Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Angy Alec Baldwin

Trump Hater Slanders Mike Huckabee and Sarah Huckabee Sanders in hateful  rant

This miserable Hollywood type has made a lot of money from his disgusting and insulting impersonations of President Donald Trump. Now he went after Mike Huckabee and his daughter, Sarah Sanders, Press Secretary for the President.


Anonymous said...

The small ,vain bubble that is Hollywood is about to get popped.

Anonymous said...

I remember when Ted Nugent said Hillary should suck on the barrel of his gun.

Trump invited him to the White House.

I hope the next Democratic president invites all these Trump haters to the Oval Office to rub Republican's noses in it like Trump did.

You get what you give.

Lynn Anderson said...

Won't happen.
Yeah, and what are you getting out of it with all the Dem liberal BS. Why do you want to ruin our country?