Conservative Commentary/Opinion on Local, State & National issues. Hours 6am to 7pm to respond to comments
Thursday, September 30, 2021
Message from Ron DeSantis
Biden’s blunders are adding up quickly
➡️Skyrocketing gas prices➡️Rising inflation
➡️Unprecedented crisis at the southern border
➡️13 U.S. service-members killed in action in Afghanistan due to Biden’s botched operation
➡️Refusal to hold China accountable for the origins of COVID
➡️Unconstitutional executive vaccine edicts
➡️Rationing life-saving COVID treatment despite no shortage in supply to punish red states
I can think of a few dozen more!
Republicans running for Alcee Hasting's Congressional Seat - Primary Nov 2
The Two Republicans running for District 20, Alcee Hastings seat
Republicans Jason Mariner: former drug addict and convict, CEO of AdSkinzGreg Musselwhite: welding inspector who lost to Hastings in 2020 general election
See Jason Mariner's interesting campaign video:
What did Nancy just say?
Here is a blurb where she admits it's Obama's agenda, Building Back Better, a slogan stolen by Joe Biden from Bill Cinton.
Biden Staff Jumping Ship
More Resignations Rocks The White House
Department of Homeland Security Chief of Staff Karen Olick jumped ship as Biden flooded America with Afghan refugees and conveniently left just before the recent debacle at the southern border.Recently, two of the FDA’s top vaccine experts, Philip Krause and Marion Gruber resigned because they disagreed with Biden’s booster program.
Now if we could get the inept liars (Jen Psaki is fairly good at it though) to resign, we would all be better off.
And speaking of vaccines--
$3.5 Trillion Reconciliation Bill
Pelosi Sneaks In Vaccination Compliance Law Into ‘Reconciliation’ Bill
Biden is fully intending on forcing a vaccine mandate on the country and he is either going to bankrupt companies or Americans that don’t follow his decree.House Speaker Nancy Pelosi quietly added vaccine compliance mechanism into her $3.5 trillion “reconciliation” bill and it has been sent to the House floor.
Page number 168 of the House Democrats’ 2,465 bill increases fines for employers ten times higher than the ones assumed to imposed by OSHA for any business that “willfully,” “repeatedly,” or seriously violates a labor law that has to do with hazards, death, or serious physical harm.
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
An extreme new bill signed into law by Newsom
California Embraces Full Cultural Marxism
The recent recall election in California was held on Sept. 14. Unfortunately, it did not go the way many conservatives had hoped.Despite millions of Californians voting to recall extreme leftist Governor Gavin Newsom, he pulled through, thanks to support from the large coastal, liberal cities and people loving free stuff.
So, Newsom is riding high!
Click here to see what he now did!
Was George Floyd's death really Murder?
New Development in George Floyd/Derek Chauvin Case
Most of the nation witnessed the traumatic events of Monday, May 25, 2020. What happened in a Powderhorn Park neighborhood in Minneapolis, Minnesota was a tragedy. But was it murder? To truthfully convict Officer Derek Chauvin of murder, the act must have been proven intentional.It was not. The outcry from the radical left fueled a racial upheaval across our nation not witnessed in decades. Without going into the mind of Derek Chauvin at the exact moment he was holding a repeat criminal on the ground, it is impossible to prove mindset.
Read this author's reasoning
Woman who boiled Bear Urine allegedly started fire in California
Woman NOT Climate Change Responsible For Devastating Cali Forest Fire
Wacko woman from wacko state set the fire!"Former forestry student turned, shaman/yoga instructor Alexandra Souverneve, of Palo Alto, has been charged with arson and allegedly started a huge wildfire in California.
Souverneva is also the center of a larger investigation and officials believe she may be responsible for other fires.
The wacko activist claimed the fire she’s being accused of, started when she tried to boil bear urine so she could drink it.
It's a mystery why California has so many whack jobs.
Read about the nut job
Afghani was hung from a crane
Taliban, who the Biden admin hailed as 'businesslike,' hang body from crane
put other corpses out for public display as 'lesson'
"The aim of this action is to alert all criminals that they are not safe," a Taliban commander told the AP.Herat province's deputy governor Mawlawi Shir Ahmad Muhajir said the public hanging was a "lesson."
Read about these "businesslike" terrorists
The question of the day is, "who is ultimately responsible for this atrocity?" Rolling over to terrorists is not justifiable foreign policy.
Ron DeSantis Sues Biden
Florida Sues Biden Over Catch-and-Release Policy
Florida is suing President Biden’s administration over the “illegal” catch-and-release immigration policies at the Southern border. Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody filed the suit as part of a joint effort with Gov. Ron DeSantis to “uphold the rule of law despite the Biden administration’s decision to violate the law.”The lawsuit alleges that Biden officials deliberately violated federal law or abused their parole authority.
“Many of the aliens illegally released by the Biden administration are arriving, or will arrive in Florida, harming the state’s quasi-sovereign interests and forcing it to incur millions of dollars in expenses.”
Read about it...
Taliban held Mock Funeral for U.S. and NATO
Let’s not forget, somewhere around these celebrations are Americans still trapped behind enemy lines
Biden, who failed to make a clean withdrawal from Afghanistan, also failed to successfully evacuate trapped Americans who were not able to make it to the dangerous airports. Many, who reportedly did make it, were violently turned away by the Taliban.Biden failed America and failed our allies.
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Could the Taliban get hold of Nukes?
John Bolton warns Taliban could access Pakistan's nukes
That means maybe 150 in the hands of terrorists?
"The Taliban in control of Afghanistan threatens the possibility of terrorists taking control of Pakistan … that means maybe 150 nuclear weapons in the hands of terrorists," Bolton warned.Well, they certainly took over Afghanistan quickly and the Taliban long has had links to Pakistan and its Islamic government.
