8 a.m. Feb. 15 at an apartment complex on the 300 block of South J Street in Lake Worth Beach. [Palm Beach Post]
After looking at the booking information on February 18, it says: HOMICIDE - MURDER FIRST DEGREE PREMEDITATED
Matt Gaetz goes on The View
Matt Gaetz Hammers Joy Behar Over 'Death of the Political Left' in His First Seconds on 'The View'
Brave guy, appearing on this left-wing radical Trump hating show--
“I was just wondering if you were wearing black as a consequence of, like, the death of the political left in the debate last night,” the Florida congressman asked, adding with a grin, “It was quite something to observe.”
Joy Behar,
Matt Gaetz,
Presidential Pardon,
Roger Stone
President Trump in California
Trump Delivers Remarks to Rural Stakeholders on California Water Accessibility
President Trump delivered remarks in Bakersfield, California on Wednesday, to Rural Stakeholders on California Water Accessibility.Stop Greenlighting Driver Licenses for Illegals
H.R.5862 - Stop Greenlighting Driver Licenses for Illegal Immigrants Act
From the Congressional Record, Volume 166 (2020)A bill to restrict certain Federal grants for States that grant driver licenses to illegal immigrants and fail to share information about criminal aliens with the Federal Government; to the Committee on the Judiciary.
H.R. 5862 — A bill to restrict certain Federal grants for States that grant driver licenses to illegal immigrants and fail to share information about criminal aliens with the Federal Government; to the Committee on the Judiciary.
By Mr. BUCK (for himself, Mr. Biggs, Mr. Gaetz, Mr. Brooks of Alabama, Mr. Budd, Mr. David P. Roe of Tennessee, Mr. Gosar, Mr. Duncan, Mr. Arrington, Mr. Norman, Mr. Weber of Texas, Mr. Perry, Mr. Gohmert, Mr. Riggleman, Mr. Wright, Mr. Steube, Mr. Dunn, Mr. Gibbs, Mr. Yoho, Mr. Green of Tennessee, Mr. Olson, Mr. Abraham, Mr. Byrne, and Mr. LaMalfa), H1123 [12FE] Cosponsors added, H1158 [13FE], H1161 [14FE]
Democrats will stop this bill in its infancy.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
The City of Angels
Trump Gets Tough with Los Angeles: Clean Up or 'We're Going To Do It' for You
"President Trump threatened federal government intervention in the near future should local and state authorities fail to improve on efforts to combat the growing problem."Los Angeles is the city chosen for the 2028 Summer Olympics by the International Olympic committee.
Read about it...
Street Painting Festival this weekend
Street Painting Festival this Saturday & Sunday
Chalk artist specializes in temporary images where the painting process is half the fun
"The Lake Worth Street Painting Festival is the “largest festival in the world of its kind,” according to organizers. They say the festival started with 5,000 visitors and attracted nearly 100,000 people in 2019."And it was very strange...not one commissioner during commissioner comments on Tuesday night mentioned this signature festival that brings more people to Lake Worth (Beach) than any other event. I guess screwing up Dixie Highway was the priority.
Read about this chalk artist
Read about the festival
The Bohemian - Urban Living in Lake Worth (Beach)
All a developer has to do is ask and he will receive
What a reputation Lake Worth (Beach) has on top of being the most gullible city around. Even the CEO of Affiliated Development said that naming this building was appropriate as they believe the name is very fitting--captures the essence and the personality of Lake Worth (Beach). Not my personality!There will be 154 one bedroom units and 46 two bedrooms with delivery date in 2022.
It was said that the average renter spends $30k a year in local spending. They are not building this rental for the average Lake Worthian as the majority of our city makes that much in one year.
It will be 7 stories, roof-top observation deck, 200 "luxury" rental multi family transit oriented units with parking garage. 120 parking spaces will be dedicated to City use out of 360 spaces, 12 of which are on the street level. They want a 35 year lease on the 120 parking spaces and the city to pay them $2,458,958 for the 1st year so that they can use that lease to get their financing; years 2-8 would be $72,000 and years 9-35 would be $144,000 a year.
The commission voted 4/1 to accept the proposal with Herman Robinson dissenting because of not enough discussion and/or understanding of the over $2 million investment we would have to make. Commissioner Robinson, once again, voted correctly and here I was worried while he was running for election that he would agree with our tax and spend lame duck commissioner on everything. Where is this money coming from? Left over general obligation road bond money? When, if ever, would we recapture this money?
