Letters to the Editor
Palm Beach Post
April 10, 2018
Hudson Holdings has not earned city’s love
The silence is deafening with regard to the relationship our mayor and commissioners in Lake Worth have with Hudson Holdings and the Gulfstream Hotel properties.
How is it our mayor is so enamored with this group and keeps promoting it as a good resource for the betterment of Lake Worth? Hudson Holdings is currently being sued not only by its partners regarding the Gulfstream Hotel and properties but in 10 other lawsuits around the state.
How can our mayor and commissioners think this is good business? Mayor Pam Triolo should be sending code enforcement officers and start daily fines for not maintaining this historic property (for the past seven years). Why should the taxpayers augment the profitability of Hudson Holdings Group who year after year chose profit over ethics?
So mayor and city commissioners, time to step out of the shadows and earn those raises you gave yourselves by addressing the projects that benefit everyone, i.e.: the public pool at the beach, improve and expand city-owned land (ballfields) and other parks and take the time and effort to listen to the majority of the citizens of Lake Worth on how to make this city the envy of not only the county but the whole country.
the city and the commission are corrupt. Everyone knows it but they vote them back in.
Great Letter!
Out of the supposed over 17,000 voters Lake Worth has, less than 3,000 of them voted in the last election for Mayor and Commission.How disgusting. We need to get our citizens out to vote.
Katie Mcgiveron
You know what was disgusting about this past election? Drew Martin, what a loser. 3 more years!
Drew Martin definitely lost his election but he is not a loser in life. You should really get to know him before using a word such as "disgusting." More than likely it is you who really is. I give Drew a lot of respect to get up to the plate and challenge and incumbent. It takes guts in this stacked deck world.
We also need term limits. Nobody needs to SERVE(get it SERVE )on this Commission more than two terms.And many thanks to Drew Martin and ANY candidate that puts themselves out there to run for office.
Katie Mcgiveron
Drew is a wonderful person, but not a good candidate. He's just not the type. To win elections, you usually have to be an egotistical loud mouth lying blowhard. That in no way describes Drew. As far as the commission being corrupt, that may be true, but where is your proof. It's silly to make a statement like that with nothing to back it up.
what a bunch of wimps.when someone puts their name out to try to help the city they are blasted for loosing.first they don't have support then no money then the people who don't want to get involved but know everything have to call them names. been there and know. so I just feel you got what you deserve.so until you get out there and help each other BITE ME !!!!!!
And Drew is an altruistic citizen who spends countless hours of his life protecting natural Florida from rapacious overdevelopment.
He goes to countless meetings protecting our water supply, natural areas, wildlife, and old Florida.
God bless you Drew for alll you do for us
Great letter!! Since the trio seems still enamored with Hudson Holdings, and now has another 3 year term, does anyone think they might try another ITN type secret process to install their buddy Michaels on the beach again? Can't anyone do something about the deplorable neglect of the Gulfstream?
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