Don't Mess with Texas
Texas Gov. Abbott Offers To Hire Horseback Border Patrol Officers If They Are Fired
On Sunday, Texas Governor Greg Abbott vowed that he would hire the Border Patrol agents on horseback accused of ‘whipping’ Haitian migrants if the Biden administration fires them.Homeland Security has failed the citizens of the United States. Abbott also had words for Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for failing to secure the southern border.
Read about it...
Joe Fires a Patriot
Biden Boots Legendary Lee Greenwood from National Council on the Arts, Introduces His Own Nominees
You have to laugh, really.The singer, whose signature song “God Bless the U.S.A.” has been played at patriotic events ever since Greenwood penned the anthem in 1984, said he was surprised that he was ousted from the panel, having been first appointed by former President George W. Bush.
“So, hearing now under the Biden administration and he’s cleaned house and finally he’s fired a patriot. I was quite shocked to tell you the truth. I didn’t get a phone call or letter. It was just an email”
We all know it has everything to do with Trump as this was his signature song at all of his rallies. Biden's goal is to cancel Trump in every way possible...ain't gonna happen, Joe. Someone is giving Joe very bad advice on all fronts.
Read about it...
Dog the Bounty Hunter on the trail of Brian Laundrie
And that's the way it shoud be...he turned his life around for good and now he's helping to find Brian Laundrie. As soon as he announced, tips quickly poured in.
Omari is always opening his mouth
Omari Hardy gets backlash after trashing DC food scene, including from Jose Andres
Rep. Omari Hardy @OmariJHardy"Can we talk about DC food being terrible? Because it's not great y'all."
He got a reply--
José Andrés @chefjoseandres
"With all due respect,Sir, even if you were right, with facts, with a person in your position, wouldn’t be nice to talk about anything you did like, versus “trashing” thousands of cooks and restaurants owners, and food trucks etc that are still trying to save their restaurants?"
Let's all hope Omari doesn't have to put up with DC food or anything else there. Surprised that he didn't call Jose a racist!
Monday, September 27, 2021
The Insanity of Liberals
Don Lemon supports Vaccine Passports but not voter ID
To Don Lemon, showing ID for voting is racist, but showing ID for proof of vaccination in order to live your life as a human being in the 21st century is perfectly fine.
That’s the “logic” of a media liberal.
Actually, they are paid just to be obnoxiously stupid.
Read about the Lemon
FBI’s suspicious activities prior to and during the January 6 "riot"
FBI Undercover Agent on January 6 Received Text That Confirms No Trump-Led Plot to Overturn 2020 Election
The Federal Bureau of Investigation has been outed in a New York Times piece for having undercover agents working the Capitol riot on January 6.Furthermore, the FBI agent was collaborating with a Proud Boys informant who confirmed there was no centralized plot to overturn the 2020 election results on Donald Trump’s behalf. As has been oft-repeated, the pro-Trump attendees were not part of any ‘pre-planned attack.’
Read about it... as the Democrats continue on with their next HOAX with the aim of "getting" Trump through their Jan 6 Select Committee.
Biden losing on all fronts, not just the Border
Free Pass on Immigration Over?
As he extends Trump-era policies, President Biden discovers that many voters are no longer willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
The more the Democrats focus on the fake whipping story, the less they can deflect from the disintegration of the southern border.Joe Biden welcomed a “surge” to the border during the general election campaign, and now he’s getting it.
Even Democrats are finally waking up to the truth. You can see it in his poll numbers.
A Harvard poll said: “Immigration is boiling up as an issue." And since this poll was taken, the situation is dire at our border that Biden has completely ignored..
Add it to increasing voter concerns about inflation, taxes, and the critical race theory controversy, and this could be a summer of woe for Democrats. “These are not good numbers for Democrats,” said an adviser to House Republicans."
Lake Worth to Adopt Millage today
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2021 - 5:00 PM
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: led by Commissioner Sarah Malega
A. Resolution No. 58-2021 – Second Public Hearing – adopt the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 final Millage Rate. 5.4945. This reflects an 8.27% increase over rolled back rate of 5.074
B. Resolution No. 59-2021 - Second Public Hearing - Adopt the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 final Debt Service Rate. 1.1100
C. Resolution No. 60-2021 - Second Public Hearing - adopt the fiscal year 2021-2022 final City budget
A. Resolution No. 66-2021 – Establish the rates, fees and charges for the City Sub-regional Sewer Utility
B. Resolution No. 67-2021 - Establish the rates, fees and charges for the Local Sewer System
C. Resolution No. 68-2021 – Establish the rates and charges for the Water System for Fiscal Year 2021-2022. NO CHANGE
D. Resolution No. 69-2021 – establishing the Electric Utility Rates for Fiscal Year 2021-2022. NO CHANGE
E. Resolution No. 70-2021 - Fees and charges for City services for Fiscal Year 2021-2022
F. Adopt the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Position Count
G. Ordinance No. 2021- 17 – Emergency Ordinance for Inclusion in County’s Fire/Rescue MSTU. 3.4581
The sh*t show the Democrats staged at the confirmation hearings Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh
Kavanuagh Rape Accuser Confesses She Lied, Was Never Raped, Never Even Met The Man
"Because the mainstream media was not very interested in this story (for obvious reasons) it is likely that you did not see this when it broke. For this reason we are posting it again."
Read about it...Lake Worth's new City Manager
Ms. Davis won out over what was originally 16 candidates narrowed down to four other highly qualified candidates. She has an impressive resume.
Master of Business Administration, Wayne State University
Bachelor of Arts, Geography and Urban Planning, Wayne State U.
