Conservative Commentary/Opinion on Local, State & National issues. Hours 6am to 7pm to respond to comments
Sunday, June 30, 2019
President Trump responds to woman who interrupts him
Here’s just another example of how Trump is NOT a racist or a SEXIST...offers woman job on the spot if they can negotiate salary.
Congress refusing to address the Border Crisis
James Dobson: Congress refusing to address border disaster
Americans are suffering border fatigue.What should be a simple matter of exercising American sovereignty over the nation's borders and upholding the rule of law has devolved into a chaotic mess. Throw in the political finger-pointing and the continued Democrat and media effort to derail the Trump presidency, the problem not only seems too big to fix, it seems too big to understand.
"They know they will be fed, medicated, and treated humanely, even if they are in holding areas while they are in our custody. Then they will be released on American soil. This is the system set up by a liberal Congress and judges.
It is a well-known fact that President Obama’s administration established many of these unworkable policies, and Congress is steadfastly unwilling to change them. "
Focus on the Family founder James Dobson has just returned from the southern border and he has a story to tell
Russia attacks Syria
Russian airstrike kills two members of Syrian Civil Defense
June 27, 2019 by Jerry McCormick
Syria and its allies continue to turn their weapons on the citizens of Syria.Read more...
Michael Bluemling Jr at South Florida Expo
Former Combat Veteran and Candidate for U.S. Congress running against Lois Frankel, Michael Bluemling
Jr. gives a heartfelt invocation at the South Florida Expo Center
Rodeo. Makes us all proud to be Americans!
Saturday, June 29, 2019
“Hasta la victoria, siempre!” said Bill DeBlasio
Marco Rubio Puts De Blasio on Blast for His Weak Apology After Quoting Che Guevara to Miami Crowd
DeBlasio apologized for saying a slogan by Cuban Revolutionary Ernesto "Che" Guevara. De Blasio yells "Hasta la victoria, siempre!" which translates to "Until victory, always!"Marco Rubio is not buying his apology that he says is "a simple mistake" and tweeted--
Bill de Blasio,
Che Cuevara,
Marco Rubio,
Human Trafficker lived here in Lake Worth (Beach)
Human-trafficking probe involving prostitution leads to two Palm Beach County arrests
We live among the dregs.One of the arrests was that of "Maigret Alvarez who recruited women from different countries, bringing them to the United States to work as prostitutes. He controlled prostitution in the Lake Worth area and in other counties. To secure their cooperation, Alvarez allegedly threatened their families."
Read about it...
City of Lake Worth,
Human Trafficking,
Trump Meets with Xi Jinping
President Trump Pursues Smart China Strategy Heading Into Meeting With Xi Jinping
At President Trump’s planned meeting today with Chinese President Xi Jinping at the G20 Summit in Japan, Trump is expected to continue to advance a strategy that his administration introduced in his first six months in office: viewing China as a strategic competitor to the United States and its allies.Read more about it
Rashida Tlaib, the Socialist
Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib insists on ‘direct payment’ to blacks for slavery reparations
Rashida Tlaib, a Democrat socialist born of Palestinian parents, pulls another obscene attempt--this time to buy votes. Pandering at its extreme.Read about it...
Rashida Tlaib,
Friday, June 28, 2019
Keeping America Great
Trump Administration’s Industry-Recognized Apprenticeships Will Keep America Working
Our surging economy has brought with it abundant job opportunities. Tax cuts and deregulation have boosted job creation. Since President Donald Trump’s inauguration in January 2017, 5.4 million jobs have been created and more people are working in America than ever before. The unemployment rate has dropped to 3.6%, the lowest rate since 1969, and last year we saw the highest share of people entering our labor force from the sidelines since we started tracking in the early 1990s.Through the White House’s Pledge to America’s Workers, job creators around the nation have committed to nearly 10 million training, upskilling or reskilling opportunities for American students and workers. [White House]
Keep America Great. Trump 2020.
Donald Trump,
Make America Great Again,
Twitter targeting Trump
Has Twitter finally gotten too big for its britches?
