Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Richard Guercio fired for alleged Sunshine Law violation

Last night, the city commission FIRED Richard Guercio

who was the chair of the Finance Advisory Board. I was wondering why Channel 5 was there.--

Read about it and see the video.

Go to 3:11:04 of the video


Lynn Anderson said...

This is shocking in view of the fact that--
It was put on the agenda at the last minute (against the commission's own rules) and it was not described as a firing of Mr. Guercio on the agenda.
The public could not weigh in. The commission did not even have the backup. But channel 5 was there! They knew all about what was coming down.
Richard Guercio was not there to present his side of the story.
You are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty in this country.
But this commission went along with Torcivia/Bornstein directive and fired Mr. Guercio.
The only person on the dais who was responsible was Mayor Pam Triolo in this action.
The final vote was 4/1 with the mayor dissenting.

Anonymous said...

you can't cross Mike Bornstein.

Anonymous said...

This Commission is led around by their peckers courtesy of Bornstein and Torcivia. As usual. Everything you say above is true Lynn. Mr Guercio's real crime was demanding that the city (Bornstein) actually provide him the financial info that the board needed to do their job.Somebody asking questions about where the money goes to here in Lala Land? OH NO ! CAN'T HAVE THAT !
Hope Guercio sues their balls off.

Anonymous said...

The strong arm of city hall got ya

Anonymous said...

OMG! I actually agree with you! Richard has stated in meetings in the past that the board has not been given information they need. The board is not brought into critical budget discussions. Apparently Richard did break sunshine laws and wasnt good about cleaning up the mess but why? He isnt a rule breaker. He contributes to this city and deserved better than this. Bornstein retribution?

Anonymous said...

if this is what happens when a person ask for info before they can do their job whos hiding what.the commission should take back the cra so we can see where that money goes.looks more and more where the coruptation is pointing.we gotta cut off the head then go after the snake

Anonymous said...

The Finance Advisory Board is supposed to be a citizen's advocate when dealing with the millions of dollars going through the city. The commission did not give them any staff from the city to take minutes so one of the volunteers must do it. They don't get cooperation from the city for information they request so that they can report back to the commission on how the money is being spent so who gives the commission their information? Staff, of course.

If Guercio was so incompetent he would have had defections on his board, but instead he had dedicated citizen volunteers ready and willing to meet as many times as necessary to review as much as they needed to review to watch our tax and road bond money. for the benefit of the commission.

I don't think this is the last we have heard of this. I hope not anyway.

Anonymous said...

Florida is a Right to Work State. Any employer can fire any employee for any reason. Does this not apply to a city worker?

Lynn Anderson said...

Mr. Guercio was NOT an employee. He was not paid. He volunteered his time and energy and devotion to watch the finances of the City of Lake Wroth and how they were spending your money.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like this all points back to a very corrupt elected commission and city manager. How sad for the City of Lake Worth and its people.

Anonymous said...

I don't trust this commission or the city manager. We need dedicated volunteers on city boards to attempt, at least, to keep the city transparent and honest.