Chief Operating Officer, Jackson Medical Mall Foundation, Jackson, MS-- 2020-Present
County Administrator, Hinds County, MS-- 2010- 2020
City Planner IV, City Planning Commission/City Council, Detroit, MI--2006-2009
City Planner IV, City Planning Commission/City Council, Detroit, MI--1993-2001
She has applied to other cities for a city manager position. It is unknown at this time when she will begin her new duties in Lake Worth Beach. She has to give notice at her present place of employment and the contract will have to be drawn by Lake Worth's law firm and executed.
Sunday, September 26, 2021
Biden: The most uninformed President Ever
Furious Border Patrol agents respond to Biden's threat to make agents 'pay' over false whip story: 'Just started a war'
"It was horrible [what] you saw. To see people treated like they did [sic]. Horses nearly running people over and people being strapped," Biden said at the White House.Read about it...
What Biden said:
Maricopa County Audit
AZ Auditors Say Ballot Envelopes Without Signatures, Blank Duplicates Verified and Approved by Maricopa County
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, an expert hired by the Arizona Senate to audit the mail-in ballot envelope images from November’s general election, told Senate leadership on Friday that his team’s review found thousands of duplicate ballots, as well as over 1,700 with no signatures.Ayyadurai, who holds a Ph.D. in systems engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said that there were 34,448 duplicate ballot envelopes from 17,126 unique voters.
Maricopa County was the ONLY county in Arizona that "flipped" to blue.
Read about it...
Democrats continue to toss around the Race Card
Oh, f**k them!’ Tucker responds to ‘white nationalist’ accusations from Anti-Defamation League
“The ADL was such a noble organization that had a very specific goal, which was to fight antisemitism,” Carlson continued after some crosstalk. “That’s a virtuous goal. I think they were pretty successful over the years. Now it’s operated by a guy who’s… just an apparatchik of the Democratic Party.”The ADL accused him of “openly embracing white nationalist talking points” while again calling on the network to fire him.
Israel, U.S. held Discussion on Iran on its Nuclear Program
Israel, US hold secret meeting over ‘Plan B’ on Iran, if talks fail
"Israel and the U.S. have held secret discussions in the past week over a “Plan B” in case talks with Iran over its nuclear program fail, Axios first reported.One of these meetings was reportedly held between U.S. national security adviser Jake Sullivan and his Israeli counterpart, Eyal Hulata, via a secure video conference call.
Jake Sullivan, if you recall, was involved in the Fake Russian Dossier. Sullivan worked for Clinton when a law firm representing her campaign hired an opposition research firm to investigate Trump's possible ties to Russia. The firm hired Christopher Steele, the author behind the dossier alleging a "well-developed conspiracy of cooperation between the Trump campaign and Russian government.
Read about it... as Biden administration with Jake Sullivan take a "cautious" approach.
"Everyone walked out of the Meeting"
Democrat and Republican Lawmakers Storm out of Classified Team Biden Afghan Briefing
It seems that Democrats and Republicans grew frustrated after State Department, Pentagon, Department of Homeland Security, and Office of the Director of National Security officials failed to answer their basic questions during the briefing for members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.They still do not know how many Americans and Afghan helpers are still in the terrorist Taliban controlled country.
Saturday, September 25, 2021
Democrats plan to abolish Space Force
Dems Seek to Abolish Trump-Created Space Force
On 20 December 2019, the United States Space Force Act, developed by Democratic Representative Jim Cooper and Republican Representative Mike Rogers, was signed as part of the National Defense Authorization Act by President Donald Trump, reorganizing Air Force Space Command into the United States Space Force, and creating the first new independent military service since the Army Air Forces were reorganized as the U.S. Air Force in 1947.[wikipedia]"Democrats are introducing a bill to abolish the Space Force established by former President Donald Trump as a new branch of the military to defend American national security in the expanding world that is increasingly using satellite technology for business, communications, and defense".
"It's time we turn our attention back to where it belongs: addressing urgent domestic and international priorities like battling COVID-19, climate change, and growing economic inequality. Our mission must be to support the American people, not spend billions on the militarization of space," say Democrats.
Democrats can waste money on witch-hunts, etc. but have zero understanding of the importance of the Space Force and its primary mission of maintaining, protecting and expanding the U.S. fleet of advanced military satellites that form the backbone of U.S. global military operations-- to be one step ahead of our enemies.
Read more... Just more Democrat stupidity and another Democrat step to reduce our military and defense systems.
The Big Lie
One indictment just proved Trump right about everything he said about liberal media bias
The corporate-controlled media spent years chasing down the conspiracy theory about Donald Trump colluding with the Russian government during the 2016 campaign.That narrative finally collapsed.
And one indictment just proved Trump right about everything he said about liberal media bias.
John Durham’s indictment of former Clinton campaign attorney Michael Sussmann now means more people were charged with fabricating the Russian collusion hoax than were ever charged for colluding with Russia.
Read about it...
Changes to U.S. First-Class Mail delivery times may affect you
What's happening--From Wells Fargo:
Effective October 1, 2021, the United States Postal Service (USPS) has revised its service standards for certain First-Class Mail items, resulting in a delivery window of up to five days. Please note that this may delay your receipt of mail from us and our receipt of mail from you (including mailed payments). Please take this change into account when mailing items to us via USPS.
So, the price of a first-class stamp increased by 6.9% to 58 cents and service goes down?
Emotional nut job AOC sheds Crocodile Tears
AOC Sheds tears On House Floor
Vote went against her for screwing Israel
The temper tantrum was in full effect on the House floor after Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez didn’t get her way.The DNC Squad was trying to throw their weight around and prevent the US from giving funding to Israel for the Iron Dome to defend their country from Hamas and terrorists.
MSNBC News reporter, Jake Sherman reported that “AOC seems distraught. She is in the middle of the house floor wiping away tears, crying into her colleagues shoulders.”
See AOC Incidentally, the Iron Dome funding passed 420/9.