On Thursday, Twitter announced it will censor the messages of prominent government officials by "down-ranking" any that violate the social-media company's rules.Offending messages sent by verified political candidates and government officials with more than 100,000 followers will be flagged with a notice, the company said.
And guess whose prolific tweets this social media giant has in mind to censor.
Read more... of another left-wing social media company that is full of crap. Now we need to publish their "company rules." Who will be in charge of playing God there on the First Amendment?
Donald Trump,
First Amendment,
Dumb Idea by Bad Politician
"Fresh from the desk of LBGTQGMAFB!
Princess Pandering Dog (Elizabeth Warren) is now demanding reparations for gay couples. Not kidding!"
Read about Pocahontas... who wants to bankrupt the country at Powdered Wig (my favorite conservative writer)H.R. 3294: Refund Equality Act of 2019
Code Cracking down
And it's way past time for this to be implemented in Lake Worth. This was a notice of an infraction found on Facebook.
Out my way on Wright Drive, it has been a nightmare for several years--I have talked about it several times in the past at city hall. Perhaps now the nightmare will be over--no more parking on lawns and on the swale.
Out my way on Wright Drive, it has been a nightmare for several years--I have talked about it several times in the past at city hall. Perhaps now the nightmare will be over--no more parking on lawns and on the swale.
Mad Max sides with enemy
Maxine Waters Sides With Iran, Dan Crenshaw Hits Back HARD
We have so many pathetic fools in this country and many are elected officials. Why should we be surprised by one crazy Trump hating woman from California?"Maxine Is No Patriot
Here we have a U.S. congresswoman siding with America’s enemies, which is particularly rich since this same woman views anyone who supports the President as unpatriotic."
Read about crazy Mad Max and Dan Crenshaw
Dan Crenshaw,
Know Thy Enemy,
Maxine Waters
Thursday, June 27, 2019
Trump Train Arrived yesterday in Miami
Trump supporters from Trump Train
A group of Trump supporters rode to Miami on Brightline to protest at the debate hall in Miami. The group, based in Broward County took the light-rail train from West Palm Beach to Fort Lauderdale to Miami on Wednesday evening at 5:30, arriving at 6:45. They all got home around 11:30pm last night.
The 75-minute ride was dubbed All Aboard the Trump Train, part of a “quest to tell the national television audience that South Florida is Trump country.” WPTV picked up on the event.
Quote of the day - Peace to Prosperity Workshop

~ Jared Kushner
In Manama, Bahrain for Peace Conference
In Manama, Bahrain for Peace Conference
Eric Trump spat on by Hateful Liberal
Angry Leftist SPITS on Eric Trump in Chicago
Typical behavior for Democrats. It's unreal how nasty and desperate they all are."This desperation manifested in a rather revolting manner in Chicago. Eric Trump, the second eldest son of President Trump, reported that a woman actually spat on him while he was in a restaurant called the Aviary with friends.
According to Breitbart News, the woman who spat on Eric was an employee of the Aviary and prompted arrested, following her disgusting actions."
Liberalism destroys everything it touches.
Read about the w(b)itch...
Judge Jeanine gives Joe Biden a Whoopin
Judge Jeanine Just Took Biden Behind The Woodshed, He’ll NEVER Walk The Same Again!
Winning is the only game for Democrats
We have had a border problem for years. CNN does say that it got worse under Trump. Well, we all know why.
Democratic leadership has introduced poison pill provisions for "fixing" our border, that would restrict the ability of law enforcement to remove illegal aliens and would not include funds for detention beds. Now some irrational brainwashed liberal weenies walked off the job at Mayfair because of their government contract to send mattresses to the kids at these detention camps. Some of them want to do away with ICE. They fight President Trump at every opportunity. We have Sanctuary cities dotted throughout our country encouraging illegals to break our laws--all cities controlled by liberals and offering them free stuff and utopia.
And we can't forget the globalists behind the entire matter who want open borders and One World Order whose only aim is to bring down our Republic.
