Saturday, June 2, 2012

Obama Honors Socialist with Medal of Freedom

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 Lech Walesa shunned by Obama.

Administration officials told the Journal that Walesa is too “political.” A man who was arrested by Soviet officials for dissenting against the government for being “political” is being shunned by Obama for the same reason 30 years later.

Meanwhile, one of the recipients of the Medal was Dolores Huerta, the honorary chair of the Democratic Socialists of America. So socialist politics are acceptable, but not the politics of a man who stood up and fought socialism.


The radical left is occupying the Whitehouse.


Anonymous said...

A TRUE socialist doesn't pay any property taxes but expects others to pay for the services the socialists don't pay for.
A TRUE socialist happily takes monthly social security payments knowing they will take in way more than they ever contributed while working minimum wage jobs.
A TRUE socialist receives free medicare that others pay for them.
A TRUE socialist stands there with their hand out to the government EXPECTING services they never really paid for.
Obama should give you the Medal of Freedom for being the #1 socialist.

Lynn Anderson said...

Obviously you just want to personally attack me. That is your right. I decided to post your drivel because you really do not understand what social security really is and that workers and their employers pay into the system until that worker retires. In my case, it was 40 years.

It is not something for nothing. You really have no clue on what socialism really is. But it's fun to attack me.

Get a life but more importantly, GET A JOB so that maybe you will be lucky enough to collect social security unless Obama gives it all away to illegals and foreign governments and creates false stimulus that will bankrupt our great nation.

Another thing about Democrats, they twist the truth. That's why we have so many problems now in this country. Keep holding that hand out.