Iron Dome is part of a multi-tiered missile defense system that Israel was continuing to develop in 2016 to protect the country from threats ranging from mortars to ICBMs.[wikipedia]
Jen Psaki taking some CBS Heat
CBS This Morning co-anchor Gayle King ripped White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki over the behavior of the Biden administration
pressed her over their incompetence
It's getting bad for Joe when the liberal press starts to turn on him.Friday, September 24, 2021
Allen West blames Biden and Abbot for the Texas border mess
Col Allen West was on Tucker Carlson Tonight and made his position very clear
"The border crisis happening at our border is a direct result of FAILED leadership by President Joe Biden AND Governor Greg Abbott."Gen Milley was undermining President Trump
Gen. Milley had pattern of undermining Trump, says fmr. Army assistant secretary
E. Casey Wardynski, a former assistant secretary of the Army for Manpower and Reserve Affairs under President Donald Trump said in a new interview on Monday that Gen. Mark Milley and Army Chief of Staff Gen. James McConville both engaged in “pattern of behavior” that overstepped their authority and undermined Trump’s leadership.“These kind of behaviors and this willingness for military leaders to exceed their authorities and ignore authorities of the civilian officials appointed over them … positions under the Constitution and laws of the country was not something that came to them on Jan. 8,” Wardynski told Fox News. “It was something that they had done for a while.”
Read about it...
Chuck Todd on Joe Biden
Chuck Todd admitted something about Joe Biden that upset Democrats
"Meet the Press host Chuck Todd is one of the more reliable Democrat Party propagandists in the corporate-controlled media.That’s why what he said was so surprising.
And now Chuck Todd admitted something about Joe Biden that upset Democrats."
Read what Chuck Todd had to say
Lake Worth Commission predictably votes against Ron Desantis-Joins lawsuit
Lake Worth Beach first city in county to join lawsuit against DeSantis' 'anti-riot bill'
Trying to curb riots, HB1 passed in Florida Legislature and voted into law
The new law also allows local governments to be sued if a riot happens and they fail to stop it and creating the potential for a civil liability for damages leveled at the governing body.“A municipality has a duty to allow the municipal law enforcement agency to respond appropriately to protect persons and property during a riot or an unlawful assembly based on the availability of adequate equipment to its municipal law enforcement officers and relevant state and federal laws.”
BUT and as predicted, this Democrat Lake Worth Commission voted 5/0 to join the lawsuit against Governor Ron DeSantis at their September 21 commission meeting.
They blabbed about Home Rule. Sarah Malega, Commissioner District 1 said it was "bully" tactics.
What they did was believe the snow-job by the racist hate group, the Southern Poverty Law Center. They tell us it has nothing to do with de-funding the police.
I seriously doubt if they can have any influence on the PBSO when it comes to public rioting.
The Law:
Combating Public Disorder; Authorizing specified elected officials to file an appeal to the Administration Commission if the governing body of a municipality makes a specified reduction to the operating budget of the municipal law enforcement agency; providing that a municipality has a duty to allow the municipal law enforcement agency to respond to a riot or unlawful assembly in a specified manner based on specified circumstances; reclassifying the penalty for an assault committed in furtherance of a riot or an aggravated riot; prohibiting cyberintimidation by publication; prohibiting a person from willfully participating in a specified violent public disturbance resulting in specified damage or injury; creating an affirmative defense to a civil action where the plaintiff participated in a riot, etc.
Leave it to Biden to mess up a scripted speech
Biden Confuses The United Nations For The United States In UN Address
15 seconds
15 seconds
Thursday, September 23, 2021
Satanism presented to Military to Justify Vaccine Mandates?
US Army Using Satanism to Justify Vax Mandates to Service Members?
A recent PowerPoint presentation used to inform Army service members is under fire because it promoted Satanism.The slide begins by asking, "How many children have been sacrificed to Satan for the vaccine?" While the comment was likely used in jest, the next few slides present the "tenets of Satanism," which has no place in the information.
The tenets for Satanism that they used were the actual tenets; they've been directly taken from the Temple of Satanism website.
Read about it... Joe Biden is not in control of the military as Commander in Chief or anything for that matter.
Come meet Candidates for Lake Worth City Manager
Down to five finalists, new Lake Worth Beach city manager could be chosen this week
"The candidates are scheduled to take a tour of the city on Thursday afternoon before taking part in a public reception at the Lake Worth Beach Golf Course from 5 to 7 p.m.On Friday, the candidates will meet Mayor Betty Resch and Commissioners Sarah Malega, Christopher McVoy, Herman Robinson and Kim Stokes for one-on-one sessions prior to the special city commission meeting begins at 1 p.m. at City Hall." [PalmBeachPost]
Biden won't take Press Corp questions
White House Reporters File Formal Complaint Against Biden For Refusing To Answer Questions
The White House press pool filed a formal complaint against Democrat President Joe Biden for refusing to answer questions from American media about the multiple crises that have erupted under his regime.The complaint came as Biden met with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson in the Oval Office, which comes after Biden angered the British with his disastrous pullout from Afghanistan.
I don't know why they are so upset...they should know by now that our President doesn't know how to even come out of the rain.
Read about it...
Biden and his Haiti opinion
Biden's 1994 Haiti Comments Resurface - 'Wouldn't Matter a Whole Lot'
"The internet has a funny way of bringing things back around to our attention, years and even decades later. Sometimes that can be a good thing. However, for people like President Joe Biden, it's usually not.The comments he made about Haiti not mattering to the United States in 1994 have resurfaced, which is convenient given the recent assassination of the Haitian president...isn't it?" [thinkamericana]
Nevada Lt. Governor Mack Miller Assaulted by Police and Dragged from Clark County Commissioner's Meeting
Nevada Public Meeting On COVID Gets WILD As Cops Shut It Down
Rough Up Republican Candidate For Lt. Governor
Read about it15 seconds
15 seconds
Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Hot air was emitted from Pelosi during her appearance at Cambridge
Pelosi Gets Nasty Greeting in England
Protesters Shout 'Trump Won,' 'Get Back to Epstein's Island'
It wasn’t exactly the welcome wagon for Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi in jolly old England, with protesters shouting, “Trump won” and “Go back to Epstein Island” during the California Democrat’s visit to the northern part of the country on Saturday.One man proclaimed, “The whole world knows that Donald Trump won the 2020 election, Nancy!”