Migrants have been weaponized by globalist-funded groups to cause instability and chaos around the world and now the United States is their goal. Democrats, even knowing this, don't care. It's all about winning back the White House for them. And Democrats tell us if we don't like their directives then we all are "racists" and Trump, along with all Republicans, are mentally ill.
All he wanted was a Smoothie
Obama Flies Off The Handle, Makes TOTAL ASS Of Himself In Public
Had to post this one, folks as it's too funny!Read about Obama's temper tantrum
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
This woman is clearly Insane
E. Jean Carroll used to be a comedy writer on SNL
CNN Interview With Trump Rape Accuser Goes Off The Rails
Read about it...Trump workforce vs Obama's
Trump's Lean White House 2018 Payroll On-Track To Save Taxpayers $22 Million
President Trump’s White House payroll has 374 employees, that's 95 fewer staffers than Barack Obama at the same point in their presidencies. The Trump White House workforce runs 20 percent leaner.Read about it... at Forbes.
Ilhan Omar - Involved in a big Lie?
“Hidden Code” Just Discovered on Website of Ilhan Omar’s Sister
Adds Evidence That Omar is Lying Regarding Marriage to Her BrotherThe Gateway Pundit explains, “In early June Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) was ordered to pay a $500 civil fine for violating campaign finance law. Omar had to pay an additional $3,469 fine for improperly used campaign funds. But the investigation into Ilhan Omar and the findings released by the Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board revealed something even more serious.”
Read about the possible serious cover-up... by this Trump hating Muslim Congresswoman.
Workshop on ADU's - The Attempted Coup
Last night's Lake Worth commission workshop was Omari's baby. Not only did he start a petition on Change.Org to "prove" his case (on Change.Org you can have people signing a petition from Timbuktu or Oregon), he also stacked the chamber with residents wanting accessory dwellings.
I don't think this was a "real" workshop. It was a well thought out clever attempt to execute a coup by two commissioners. Luckily, Commissioner Maxwell was there to stop it.
The Mayor and Andy Amoroso were absent as they were attending the U.S. Conference of Mayors. My question is why was an important workshop, that can change the demographics and dynamics of our city forever, scheduled when the Mayor and Vice Mayor were out of town and could not weigh in. Everyone knew they would be out of town. Last night there were only three commissioners present; Omari Hardy and Herman Robinson, both wanting to increase our density and Scott Maxwell against.
"This is a big deal," said Commissioner Maxwell.
70% of our city consists of single family residences. Staff has no idea of how many ADU's are present in our city. Omari Hardy wants to allow homeowners to take their own "economic development engines" and be able to build these accessory units. Herman basically went along with Omari and "wants to move forward."
Omari wants more density and cited reasons (such as assisting our downtown merchants with more foot traffic--) but did not consider the basic facts that our population density is 6,303 per sq mi which is 2047% higher than the Florida average and 6857% higher than the national average. More people is what he thinks we need.
Omari asked that an ordinance be drafted for the next meeting but Commissioner Scott Maxwell reminded him that they did not have a quorum to move the item forward. The city attorney concurred. This took Hardy and Robinson by surprise. They surmised that they could push the Ordinance forward for a vote.
This item will be on the next Commission agenda for 30 minutes max in order to get a consensus to go forward with the real possibility of doubling our density in this small city. Not to mention the cost of infrastructure to accomplish this, can you even imagine the cost of city services and public safety that will escalate?
State's Snowpack off the Charts
Colorado's snowpack is 40 times normal after rare summer solstice dump
Even before the snow on the first day of summer, The Denver Post wrote, the state's snowpack was "in virtually every numerical sense--off the charts."Climate change freaks are going nuts.
Read about it...
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
FBI can't keep track of its own Informants
Dozens of foreign nationals with shady backgrounds have vanished from the FBI’s radar,
after the agency brought them to the U.S. to help with investigations.You can’t make this stuff up.
The nation’s premier and “intelligence-driven” law enforcement agency can’t keep track of its own informants, who would otherwise not be eligible to enter the country because of their “association with criminal enterprises,” according to a federal audit released this month by the Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General.
Keep in mind that the FBI claims to be one of the world’s premier security and crime-fighting forces and its mission is to protect the American people.
