Thursday, December 1, 2016

PB Canvassing Board Accused of Election Audit Fraud

Once again, we have LOSERS giving Susan Bucher a hard time. She recently won re-election with 70% of the vote. Some people don't know who they're screwing around with.

A poll watcher group out of California [a whacked out state] has accused the Palm Beach canvassing board of election audit fraud. Losers love to pull this crapola.

Remember when the City of Lake Worth and Mayor Triolo gave Bucher a hard time on the General Obligation bond vote of August 26, 2014? The meeting of the City Commission which occurred on September 5, 2014, was more in the nature of an attack (unfounded and unsubstantiated on the entire electoral process and those involved in it. Bucher was even charged with possibly committing a Sunshine Law violation.

Read about it... and the latest charge by losers.


Anonymous said...

Good luck to another screwball.

Anonymous said...

after what has happened in the last few years I doubt susan is going to allow any fraud in her office.she impresses us to be a very hands on boss

Anonymous said...

she's very hands on. just like your hero president elect.