Monday, August 14, 2017

Lake Worth Code Department in turmoil?

Lake Worth's Code Department deals with a myriad of issues. Being a code enforcement officer has to be one of the most stressful jobs in the city. It seems that these days, if you look cross-eyed at someone and/or don't perform under the radar, you are terminated.

We all have been complaining about the condition of properties within our city for years and nothing ever seems to change.  Officers are overworked and they are cross-trained to address multiple violations.  Property owners still screw around and violate our laws. They're written up, given a warning; they fix it and two weeks later it's back in the same condition.

Even our commissioners run on platforms saying they will crack down on slum and blight and code infractions but when push comes to shove, nothing changes--all empty promises. Our Vice Mayor has been talking about it for 17 years.

For years, we have heard that employee moral is down in our city and the following complaint by a former code officer who had not yet filled her probation period (6 months) is evidence of the various problems relative to her experience. If the allegations are true, it is a jaw-breaking, astounding pronouncement of intolerable conditions and lack of leadership at City Hall. Is it easier to just terminate than get to the truth?

This e-mail was sent to the city commission. I have been told that prior complaints were sent to the city manager as well as the Human Resource Director.  What is going on in the Code Compliance Department? What was this employee's fate? They terminated her. Read about her explosive allegations.

Subject: Code Enforcement/Code Remediation

Read the shocking complaint...


Anonymous said...

This city is terrible! Backstabbingat it's finest!

Anonymous said...

Our code dept sucks.

Anonymous said...

You are not allowed to defend yourself or have an opinion in this city. It's so typically regressive by progressives in that regard. While the city goes to rot and contributes to employee turnover, the commission concerns itself with closing down the pool or some other stupid thing.

D said...

You can't harass people today. This is federal. No wonder they don't get anything done. They're too busy harassing staff.

Lynn Anderson said...

I was told that the other code officer in this complaint was put on administrative leave. This has not been verified.

Anonymous said...

what are these ass holes trying to tear down this city for.whats in it for anyone.its going to continue till someone steps up and more than 2or3people support them.i remember in a commission meeting where the commission was threatened by one person if they didn't vote the way he that the smoking gun here

Anonymous said...

Wow! Just wow. Commissioners? Bornstein? Look,it's my tax dollars that run this city and I'm tired of all of the law suites that should never have happened in the first place. The entire code dept needs to be interviewed by a neutral third party to get to the bottom of what is really happening. Immediate steps need to be taken to clean this dept up,including firing personnel responsible for this mess if deemed appropriate.I would include Mr. Bornstein in this firing. Ultimately as City manager he is responsible.Katie Mcgiveron

Josh B said...

The management thinks they can just screwover anyone anytime & now it's blowing up in their face. They all like to put on big fake smileswhen in truth they are just PHONIES!

Anonymous said...

I love my city but all the corruption needs to stop =/

Anonymous said...

Good ol' ldub... still doing what they want, Bronstein you are a POS!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The photo you have above is of thieves stealing money from the city and its people! They are the worst ever elected, only care about themselves. Giving themselves such huge salaries with money that comes from the people and our taxes. Corrupt thieves that is who you have elected and who run the City of Lake Worth!

Anonymous said...

What is really ridiculous is that this most likely actually happened!!! They try to be all stand-up do right but they can't even keep employees! The turn around over there must be ridiculous. Lynn, maybe you should do a records request of the actual hire, fire, resign rate for all the personell personnel in William waters department? It might turn up some interesting results...

Anonymous said...

Gotta love it!

Anonymous said...

Whose bin fired recently?

Anonymous said...

This is just like Lake Worth, getting rid of good people while keeping the filth brownnosing people still on staff. I hope Code officer coscia gets everything thats coming to him. this needs to stop already!

Anonymous said...

so we can all get this straight; there was sexual harassment going on and instead of the "city" investigating it properly they just fired the woman who was getting harassed? Why bc the harasser was her boss???!!!... WOW!!

Lynn Anderson said...

Please, let me remind you that all this is, at this time, is an allegation...a very serious one. Firing, however, seems to be severe under the reported circumstances. In all fairness, this is just one side of the story and we don't know all of the info on this case.

Anonymous said...

Lynn, that's a good point. It's just that LW has such a dishonest history, normally when things like this pop up it's true though. Do you know if the City responded to the former employees email? That would help understand the validity of it a little better.

Anonymous said...

You can public request the reason why the code officer is on administrative leave. There ya go there's solid reasoning. It would clear all up if this was the reason

Joey Steimer said...

That's a really lengthy letter GEEZUM! that employee really aired out some dirty dirt.

Anonymous said...

when they want someone gone they are eventually fired, thats just how lake worth operates and will always operate.

Anonymous said...

I hear more about the problems in code than anywhere else. Ive delt with them in the past and its hit or miss on which officer you get. some are really nice while others are not so nice. I guess it all depends on which side the dice land on...

Anonymous said...

It's time to re-gut dem!

Anonymous said...

Well you know if this hits the Palm Beach post it's legit bc they have to thoroughly investigate it.

Lynn Anderson said...

Why do you think that they need to investigate it?

Anonymous said...

Legit? Palm Beach Post??? hahahahahahahahahah Best laugh all year!

Anonymous said...

The newspaper has to investigate thoroughly which means they will contact both parties to get both sides of the story. If they contact the City and the City says they wont give a comment then at least they will publish that they tried and go off what evidence they currently have to the best of their ability.

Anonymous said...

Really??? Poor little girl didn't have the strength to complaint for fear of loosing her job..? But capable of writing this long letter??? Give me a break!! I'm pretty sure if she felt so uncomfortable with Mr Coscia's behavior without hesitation would reported to HR. I found very comical that the job sucks when you stop getting the pay check. Very hard to believe.Stop acting as a victim and take responsibility of your actions.