Read about it at Judicial Watch
Security at our Border - No Help from Democrats
Mexico Is Sending 15,000 Troops to the U.S. Border, & It’s All Because of Trump
Read about it...And President Trump is doing this all on his own because of negotiations with Mexico with zero cooperation from Democrats in Congress who have no intention of securing our border.
Democrats are concerned about diapers and food and lack of toothbrushes for migrant children instead of our national security.
Donald Trump,
National Security
Project Veritas exposes Google - "Fairness is a Dog Whistle"
Insider Blows Whistle & Exec Reveals Google Plan to Prevent "Trump situation" in 2020 on Hidden Cam
• Insider: Google "is bent on never letting somebody like Donald Trump come to power again."MUST SEE VIDEO
Google took it down! Below is something on it. Click here to listen to it
Important Lake Worth Workshop Tonight
This is a most important Workshop. I would expect that they will allow the public to speak on this issue.
Read all his WHEREAS's here...
- I am against allowing Accessory Dwelling Units:
- It will bring more Sober Homes
- It will bring more Airbnbs
- Our residential neighborhoods will be over-crowded
- Density in our 6 square miles is already one of the highest in the county. The population density is 6,303 per sq mi which is 2047% higher than the Florida average and 6857% higher than the national average.
- Allowing ADU's will possibly triple our density.
Muslims try to "convert" school kids
U.S. school lets Muslims interrupt classes to 'convert' students
Most Americans have little problem with freedom of worship and trying to convert others to their own faith. But when a U.S. school allows Muslims to interrupt classes to convert other students to Islam, that's when sparks fly.Read about it at WND
Monday, June 24, 2019
AOC - The Insufferable Boor
Ocasio-Cortez Refuses Invite To Visit Concentration Camps With Holocaust Survivor
"On Sunday, socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) declined an invitation from a Holocaust remembrance group to visit Nazi concentration camps with a Holocaust survivor, suggesting that it was part of a "far-right" scheme designed for "political gain.'"Read about this insufferable woman... if you want to read about a ditz. I believe that the country has had enough of her.
Lake Worth has another Scheme to spend $$$
Lake Worth Beach launches ‘city of neighborhoods’ plan - what is it and how will it work?
I would think by now that the City Administration would have it all figured out. After all, we have been working on our LDR's and Comprehensive Plan forever. Now they are hiring a series of consultants to work with our neighborhoods so that they can weigh in, offering their ideas. They are asking, "what kind of city do you want?"Gimme a break and stop screwing around with our Comprehensive Plan. Give it up. You managed to get the vote on our city to change its name after 106 years. Is this like Obama's transforming America mentality?
It's simple. Get rid of the slum, the blight and the crime for starters and start enforcing code. That's the planning we should be concentrating on.
Read about it...
AOC keeps getting Nuttier
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Just Made Comments That Sent Pelosi Into A Rage
As one of the members of the Democratic Socialists of America, Ocasio-Cortez is trying to change the landscape of America and she does it daily with her crazy rants. Democrats allow her to get away with the muck.Read about AOC... if you really want to. She's more crazy than Bernie and that's really saying something.
Two of our favorite subversives
Ilhan Omar Backs AOC, Infuriates Jews After Explaining Why Border Facilities Are “Concentration Camps”
Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) tweeted on Friday that AOC and Omar “prefer mass hysteria & false comparisons over pursuing bipartisan fixes/progress.”Read the comments... on Raw Conservative Opinions
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,
Ilhan Omar,
Saul Alinsky and the Progressive Movement
The FBI released 458-page file on Saul Alinksy, the Communist (he says he was not a Communist) who inspired Hillary Clinton and the leftist progressive movement.
In his best-known book, Alinsky praised Lucifer as the “first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment."
Not only was Hillary Clinton influenced by him but so was Barack Obama. President Obama worked for Alinsky organizations and taught seminars in Alinsky tactics and methodology during his "community organizing" period in Chicago. Michelle Obama echoed Alinsky’s words in her speech at the Democratic Convention." [New English Review]
And you can see what happened to our country.