This commission has no problem spending other people's money. And just think, 200 more people to use Dixie Highway and cars visiting the retail portion of this building.
City of Lake Worth,
Stupid People
Completely Out Of Touch
"Watch the video, below, as Speaker Batshit Crazy attempts to convince CNN’s Christiane Amanpour that President Trump was not acquitted in the Senate." [Powdered Wig Society]
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
AOC, She's Mind Boggling
VILE AOC: Mitch McConnell Was Responsible for Attempted NYPD Assassinations
It's crap such as this that makes me really believe that these people are mentally ill.Read about it... How do these crazy people get elected? It' mind boggling that mindless people are even allowed to vote.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,
Mitch McConnell,
New York,
Michelle Obama's stupidity
After Michelle Says America Belongs To Muslims
"If there’s one woman who is good at running her fat mouth, it’s Michelle Obama. Along with the left, she’s been hell bent on protesting Trump’s temporary migrant ban, and decided to speak about it in a recent speech. Even though no one really gives a flying crap what this woman thinks anymore, she still decided to put her two cents in, where then insanely told Muslims that America belongs to them." [Patriot Nation Press]“Do not ever let anyone make you feel like you don’t matter, or like you don’t have a place in our American story — because you do,” started. “Know that this country belongs to you, to all of you. From every background and walk of life. If you or your parents are immigrants, know that you are part of a proud American tradition . . . that has made us the greatest country on Earth.”
Lake Worth (Beach) now wants to screw up Dixie Highway
Last night under Unfinished Business, the US-1 Multimodal Corridor Study was discussed. It took over one hour on this item that went on and on.
Of course, we no longer are a town but a small growing city with a 34.6% White population and 51% English speaking. There is a lot of poverty. The population density here is 6,303 people per square mile and the city government is allowing development all over the place. People living on top of people and we are to assume that our residents are so poor they need to walk or ride bikes. So, let's get the Feds involved to pick up the tab and reduce a major highway built in 1926 to three lanes in Lake Worth (Beach). What about just reducing illegal immigration?
So how do we fix all this? This administration wants to reduce the number of lanes on Highway US-1 from 4 lanes to 3 causing more tie-ups and congestion than we have now. They believe that kidding themselves (and us) into believing this should be a residential road instead of a highway will attract people to the businesses on Dixie. And people should use I-95 to get to where they want to go, not Dixie Highway. Cutting through to neighborhoods to get to their homes from Dixie Highway is also undesirable according to this commission.
Pretty rendering. The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no this case, not acknowledging the future growth of our city that will need more lanes, not less.
Notice one lane is dedicated for buses. There are bike lanes on both sides of the highway. There is one through lane going north and one through lane going south where cars turning onto Lake will slow down traffic even more.
In 2017-2018, The TPA (the Palm Beach Transportation Planning Agency) did a study from Boca to Jupiter crossing 14 communities. What they found in Lake Worth (Beach) were:
Depression rate at 18.7% (If there is any depression it is because of the decisions that this commission makes)
Obesity rate 31.1%
Bicycle/Pedestrian Incident/Mile 3.1%
The TPA suggested in its plan, electric buses and enhanced transit shelters even with Wi-Fi.
The commission voted unanimously 5/0 to spend $70,000 (CRA contributing $25k) on a study to see if turning a highway into a road, that would take about 5 years, would be feasible. Commissioner Robinson wasn't happy with the idea but voted with the majority.
This highway is used by thousands of vehicles every day with thousands more people moving here every year.
Of course, we no longer are a town but a small growing city with a 34.6% White population and 51% English speaking. There is a lot of poverty. The population density here is 6,303 people per square mile and the city government is allowing development all over the place. People living on top of people and we are to assume that our residents are so poor they need to walk or ride bikes. So, let's get the Feds involved to pick up the tab and reduce a major highway built in 1926 to three lanes in Lake Worth (Beach). What about just reducing illegal immigration?
So how do we fix all this? This administration wants to reduce the number of lanes on Highway US-1 from 4 lanes to 3 causing more tie-ups and congestion than we have now. They believe that kidding themselves (and us) into believing this should be a residential road instead of a highway will attract people to the businesses on Dixie. And people should use I-95 to get to where they want to go, not Dixie Highway. Cutting through to neighborhoods to get to their homes from Dixie Highway is also undesirable according to this commission.
Pretty rendering. The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no this case, not acknowledging the future growth of our city that will need more lanes, not less.
