Friday, April 8, 2016

Roger Stone blasts the Clintons

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Last night I attended the Republican Club of Central Palm Beach County's meeting at the Atlantis Country Club.  Roger Stone was the guest speaker who is an American political consultant, lobbyist and strategist. He talked primarily about his new book, the Clinton's War on Women, making some shocking revelations.

He collaborated this best seller with Robert Morrow, a political researcher and historian on a detailed accounting of the Clintons who he said used accusations, intimidation, and cover-ups against women and children.  The Clintons’ “systematically abuse women and others – sexually, physically, and psychologically – in their scramble for power and wealth,” says the book’s press release.

Mr. Stone, a former adviser to Donald Trump, (no one knows for sure if he quit or was fired) didn't have anything positive to say about any of the candidates other than Donald Trump. You left wondering whether all his conspiracy theories, now and from the past, were 100% real and if there is anyone honest in politics today.

Read his bio in Wikipedia and you will find he has been a "clever" operative his entire political life.


Anonymous said...

It was the most interesting meeting ever! It's scary how much we the people don't know about our electeds. They all have their public face and then there is their private face. Just look at Lake Worth!

Anonymous said...

The real whores are the Clintons. Saudi Arabia, UAE and Qatar have given the Clinton Foundation a combined $40 million! Once elected, they're not going to be serving We the People. If you think they are, I have a bridge you might want to buy.

Anonymous said...

How very appropriate the guy was standing in front of the bathroom because as you all know he's totally full if it.

Lynn Anderson said...

I would guess that only someone full of it himself would even notice a Rest Room sign and make some stupid analogy out of it. It must really suck to be a Hillary supporter.