Saturday, January 12, 2019

Go Fund Me for Wall was a noble idea

GoFundMe to Refund $20 Million in Donations to Border Wall Campaign – Here’s Why

Homeland Security, along with other government agencies, can’t simply accept money without the explicit approval of Congress.

In its policy, the agency cites a federal law that states “gifts may not be accepted, used, or disposed of unless specifically permitted” by Congress. Therefore, the money has to be returned. We know that congress won't approve of more than one dollar towards what Nancy Pelosi calls an "immoral" wall.

Read about it...


Anonymous said...

I would bet that Democrats would say that Pelosi is a nut.

Anonymous said...

Such a hypocrite! Wonder if she employs illegal immigrants to clean that huge place?

Anonymous said...

You think Brian Kolfage might have checked this out before collecting $20 million?

Or maybe he did.

It's a good thing he's never, ever done this kind of thing before.

Good luck to everyone who contributed!

Anonymous said...

Brian has another GoFundMe to fight for free speech on Facebook. He's has collected $73K so far.

Why not donate your hard-earned money to righteous cause? I'm sure Brian is doing the right thing. He likes Trump!

Anonymous said...

I'd rather give my money to Peggy Adams. How stupid can people get. No wonder those people stand in the middle of the street with sign boards asking for money. They must make a fortune.