Notice one lane is dedicated for buses. There are bike lanes on both sides of the highway. There is one through lane going north and one through lane going south where cars turning onto Lake will slow down traffic even more.
In 2017-2018, The TPA (the Palm Beach Transportation Planning Agency) did a study from Boca to Jupiter crossing 14 communities. What they found in Lake Worth (Beach) were:
Depression rate at 18.7% (If there is any depression it is because of the decisions that this commission makes)
Obesity rate 31.1%
Bicycle/Pedestrian Incident/Mile 3.1%
The TPA suggested in its plan, electric buses and enhanced transit shelters even with Wi-Fi.
The commission voted unanimously 5/0 to spend $70,000 (CRA contributing $25k) on a study to see if turning a highway into a road, that would take about 5 years, would be feasible. Commissioner Robinson wasn't happy with the idea but voted with the majority.
This highway is used by thousands of vehicles every day with thousands more people moving here every year.
New Way Forward Act
Supported by the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Talib and Ilhan Omar to name a few, Read about it... and why this bill, the New Way forward Act is very dangerous for America
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Ilhan Omar doing the "nasty"
Omar's Husband Caught Her 'in a State That No Muslim Woman' Should Be
in PJs With Married Lover
He surprised her by coming to Washington, DC.Read this hysterical article
"The fornicatress and the fornicator, flog each of them with a hundred stripes. Let not pity withhold you in their case, in a punishment prescribed by Allah, if you believe in Allah and the Last Day. And let a party of the believers witness their punishment. [This is for unmarried persons, but if married, the punishment is to stone them to death]."} [Quran, 24: 2]
Left-Wingers in Virginia Legislature bypassing the Electoral College
Virginia Dems Pass Bill To Give All Electoral Votes to Whoever Wins the Popular Vote
Read the bill that passed 51-46. Virginia is circumventing the Constitution.Read about it...
Electoral College,
Popular Vote,
Mike Pence wants Omar OFF Foreign Affairs Committee
Vice President Mike Pence✔@VP
.@IlhanMN tweets were a disgrace & her apology was inadequate. Anti-Semitism has no place in the United States Congress, much less the Foreign Affairs Committee. Those who engage in anti-Semitic tropes should not just be denounced, they should face consequences for their words.
Foreign Labor,
Ilhan Omar,
Mike Pence
Democrat leaves her party after Trump rally
Democrat Attends New Hampshire Trump Rally and Decides to Leave Her Party After What She Saw
What she said:"With Trump, there was a genuinely optimistic view of the future. With the Democrats, it was doom and gloom. With Trump, there was a genuine feeling of pride of being an American. With the Democrats, they emphasized that the country was a racist place from top to bottom."Read about the #WalkAway
Monday, February 17, 2020
Democrats only Hope?
An Establishment in Panic
"Bloomberg, the three-term mayor of New York, upon whom the establishment has begun to look like the last best hope of stopping Sanders, has already dumped a third of a billion dollars into his campaign.His poll numbers have risen accordingly, and he is probably the strongest challenger to Sanders now, because, with his $60 billion fortune, he can sustain himself and his organization through the convention.
Read about it...
Abortion and Democrats
Colorado votes death for 'precious boys and girls' who survive abortion
Fox reported that the Democrat majority members in Colorado's legislature "have rejected a bill that would grant legal protections for babies born alive after abortions."Read about it...
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Klobuchar says this election is a "patriotism check" on Trump
Every time you think the Democrats might have just one candidate that has half a brain, they say something to cement what you knew all along--dumber than dirt.
Trump is moving the Purse, Power and Freedom back to the People
It was Obama, not Trump, who weaponized government against political opponents
"Most of the media along with other Democrats are having a collective cow because the Trump administration has reassigned some people from the White House and fired an ambassador who clearly disagreed with Trump's policies who used hearsay evidence and personal opinion to destroy him.Why the heck would any president keep people who are so insubordinate on their staffs?" It would never happen in private industry.
Read about it... at American Thinker
Donald Trump,
Facebook Censoring Reporting On Buttigieg Cheating
Lot's of profanity--
Fake News,
Mark Zuckerberg,
Pete Buttigieg
County Officials: Stop Kicking the Can Down the Road
Palm Beach Post Editorial: Big steps started, finally, on Palm Beach County homelessness
As everyone knows, we have a large homeless population living in our county at John Prince Park. Today, the Palm Beach Post wrote an editorial and finally it is something I think is well stated.“To let it go this far is shameful ... I am ashamed of my county,” Shelley Vana, a former commissioner whose district included the park, wrote in a Jan. 25 Facebook post.