Read about Nancy sounding off about 1/2 of our country (Republicans) and Trump while at the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London.
DeSantis fires back at Biden Administration
DeSantis Just Hit Dementia Joe With Something That Will Floor Him!
Joe Biden really proves that he is not just good at failing, but also in making things even more complicated.Tyrant Biden wants total control, so whoever defies his Covid mandates which by the way unconstitutional, he will automatically cut off from the supply chain.
In fact, what happens to Gov. Ron DeSantis’s cut-off supply of monoclonal antibody treatment is just one of the many cases of abuse of power Biden has been doing.
Pay to Play now with the Media?
Democrats Attempt To Subsidize Journalists In New Tax Plan
The new $2.9 trillion tax plan coming from the Democrats seems to include one odd clause, a large tax credit for local news journalists.The proposal from the Ways and Means Committee includes a “Payroll Credit for Compensation of Local News Journalists.” As reported by Editor and Publisher, which is an industry publication about journalism, the newly planned tax credit “will provide local newsrooms the opportunity to receive a five-year tax credit of up to $25,000 per journalist in the first year and up to $15,000 in the subsequent four years.”
As stated in the proposal, any local newspaper will be eligible to get the tax credit if it “serves the needs of a regional or local community” and “employs no more than 750 employees.”
Read about it... and the 5 year tax credit Democrats are proposing to the local media. Coincidentally, it would go through another Biden presidency should he be reelected. Politics all starts at the local level, so this is cunning legislation.
Dr. Fauci and the FDA on booster
Fauci On FDA Decision: ‘When You Make A Decision, You Don’t…
There is little doubt that Dr. Anthony Fauci was blindsided by the FDA. The NIH doctor really thought that he and the president had put enough pressure on the them to agree with their every whim.
That is no longer the case, the FDA did not approve a third booster for Americans suggesting only the infirm and elderly receive the booster.
During a segment on “This Week,” Fauci tried to walk back his rhetoric when asked if he regretted his premature announcement about a third booster shot.
Read more about Dr. Fauci
Moderna, the vax I got from Palm Beach County, said that its Covid vaccine was more than 90% effective at protecting against Covid and more than 95% effective against severe disease up to six months after the second dose. So, all those who say they got the vaccine but still got Covid, no Pharmaceutical company has ever said everyone was 100% safe from getting the virus after vaccination. All we hear on social media are the horror stories.
And now guys, it's time for that yearly flu shot! Oh, I know, horror stories on that too!
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
Tax and Spend Nancy wants to suspend the Debt Ceiling
Next On The Docket For Democrat Voting: Suspend The Government Debt Ceiling?
Back in 2019, Congress voted to suspend the debt ceiling, which is a statute that prevents the federal government from assuming a certain level of the national debt, out until August of 2021. This past July, Congress tried and failed to pass a vote aimed at continuing the suspension or just raise the debt ceiling itself. This forced the hand of Janet Yellen, the Treasury Secretary, to take “extraordinary measures” to try and fund the expenses of the federal government.This past weekend, Yellen sounded the alarm that the government could begin to fail to make its payments as soon as October if Congress failed to take any action at all.
During all this, Republican leadership has taken to forcing Democrats to own the higher debt ceiling along with their $3.5 trillion social spending plans that the Democrats plan to pass through the circumventing the Senate filibuster through budget reconciliation.
Mitt Romney Challenges Tucker Carlson
Mitt the Mutt is trying to stay relevant
"For the entirety of Trump’s tenure in the White House, the embittered former governor of ultra-liberal Massachusetts pursued his crusade against a man whom he once begged for an endorsement, joining with Democrats on both failed impeachment efforts and now, with Trump gone, Romney is lashing out at Tucker Carlson."[TeamTucker]Joe Takes Bike ride as world comes tumbling down
Biden goes for bike ride at the beach amid national crises, refuses to answer questions
Reporters shouted questions at Biden as he zipped on by
At least he can ride a bike!All sorts of crises going on, so it's nice to take a vacation as we screw France on a submarine deal with Australia and it pulls out its ambassadors, the border erupts even further with illegals crossing it by the thousands, the Afghanistan mess with Americans left behind, etc.
Click for more...
Bradley Harper appointed Circuit Judge by Gov Ron DeSantis
Bradley Harper is named to Circuit bench
Bradley Harper is a former Lake Worth High School graduate and a recipient of a scholarship from Dollars for Scholars.Back in August 2016, we voted in Judge Harper as County Court Judge. Now he has been appointed to the Circuit Court by Governor Ron DeSantis.
Judge Harper traveled to Tallahassee to meet with the governor and said, "I'm grateful. God is good. He gives us grace even when we won't deserve it."
Biden’s disastrous pullout from Afghanistan
ISIS Suicide Bomber Who Murdered 13 U.S. Troops Was Freed From Bagram Prison After Biden Withdrawal, Indian Media Claims
Indian media reported on Sunday that the ISIS terrorist who murdered 13 U.S. troops and killed at least 169 Afghan nationals had been freed from Bagram prison after U.S. forces abandoned the area amidst Democrat President Joe Biden’s disastrous pullout from Afghanistan.“America’s disorganized retreat from Afghanistan has led to hundreds of highly-competent and highly-committed terrorists being set free to rejoin the Islamic State, al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups,” an Indian intelligence officer, who allegedly worked on the case involving this specific terrorist, told the publication. “Literally a decade’s work on counter-terrorism has been undone by the US’ failure to secure key prisoners in Bagram.”
