Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Richard Guercio for Lake Worth Commissioner District 4

If you don't know Richard, you need to attend his Kick-Off Meet & Greet. Richard is highly qualified with an impressive resume.  You need to meet Richard.

Read Richard's message

Facebook page


Anonymous said...

I think he is by far the best choice of all running for this seat. Good luck, Richard.

Anonymous said...

I will be voting for Richard. He has given countless hours of his time to our city. he is very smart and knows how the city works at all levels.

Lynn Anderson said...

I want to know what he thinks about the following that he addressed in his comments:
The Name Change.
The Beach Complex/Pool.
Commission agendas, rules and dais conduct.
City Management.
The finances of the City.
The roads and the financing behind them.
The electric utility in its entirety – the power plant, grid, tie-lines, etc.
The golf course.
Penny sales tax proceeds.
Our Schools.

Anonymous said...

One of the things I like about Richard is that you won't get some "blow smoke up your butt" answer to questions. Ask a direct question and he'll give you a direct answer. You will know where he stands. Try to get any of the others to commit and you will get their impression of a weather vane.

He chaired the Finance Advisory Board and through that process, has very specific ideas on our beach, casino complex, pool, electric and water utilities and road bond money.

By far, one of the more knowledgeable candidates we've seen in quite a while.

Richard Guercio said...

Thanks, Lynn and everyone.

I'll be addressing these items over the coming days and weeks and posting them on my campaign page on Facebook - @richardfor4 - as well as in public appearances, including Friday night at Callaro's. Please come hear what I have to say.

I saw a comment, a positive one, on this blog when I announced stating you can count on me to tell you like it is, and bluntly. Truer words not written.

Thanks again and see you Friday...Richard.

Anonymous said...

This should be an interesting race. Facing an incumbent is usually very difficult but Herman Robinson wants to end the Olympic pool experience at the casino or use that space for something else. Wes Blackman says shuffleboard courts would be great there. Also, I am against making our city an asphalt jungle and charging for parking. Good luck in your effort, Richard.

Anonymous said...

Leave the name of our town alone

Anonymous said...

the only name change in this town should be who sits on the dias