Read it here
John Prince Park,
The Palm Beach Post
Lake Worth (Beach) future home of Food Bank
After rat invasion, Food Bank cleans up — and raises money for new facility
The Palm Beach County Food Bank has been raising money to move to a new facility in Lake Worth Beach, one that leaders say will be both more efficient and more resistant to rats.Now Lake Worth (Beach) will get the rats?
Read about it...
It's Coming to America
Although 15 cases are already here, the CDC Director says Coronavirus or COVID-19 is coming here--it's just a matter of time.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Democrats take the cake
Senator Who Voted for Impeachment — Seeking Trump Endorsement To Win Back Voters
"Politics is sickening, isn’t it? President Trump is nothing like the fly-by-night, fair-weathered clowns that work in D.C. After his acquittal, Trump discussed how those who fought against him were doing it over 'just politics'. Yeah, that’s right. They plunged the nation into chaos, disgraced our Constitution, and tried to remove a president over non-crimes… because of politics."Read about it... And now he says he will endorse Trump for reelection. Gets more bizarre and stupid by the day.
Donald Trump,
Eric Swalwell loves the idea of "impeachment"
Democrat Won’t Rule Out New Trump Impeachment Over Roger Stone Case
Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell, in an interview Wednesday, would not rule out a new impeachment effort against President Trump over his alleged interference in the criminal case of his former associate Roger Stone.Eric Swalwell, failed candidate for president in the Democrat Party, just has no clue about the Constitution. He dropped out of that race in July of last year with zero percent. He's been in Congress for six years too long.
Cronic Nuisances in Lake Worth (Beach)
After bad start to 2020 with overdoses, Lake Worth Beach beefs up chronic nuisance ordinance
and you will never guess what this commission voted to do--Multiple 911 calls for drug overdoses will now be considered as a chronic nuisance activity.
Read about it...Leftists Lost their Minds
Trump Campaign Breaks yet Another Record, Leftists Lose Their Minds
Well, so what's new in that department? They have lost it for three years now and they are still going non-stop on that run-away train to nowhere. When one bogus hoax didn't work, they went on to another one...impeachment.Honesty, that’s what Democrats think of us. They really believed impeaching Trump over a bogus complaint would turn us against him. But from the very start, Trump turned their hoax impeachment into a victory.
Read about all Trump's cash on hand...
Friday, February 14, 2020
Spy in Treasury Department got caught
"A high-ranking Treasury Department adviser pleaded guilty to conspiracy on Monday. She purposely leaked confidential banking documents to a BuzzFeed reporter.Deep state operative Natalie Edwards was a senior adviser in the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network. Apparently, she thought her position would make it easy to help remove President Donald Trump from the White House."
Read about the Trump hater who got caught. Now, let the President keep draining the swamp.
Deep State,
Draining the Swamp,
News Media
And there is Hope
Hope Hicks Returns to Trump White House
"Her hiring comes during the seemingly ongoing purge of untrustworthy players in the White House, including Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman and former Ambassador to the E.U. Gordon Sondland."Democrats hate her. She's just what the Trump administration needs.
Read about Hope...
Quote of the Day - President Trump
Trump Reveals Lesson He Learned: Dems Are ‘Crooked’ & ‘Vicious’

~ President Donald Trump
Talking about Roger Stone
Blocking Sharia Law & Reinforcing our Constitution
Muslims In Montana LIVID After Angry Citizens Permanently DESTROY Their Caliphate Plans
The rise of radical Islam around the world and here in the United States is impossible to ignore any longer. Thankfully, there are people who hold office in America that want to protect the American people.A bill that was designed to block “the application of foreign law” in state courts advanced in the Montana House of Representatives earlier this week. The bill, of course, includes Sharia law and it has Democrats and Muslims fuming mad. Democrats are yelling that this potential law only targets Muslims and that it fuels xenophobia.
Read about it... And thank God for a Republican legislature in Montana. Democrats have really "lost it." American law trumps all foreign laws.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Armed Patriots at our Border
The United Constitutional Patriots, an armed group of civilians, took their weapons and held more than 300 migrants hostage at gunpoint after they caught them illegally crossing the southern border into the United States. The armed militia detained these people in the Sunland Park area of the state.Read about these patriots trying to take their country back.