Read about Biden's total incompetence
Tucker speaks out on "Over the Horizon"
Carlson noted that even as the military acknowledged wrongdoing, there was no mention of accountability for those responsible.
Monday, September 20, 2021
Chauvin 3rd Degree Murder Charge could be vacated
State Supreme Court Clears the Way for Full Reversal of a Derek Chauvin Murder Conviction
"One of the murder convictions against former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin is likely to be thrown out after a decision last week by the Minnesota Supreme Court.Chauvin was found guilty of killing alleged counterfeiter George Floyd in 2020, an incident that spawned massive violent protests in Minneapolis and nationwide. Chauvin’s conviction came against a backdrop of activists saying they planned to riot if Chauvin were acquitted.
According to KMSP-TV, Minnesota has defined third-degree murder as killing a victim without intent while acting in a dangerous way to other people while showing 'a depraved mind.'”
General Milley says he made the "perfect" phone call
General Milley Catches Washington Off Guard
He Just Claimed His Phone Call With China Was “Perfectly” Within His Duties
"Outrage over Gen. Milley’s call with a Chinese general is only growing. Millions of Americans, including prominent lawmakers, are demanding action over what he did, if the reporting is indeed accurate. The top military official admitted he promised to warn China ahead of time if we ever invaded.Despite calls for resignation and court martialing, the political appointee is defiant. Sleepy Joe refuses to respond; God only knows if he’s even aware of what’s going on."
Do you remember that "perfect" call that Trump made to President Zelensky of Ukraine? “The conversation I had [with President Zelensky] was largely congratulatory, with largely corruption—all of the corruption taking place—and largely the fact that we don’t want our people like Vice President Biden and his son creating to the corruption already in the Ukraine.”
Trump got impeached for that! Now we have Milley saying he made a "perfect" call to his China counterpart, committing treason if it is true. Biden is siding with Milley.
Read about it... We will get to hear General Milley this week when he appears before Congress.
Biden's Failed Border Policies are Unsustainable
Biden In Even Hotter Water As Border Crisis Degrades Further
The former acting DHS secretary and Heritage visiting fellow, Chad Wolf, harshly criticized the administration in a statement, stating that Biden’s “failed border-security policies are simply unsustainable.”“The men and women of federal law enforcement cannot continue to deal with these crisis-level numbers. They are already overwhelmed and overburdened. The breakdown is coming,” stated Wolf. “Hundreds have been pulled off the line, from defending and safeguarding our borders, to process and care for the flood of illegal aliens apprehended at the border.
Cartels and smugglers have taken advantage of our weakness, with record numbers of not just people, but narcotics, pouring across an increasingly undefended border.”
Eco Green and the City of Lake Worth
Retail, huge green space, 127 apartments
Will new complex be too big for Lake Worth Beach?
Some people think so!As everyone knows, the commission passed this project on a 3/2 vote with Commissioners Christopher McVoy and Kimberly Stokes dissenting.
Read about it in the Palm Beach Post
One development regarding this project that was probably unknown at the time of this writing, a lawsuit was filed on Friday, September 17th: Vicki Grant etal vs. The City of Lake Worth Beach who was quoted in the article as saying, ""This project is not compatible to the neighborhood," Vicky Grant, who lives within 400 feet of the apartment project, told the City Commission at its second hearing on Deco Green on Aug. 17. The significant increase in height....will impact my family and neighborhood."
Our America Last President
Biden Calls For UN Troops To Police Americans And occupy America
Although we already know that the Biden government invited the U.N. to
involve itself in our country's policy, it is worth bringing attention
to it, often.
The U.S. State Department, helmed by Secretary Antony Blinken, announced in July that the Biden administration would invite United Nations
officials who investigate racism and human rights issues to visit the
United States and tell Americans — and the rest of the world — how
racist our country is. Our country is NOT racist. Only people like Omari Hardy believes this.
"The unprecedented announcement came as the Biden Regime advocates ‘ anti-racist’ ideals as a way of stifling political opposition. National File has covered the Biden Regime’s anti-white practices in the military, economic subsidies, support for critical race theory, and more.
What is perhaps even more troubling is that Biden is inviting the Globalist United Nations to come occupy US soil, with the potential to even propose laws and policies to Biden and the government."
Read about it...
Sunday, September 19, 2021
NC judges strike down Voter ID law voted in by the people
North Carolina Judges Strike Down Voter ID Law, Claiming It’s Racist
Judge Clarence Thomas is right--judges heed to keep their personal politics out of the judiciary.Two North Carolina judges on Friday struck down a law that required identification to vote, alleging it “was enacted with the unconstitutional intent to discriminate against African American voters.”
How darn silly can you get? How do they know there was any intent other than to prove you are who you are?
Read about it...
Gabby's "missing" boyfriend
Boyfriend of Gabby Petito now missing, too. TikToker told FBI she picked him up on side of road.
Read about it...
Task Force Bastard
How A Few Good “Bastards” Delayed The Fall Of Kabul Airport
Task Force Bastard had been prepping for months in Kuwait, just in case things in Kabul did not go well at both the embassy and the airport.The Straight Line Air Flying Distance from Bagram Afghanistan to Kuwait Iraq 1441.6 miles or 2320.04 km or Flight time: 4 hours and 4 minutes Non-Stop flight time.
It all went south quickly in Afghanistan.
And Biden, our government and military leaders had to have known.
Ilhan Omar thinks citizens want to get rid of Cops!
Judge Sends Anti-Police Ilhan Omar Reeling
He Just Blocked Ballot Measure That Would Ditch Minneapolis Cops
"Although we haven’t heard much from the “abolish police” crowd lately, they are alive and well. Biden claimed that Democrats weren’t trying to get rid of police departments. As usual, he was lying through his fake teeth.Because in left-leaning cities all over America, “woke” politicians are trying to dismantle the one body dedicated to fighting crime".
