Tuesday, April 11, 2023

The Censorship of Political Viewpoints

The Privatization Of Tyranny

By Dick Morris on April 10, 2023

When President Trump said that his indictment meant that “they are coming for you, I am just in the way,” he opened a new front in the war against woke censorship and the deep state.

While the Constitution prohibits government action to abridge free speech and press, it says nothing about the right of private companies and individuals to do so. Into this void is stepping large numbers of companies, businesses, and corporations dominated by small cliques of radical leftists.

Like cancer cells, they take over the management of the companies to use their powers and capital to advance their own agenda of Critical Race Agenda, trans-sexuality, and ESG objectives.

They are using their new powers to censor political viewpoints with which they disagree. For example, Congressman Ken Buck (R-Az) reports that “Google regularly suppresses search results for websites and news stories that present ideas contrary to their preferred narrative.”

So-called “fact checkers” have gotten into the act, downgrading conservative websites, and making it difficult for the sites to attract investments and advertisements.

Read the rest of Dick's article

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