Thursday, December 14, 2017

President Trump - Making the case for Tax Reform

The closing argument for tax reform

President Donald J. Trump spoke before a crowd in the White House Grand Foyer yesterday to lay out—in concrete terms—what tax cuts would mean for the typical American household. “As we speak, Congress has reached an agreement on tax legislation that will deliver more jobs, higher wages, and massive tax relief for American families and for American companies,” the President said.

Here’s the President’s case by the numbers:
• $2,000+: What the typical family of four earning $75,000 will see in income tax cuts, slashing their tax bill in half
• $4,000: How much incomes are expected to rise across the board as a result of tax cuts on U.S. businesses
• 1/3: The amount one sample Ohio family in the 25-percent bracket and paying nearly $14,000 in taxes would reduce their yearly tax burden
• 3%: The level of growth the U.S. economy has already surged to—tax reform would take it even further

Watch President Trump and five working families make the case for tax reform.

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