Saturday, May 4, 2024

Michael Avenatti defends Trump

Michael Avenatti Tweets from Prison Saying Key Prosecution Witness in Trump Trial Is Lying About Stormy Daniels

Stormy Daniels’ former attorney, Michael Avenatti, has tweeted from prison accusing a key prosecution witness of lying in the New York hush money trial against former President Donald Trump.

Trump is on trial in NYC over an alleged $130,000 payment to Daniels to keep her quiet during the 2016 election — which he has denied.

On Thursday night, Avenatti tweeted, “Keith Davidson is lying. After I confronted her w/ her own text msgs, Daniels admitted to me in early 2019 that she & Davidson had extorted Trump in Oct. 2016 – it was a shakedown. This was one of the many reasons I fired her as a client in Feb. 2019.”

“There’s no question [the trial] is politically motivated because they’re concerned that he may be reelected,” Avenatti told the newspaper."

Read about it...


Anonymous said...

Michael Avenatti was trash, is trash, will always be trash.

Anonymous said...

He’s trying hard for a pardon from Mr Trump come November.

Lynn Anderson said...

Is Michael Cohen trash?