Not surprising, you won't find anything positive about this group on the Internet or news media. A group spokesman months ago said, "We are simply there because President [Donald] Trump declared a national emergency on the border we came down to find out what that emergency is. We are sitting here right now and we're doing what we need to do."
Electioneering in New Hampshire
BUSTED: NH Primary Elections Official Breaks Election Law “I Think Voting Any Democrat is Wise”
WhY does it seem that it is always Democrats who pull this crap?Equal Rights Amendment
Ruth Bader Ginsburg Puts Nail In The Equal Rights Amendment’s Coffin
While Ginsburg believes in some form of an ERA, she does not believe passing an expired constitutional ratification is a right way to accomplish this goal. Ginsburg made similar comments in September 2019. She said any effort to adopt the ERA would require starting from scratch.But Democrats are barreling ahead anyway, regardless of the ERA’s expiration. Democrats in Congress are now trying to revive the bill with a joint resolution between the House and Senate. A House floor vote on the resolution is scheduled for today. [The Federalist]
Equal Rights Amendment,
Ruth Ginsburg
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Something happened in Wuhan, China of which we are not aware.
Is it possible that the disease "escaped" somehow from the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory in Wuhan that was specifically designed to help Chinese scientists "prepare for and respond to future infectious disease outbreaks," according to a 2019 report published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Is it possible that the disease "escaped" somehow from the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory in Wuhan that was specifically designed to help Chinese scientists "prepare for and respond to future infectious disease outbreaks," according to a 2019 report published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Trey Gowdy--Harsh words for Comey & McCabe
Forward to 49 seconds--(unfortunately there are 2 infomercials at the beginning and at the end)--Former South Carolina Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy said he thought President Donald Trump was justified in his anger toward the old guard at the FBI.
Andrew McCabe,
Donald Trump,
James Comey
Lake Worth Beach Woman shot, stabbed man
I had to do it
Yeah, and the devil made her do it... A 20-year-old woman, authorities say, shot a man in the eye and cut his throat. And told investigators she had to do it.Read about it... Just another nut job in Lake Worth (Beach).
City of Lake Worth,
Insanity is prevalent among Democrats
Tucker Carlson: Criminals would be protected from deportation under bill AOC and other House Democrats back
The legislation is sponsored by 44 House Democrats, including Reps. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York. At roughly 4,400 words, it’s almost exactly as long as the U.S. Constitution.Read about it... and how Democrats continue to try and ruin our country and get this--They say that convictions of illegal criminals should not lead to their deportation.
Insanity is prevalent among Democrats.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,
Ilhan Omar,
Chinaman stopped at Border
WHOA: U.S. Border Patrol Arrest Passenger From China Who Was Carrying 200 Dead Birds In Luggage
Read about it...Why would anyone surreptitiously bring in DEAD birds? What would be the purpose? That's what they need to get to the bottom of here.
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Bill Barr to file multiple lawsuits against Sanctuary Cities
Bill Barr Makes Clear That He Will Take Action Against Sanctuary Cities, ‘Significant Escalation’
A lot of lives have been lost due to Democrat policies that harbor illegals and hardened criminal illegals, many of whom have been deported multiple times.Read about it and how sanctuary cities are jeopardizing domestic security.
Liberals always blame everything on "racism"
Mike LaChance from American Lookout reports, The Democrats completely messed up their caucus in Iowa. They did it to themselves and have no one to blame. Unless you believe MSNBC political analyst Zerlina Maxwell, who blames systemic racism, for some reason and Trump supporters.
Zerlina Maxwell is an American political analyst, commentator, speaker, and writer. She writes and speaks about rape culture, sexual assault, gender inequity, sexual consent, racism, and similar topics. She is herself a survivor of sexual assault and describes herself as a survivor activist. She is obviously obsessed.
MSNBC allowing the BS on its station is disgraceful.
Blame Game,
FBI Subterfuge and Deceit
Nearly 3 Years Later, FBI Director Admits Surveillance of Carter Page Was Illegal
The 2016 act of surveillance on a member of President Donald Trump’s campaign team was in fact illegal, FBI Director Christopher Wray acknowledged last week.Read more...
Carter Page is suing the Democratic National Committee over its commissioning of the infamous and discredited Steele dossier, which the FBI used to obtain warrants persuading a FISA court of something that was not true in order to surveil him during the 2016 election cycle.
The main stream media never reports on revelations such as this. They are a huge part of the problem in our country right up there with the lying Democrats.
