Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Benny's at the Beach is having a Labor Day Bash

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And there is only one thing wrong with it--they are going to close down our fishing pier to fishermen from entering for one hour. The public, including fishermen, can enter for free during 2:30 - 3:30 but don't dare bring a fishing pole.

Their Lease with the City says that the only time they can close our pier (it is being closed to fishermen for that hour because they are being told they can not enter with a fishing pole) is if there is a threat to public safety including or not limited to weather related occurrences. The agreement can be amended by the city manager. Did the owner get this permission?


Anonymous said...

Bentley's on the beach is too rich for my blood ! Good luck with the crowds !

Lynn Anderson said...

Ok they don't want fishermen to arrive to fish during that free marketing PR hour they're doing. It would be smarter if they allowed the fishermen to come with their poles during that hour as they support that pier all year long. Get smart Benny's.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like a fun idea, but Benny's seems to be getting too grabby with public property. First the unauthorized lounge area, now this. I do hope they got permission and are paying rent for the time the pier will be closed.

Lynn Anderson said...

Benny's pays a lot of rent. This pier won't be closed for that hour. Fishermen just can't come on the fishing pier during that time with their fishing poles.

Anonymous said...

Tell you the truth, I like the old Benny's better. Can't even afford this place anymore.

Anonymous said...

Lipton must be doing very well. Now he wants to be a part of Hudson Holdings and have a another restaurant in the casino.

Anonymous said...

How is the pier not closed if fisherpeople can't enter to fish? Sounds closed to me. I'm not against some special events on the pier, probably a lot of people in our city never go on it, but Benny's should pay if they are going to close it to the public.

Lynn Anderson said...

NO--I guess this must be the most confusing blog I've ever written.
The Pier is not being closed.
It is not allowing fishermen to bring in their fishing poles during that one promotion hour.
It will all be opened. How else can I say this. He doesn't want fishermen taking advantage of his "good nature" during this one free hour only to fish off our fishing pier.

Anonymous said...

So not closed, you just can't fish or bring a pole onto the fishing pier? Makes complete sense????

Lynn Anderson said...

LOL--Just during that one hour, anonymous @12:09. Those already on the pier can fish.