So many morons elected to office---In reality, this judge did her a big favor. Had this measure gone through, Minneapolis would no longer be a city. Omar would literally lose her job because there would be no people left to vote for her.
Read about this incompetent anti-American
Texas Border Control - Doing the Job where Biden Won't
Texas Law Enforcement Storm Border With Scores Of Vehicles, Secure Area After Biden Failed
Not only has he failed big time, the real reason is that he will NOT enforce our border and protect our country.“The Texas Department of Public Safety is in full force along the border around the Del Rio area,” Governor Greg Abbott said in a tweet that featured a picture showing scores of law enforcement vehicles that had descended on the area. “They have built a barricade with their squad cars and State Troopers. The National Guard is working with them to secure the border.”
Read about it...
Saturday, September 18, 2021
Governor DeSantis will not depend on Biden for Antibody treatments
DeSantis Moves To Buy Antibody Treatments Directly From Manufacturer After Biden Tightens Grip On Supply
Joe Biden flip-flopped on what he wanted to do regarding monoclonal antibodies. On September 9th, President Joe Biden said that his administration would be increasing shipments of monoclonal antibodies in September by 50%. Then, on September 14th, the announcement was more than 50% of the monoclonal antibodies that had been used in Florida were going to be reduced.“To just kind of pull the rug out from anyone a week after the president himself said they were going to be increasing the distributions by 50%, it’s very, very problematic,” DeSantis said. “What I am doing though, is we’re going to try to cover the bases.”
Border Crisis Growing by the Hour
Biden In Even Hotter Water As Border Crisis Degrades Further
“There were more than 200,000 migrant encounters at the southern border in August, a DHS source told Fox News on Wednesday, the second month in a row where the number has been over the 200,000 mark as migrants continue to attempt to enter the U.S.,” stated Fox News.“Additionally, the 208,887 number for August represents a 317% increase over last August 2020 which saw 50,014 encounters — and a 233% increase over August 2019, where there were 62,707 amid that year’s border crisis.”
And the FAA just implemented a two week TFR (Temporary Flight Restrictions) over the international bridge in Del Rio, TX that affects Fox News, the only network reproting on the border crisis.
Justice for J6 Rally today
DC Guard activates 100 troops to aid Capitol Hill police in advance of Today's rally
Justice for J6 is taking place from 12 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. Eastern at Union Square, between 1st and 3rd Streets NW/SW.The D.C. National Guard activated 100 troops to support U.S. Capitol Police on Saturday as the nation’s capital prepares for a large rally in support of rioters arrested for their involvement in the deadly Jan. 6 siege of the U.S. Capitol building, Pentagon officials said.
The rally organizer Matt Braynard was a strategist for former President Donald Trump’s campaign and has described those arrested for storming into the Capitol on Jan. 6 as “prisoners” being unfairly prosecuted, the AP reported. More than 600 people face federal charges stemming from the January riot that resulted in five deaths.
Justice for J6 today in Washington
Saturday's "Justice for J6" in Washington, D.C., will be a no-win situation for Republicans.
So says President Trump!
Former President Donald Trump said Saturday's "Justice for J6" in Washington, D.C., will be a no-win situation for Republicans."That's a setup," Trump said of the gathering intended to show support for people arrested after the Jan. 6 attack in an interview with The Federalist. "If people don't show up they'll say, 'Oh, it's a lack of spirit.' And if people do show up, they'll be harassed."
Trump said the treatment of people involved in the Jan. 6 Capitol violence has reinforced that a double standard exists in the country.
Watch all the anarchists show up wearing Trump hats as they did on January 6.
Read what Trump said
Biden lowering the value of the U.S. dollar
Biden Promise Broken: Tax Hike on Mostly Middle, Lower Classes Would Fund $3.5T Spending Spree
During his campaign for the presidency, President Biden promised to not raise taxes on any Americans making less than $400,000 a year. AND HE CONTI9NUES TO SAY THAT!Biden already subverted his promise by drastically raising the level of inflation, which American economist Milton Friedman famously described as “taxation without representation.”
Read about Biden
Friday, September 17, 2021
"Nut Job" Milley
Trump: ‘Nutjob’ Milley Never Told Me of Calls To Chinese General
“Milley never told me about calls being made to China,” Trump said in an emailed statement from his Save America PAC. “From what I understand, he didn’t tell too many other people either. He put our Country in a very dangerous position but [Chinese] President Xi [Jinping] knows better, and would’ve called me.”Trump in the White House is a non-fiction book by American journalist Bob Woodward about the presidency of Donald Trump that has exposed Gen. Milley.
The DNC has had a long relationship with China. "China's alleged role in the 1996 United States campaign finance controversy first gained public attention when Woodward and Brian Duffy published a story stating that a United States Department of Justice investigation into the fund-raising activities had uncovered evidence that Chinese agents sought to direct contributions from foreign sources to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) before the 1996 presidential campaign.
In 1996, Bob Woodward wrote that intelligence information had shown the Chinese embassy in Washington, D.C. was used for coordinating contributions to the DNC. China has interfered with our country for decades. Subsequently, he has been a recipient of nearly every major American journalism award.
Read about it...
Omari continues to get in the news
House Democrat Soto Minimalizes Growing Inflation, Calls it ‘Minor’
The American economy continues navigating through uncertain, unchartered waters
"That “minor inflation” Rep. Soto refers to is actually a lot bigger than he and other House Democrats are leading on.President Joe Biden’s (D) $3.5 trillion budget has generated Democratic infighting as some lawmakers like Florida Rep. Omari Hardy (D) support the budget, and other lawmakers like Senator Joe Manchin (D) do not approve."