Alinsky, FBI Report
In his best-known book, Alinsky praised Lucifer as the “first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment."
Not only was Hillary Clinton influenced by him but so was Barack Obama. President Obama worked for Alinsky organizations and taught seminars in Alinsky tactics and methodology during his "community organizing" period in Chicago. Michelle Obama echoed Alinsky’s words in her speech at the Democratic Convention." [New English Review]
And you can see what happened to our country.
Alinsky, FBI Report
Judge sides with the Constitution on Gun Show
Judge sides with 1st Amendment after gun shows banned
How this politically correct world in which we reside, there are countless opponents of the right to bear arms. But when a popular location that everyone enjoys decided it was banning gun shows from its property, that's when fireworks ignited, and now a judge has jumped into the fray.In a reverse situation but similar, nevertheless, this will be a kick in the head for Commissioner Robinson and the other liberals who were all for destroying the Gun Show that used to be held at the Scottish Rite. He got his way on this and the Scottish Rite is no longer operating.
Read about it...
First Amendment,
Herman Robinson,
Masonic Lodge
Sunday, June 23, 2019
AOC's systemic attempt to undermine our government and country
AOC Calls On Americans to Break the Law & Provide ‘Safe Spaces’ for Undocumented Aliens
"Democrats and the rule of law go together like Obama and the Constitution. Not well at all. "For more of subversive AOC...
United States
Jussie, The Bad Actor
Kim Foxx Faces Utter Ruin: Judge Orders Investigation of ‘Any Person or Office Involved’ in Smollett Case
Kim Foxx, the Cook County, Illinois, State’s Attorney who withdrew herself from the prosecution of openly-gay “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett, is not yet out of the woods. On Friday, a Cook County judge ruled that the appointed person she named to take her place wasn’t valid.Read more... Wouldn't it be great if the investigation discovers that a former President's wife was involved? You just never know. And I sincerely hope that Jussie will now be prosecuted.
President Trump is reinstating Travel Restrictions to Cuba
During his presidency, Barack Obama lifted restrictions on Americans traveling to Cuba
This was done in an effort to entice the communist dictatorship to step into the 21st century and enact democratic reforms.Let’s just say that plan hasn’t worked out. At all.
Read about it...
Trump's star on Walk of Fame may be removed
City passes proposal to remove Trump's star from Hollywood Walk of Fame
There have been campaigns to remove stars in the past, but it hasn’t happened in the Walk’s 40-year history. This is all Left-Wing politics.Read about it...
Donald Trump,
Walk of Fame
Saturday, June 22, 2019
Don the Con
CNN’s ratings are going down the tube
And that's a good thing. Things are so bad, they are even being forced to lay off hundreds of employees. And they just turned on one of their anchors for saying the unthinkable. in actuality, he says the "unthinkable" every night.This extreme rhetoric doesn’t start with CNN, but with the far-left. But it is becoming clear that CNN is willing to parrot some of the most extreme lines of the far-left just to get back at President Trump.
Read what Confused Don the Con said...
The Push for Open Borders
Basically, Democrats are pushing for open borders for the vote. They would give up our republic in a heartbeat to win an election. Every single one of them must be defeated at the polls.
Build the Wall,
Open Borders,
Mango Fest today at Cultural Plaza
Our friend Ramsay MacLeod and her friends from Royal Poinciana Neighborhood Association selling mango drinks and other interesting flavors!
Don't forget to get to the festival!
Don't forget to get to the festival!
Downtown Lake Worth,
Mango Festival
New Store in Downtown Lake Worth
New Lake Worth Beach vintage store offers unique treasures, custom designs
Stitches and Rust is located at 16 S. J Street. Can't wait to see this store.Read about it...
She was just Jogging minding her own business and someone stabbed her to death
Man pleads guilty to stabbing Lake Worth High School graduate in Washington D.C.
"Martinez graduated from Lake Worth High School in 2001 and won a Palm Beach Post Pathfinder Award that year. She earned her bachelor’s degree from Florida Atlantic University in 2006 and a graduate degree from Georgetown University. In 2005, Martinez was one of eight college students nationwide to be selected for an internship in the Congressional Hispanic Leadership Institute in Washington D.C."Read about it...