Carter Page,
Christopher Wray,
DNC. lawsuit,
China Daily's non-compliance with U.S. Law
Lawmakers Demand Probe Into Media Collusion
"Lawmakers are calling on the Justice Department to launch a “full-fledged investigation” into China Daily after the Washington Free Beacon found that the propaganda outlet ignored federal law.China Daily has spent millions to publish state-sanctioned propaganda in top American newspapers without complying with disclosure requirements for foreign agents, prompting Rep. Jim Banks (R., Ind.), Sen. Tom Cotton (R., Ark.), and 33 other members of Congress to demand a probe into the outlet’s activities.
On Thursday, the group sent a letter to Attorney General William Barr asking that the Justice Department “promptly review and produce a report on China Daily’s compliance” with federal disclosure laws."
Read more about it...
Attorney General,
News Media
Oh No, Not Another Shooting!
- Type: Shooting
- Date: 02/08/2020 01:57 AM
- Case Number: 20035590.0
Monday, February 10, 2020
Obama appointed left-wing Judge
Judge’s Decision Opens Door to V0ter Fr@ud, Are Dems Trying To Steal 15 Electoral Votes In North Carolina?
"On Thursday U.S. District Judge Loretta C. Biggs issued a permanent nationwide injunction blocking the Trump administration from clarifying and defining the start date of determining “unlawful presence,” that was added to the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1996.During the last election voting machines in more than one-third of all Detroit’s precincts – 248 of the city’s 662 precincts, or 37 percent – tabulated more ballots than the entire number of voters tallied by workers in the poll books.
In 2012, 4 precincts in Fulton County Georgia also surpassed 100% turnout including one with a 154% and another with a whopping 3300% turnout.
Also in 2012, St. Lucie County, Florida had 141.1% turnout when out of 175,554 registered voters, 247,713 vote cards were cast.
It appears Democrats were leaving nothing to chance in 2012, when in 59 Philadelphia voting divisions, Mitt Romney got zero votes."
Read about it... and the activist left wing district court judge.
Lunatic infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome
POLITICAL TERRORISM! Trump Condemns Van Attack on GOP Voter Registration Tent
It happened at a Walmart Parking lot in Jacksonville, FL--you know, where all the "smelly" people go to shop according to Democrats.This deranged driver drove right into a tent that was registering Republican voters. He's now up on big charges.
Read about it...
Thanks Democrats. Thanks Mad Max Waters and all the rest of you sorry, deranged people who condone this violence or don't speak out against it.
Vindman the Leaker?
Impeachment witness: Alexander Vindman’s NSC colleagues suspected him of leaking
It’s a logical conclusion from this exchange to think that Vindman leaked information about the call to the whistleblower, no matter how much he protests to the contrary.Read why... it's highly likely Vindman was the leaker.
President Trump got him out of the White House; that is the main thing.
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Drugs, the Scourge of our Society
Guess Who The Daddy Is of The Girl BUSTED On Major Drug Charges, Then Let Right Out of Jail
Drugs affect all families in our country. We have been reading about the growing tent city at John Prince Park and we have seen these people all over our city streets over the last several years. Lake Worth has implemented actions to deter the homeless and panhandlers in our downtown. The County says it has a plan for our park.This problem is prevalent in liberal cities across our country. Our President is attempting to slow down and halt the flow of drugs entering the U.S. and eventually stop them altogether by building the wall and deporting criminals such as MS-13. Liberals continue to fight his policies.
Officers found 31.5 grams of packaged cocaine, 29 tablets of ecstasy, 126 grams of marijuana, 60 doses of a drug related to LSD and an unverified amount of methamphetamine in the possession of this young woman.
Most of our Democrat candidates want to either abolish ICE or restructure it, whatever that means. "@SenWarren, why are you supporting criminals moving weapons, drugs, and victims across our nation's borders? You must not know what ICE really does. Here is a link to help you out," they tweeted at Warren.
Read about the gal who was busted...
Pelosi for Prison
"Two days after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ripped up a copy of President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address, a Republican candidate running to challenge her in 2020 flew an aerial banner over San Francisco that read, Pelosi for Prison.
DeAnna Lorraine said the response her campaign to represent California’s 12th Congressional District, which encompasses parts of San Francisco, has received this week shows that many Americans can no longer identify with the Democrats’ values." [Western Journal] I say, what values?
DeAnna Lorraine's web site
Nancy Pelosi,
State of the Union
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