Why does the media continue to quote Hardy? Are they all paid off? Everything I read from a Florida news publication seems to have an Omari Hardy quote.
Read about it...
Elections ripe for Fraud
Democrats Did it AGAIN! Watch Votes Disappear Right Before Your Eyes
"One of the things that we saw in the presidential election was magical disappearing votes.Of course, it only happened to President Trump in that he lost hundreds of thousands of votes, if not more and all on live TV.
Many times, there was a direct correlation between the number that was removed from President Trump and the number that was added to Joe Biden.
Well, wouldn’t you know it, it just happened again in California in the recall election for Gavin Newsom."
So what does this mean for all elections going forward? Will democracy be sustained?
Click here and see the video showing votes disappeared.
Thursday, September 16, 2021
Durham Probe into the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation
Lawyer indicted on charges of lying to FBI as part of Durham probe into Trump-Russia investigation
Special counsel John Durham is nearing the conclusion of his more than two-year-long probe
According to the indictment, Michael Sussmann -- a prominent cybersecurity lawyer whose law firm Perkins Coie worked for Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaignSussman lied at a September 2016 meeting with then-FBI General Counsel James Baker in which Sussmann shared information about possible connections between the Trump Organization and a Russian bank.
Read the Indictment and see the connection with Hillary Clinton's campaign.
Joe Biden downplayed the violence attached to Islam
On 9/11 Anniversary, Biden Repeats ‘False Claim’ That Islam Is A ‘Peaceful Religion’
Biden said this during a 9/11 speech
"Islam is a religion of peace and violence. When you think you’re reading a monologue of peaceful people, Allah says that you should convert or kill the minority religion. The Islamic people are generally quiet, and terroristic Islamic activity represents the minority of the faith, but it’s essential to understand the belief that the Qur’an teaches."The Qur’an has three steps for religiously ruling over society. If a Muslim is a minority, they are to remain peaceful. If they’re equal, they’re to convert as many people as possible, and if Muslims represent the majority, they are to convert or kill anyone who refuses to correct."
Many people downplay the violence of this religion even some right here in our city.
Back in 2016, the Lake Worth commission said that we the people were engaging in hate speech and this entire commission, including Scott Maxwell, voted for a resolution to protect Muslims who need no protection. It was stated that the resolution was the second one in the country at that time. They never identified the city that was the first. It left us wondering if we were on par with Dearborn, Michigan or some other heavily populated Muslim area where Rashida Tlaib lives.
Remember the 13 who were killed by "peaceful" Muslims.
Politics does start at the local level and that is why it is so important to consider that when you cast your vote.
Read about it...
Trump was Right--Deep State WAS out to get him
Gen Milley went against the Constitution
Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley, single-handedly took secret action to limit Trump from potentially ordering a dangerous military strike or launching nuclear weapons, according to "Peril," a new book by legendary journalist Bob Woodward and veteran Washington Post reporter Robert CostaRead the article
North Korea Escalating Cruise Missile Tests With Possible Nuclear Capability
North Korea Appears to Test Nuclear Capable Missile
North Korea is escalating again in what could be a test to the Biden administration."The missiles are “a strategic weapon of great significance” and flew 1,500 km (930 miles) before hitting their targets and falling into the country’s territorial waters during the tests on Saturday and Sunday, KCNA said.
Cruise missiles and short-range ballistic missiles that can be armed with either conventional or nuclear bombs are particularly de-stabilising in the event of conflict as it can be unclear which kind of warhead they are carrying, analysts said."
Read about it...
Governor Ron DeSantis responds to President Joe Biden
"At the end of the day, we don't live with one person rule in this country."
Wednesday, September 15, 2021
Getting Beaten to a Pulp by China
Democrats' America Last Policies Are a Gift to China
China's leaders must be trading high-fives as they watch the American left push policies that will cripple American competitiveness.On the economic front, congressional Democrats are trying to ram through President Joe Biden's tax plan, which would make America's combined state and federal corporate tax burden the highest in the developed world, according to the Tax Foundation. This would motivate companies to relocate elsewhere. That's good news for China, which is vowing to outproduce the U.S. by 2035.
See what else China is happy about
AOC spreads her Socialist Agenda
Barstool's Dave Portnoy Hammers AOC Over Elitist Met Gala 'Tax the Rich' Publicity Stunt
I guess if you can afford the price of admission to this gala ($30,000), you are a part of the wealthy elite.The Met Gala is a charity event that takes place in New York City. The NYC elite gathers to raise money for the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute. The theme this year was "American Independence."
Rep. AOC's definition of American independence is tax policy and wealth redistribution to ensure Americans are dependent on the federal government. She is getting her way with Biden at the realm.
In other words, SOCIALISM!
Read about AOC
Employees Take a Stand
‘We All Quit’: Burger King Sign Goes Viral After All Employees Walk Out
At Burger King, you get it your way...unless you’re an employee in Lincoln, Nebraska.Apparently the employee had beef with the management, and let it be known loud and clear that they will not put up with it. In a now viral sign, the disgruntled employees wrote, "WE ALL QUIT" and "SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCE."
Apparently they were working in intolerable conditions with room temperature at 90^, no air conditioning.
Read about it... Will management get the message?
Anonymous complaint triggers investigation in Lake Worth Beach
Lake Worth Beach travel expenses audited
This audit involves the previous commission and city manager."The Palm Beach County inspector general has completed an investigation into an anonymous complaint about Lake Worth Beach city leaders."
I think all complainants should be identified and no one should be investigated based on an anonymous complaint.
"Someone accused the Lake Worth Beach city manager and city commissioners of using city money for personal trips.
The Inspector General found the accusations were not supported. But the report did uncover some very concerning information. The audit looked at overnight travel and discretionary spending for the city manager, commissioners and mayor from 2017-2019.
Read more about it...
Read the full report This takes a little time to download.