Lake Worth High School,
LW Alumni,
President Trump on Time Cover
President Donald Trump's 29th TIME Cover
Time Magazine said that the President was "on time" for Time.Time Article on Trump...
Friday, June 21, 2019
Special Operations Chief Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher Turn of Events
Blockbuster Revelation
It was a modern day fragging.President Trump Responds to Lake Worthian
Lake Worth's own Diane Freaney, as well as my neighbor, wrote to president Trump on the Opioid Crisis. Below is his reply:
Read the President's Letter
Read the President's Letter
Democrats worried in Florida
As much as socialist Andrew Gillum is on a crusade to sign up Democrat voters throughout Florida, Democrats are still worried.They are worried about the 2020 vote in Florida. "Specifically, they are worried about how the Hispanic community will vote, after a shift in 2018 revealed a strong surge toward more conservative candidates ... away from Democrats."
Read about it...
Actually Meghan McCain fits right in on The View
Meghan McCain slams Joy Behar during heated argument over Trump campaign kickoff: “Don’t feel bad for me, bitch. I’m paid to do this!”
ABC's The View is the most despicable show on television. Every brainless, air head, anti-Trumper in life watches it. You awaken and start your day with venum and say to yourself, "I want to hear people dumping on Trump today; I will turn on Joyless Behar and get my jollies off so I can feel a lot of Trump hate.""The big news is Meghan McCain considers herself a Republican, which was the same delusion from which her late pa, king of the Rinos, suffered."
Sunrise 6-21-19
Why I don't take sunrises where I live--all the overhead cables, etc. But the sun was huge and one big ball!
Thursday, June 20, 2019
AOC--An Anomaly through Ignorance
Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez opens mouth and inserts foot once again. This has become a bad habit and embarrassing to our country not to mention her credibility. How in the heck did she ever get elected?
Quote of the Day - South Palm Beach

~ South Palm Beach resident
Questioning the decision for South Palm Beach to go with PBSO.
1,309 people live in South Palm Beach. They have 8 police officers on payroll and the council's argument is "they will save money" of approximately one million over 5 years.
They have little crime
Iran Ready for War
Iran Shoots Down American drone
"In a major provocation, Iran shot down an unarmed and unmanned U.S. RQ-4A Global Hawk drone (worth $180 million) while it was flying in international airspace over the Strait of Hormuz Thursday, U.S. Central Command confirmed in a statement."Read about it...
Iran says it is completely ready for war and feel empowered by Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats who have verbally stated their disdain for the president regarding his policy on the terrorist state of Iran, a country that has been virtually "at war" with us for years.
Now, what is the president going to do about it? Pelosi is sacred out of her wits.
Donald Trump,
Nancy Pelosi,
Community ID's for Illegals
New IDs for undocumented immigrants in Palm Beach County
On December 4, 2018, the idea of community ID's passed on a 3/1 vote at the Lake Worth City Commission meeting, Scott Maxwell dissenting. Commissioner Amoroso said he put it on the Agenda because he was concerned about the census and not getting our fair share of federal dollars because of immigrants who will not fill out the census."When it comes to recognizing the IDs, Palm Beach County Sheriff RIc Bradshaw is concerned about fraud and said PBSO will not accept any card without matching thumbprints and unless it's classified as a Category 1 proof of ID."
Read about it... We joined West Palm Beach in declaring ourselves a "welcoming city," the same as a sanctuary city.
Bernie, Living in a Bubble of illusion
Bernie is trying to rally his socialist base with this new sticker. He honestly believes that his campaign is the only one that is best prepared to beat President Trump.
And he still believes that he is the only one who could have beaten Trump in 2016 although he couldn’t even win in his primary. There was no rigging, there was no collusion. He lost to a mortal woman! "He has always been a socialist, bragged about being one, has expressed an affinity for Fidel Castro on video, and hates the Democratic party for not being leftist enough."
The ONLY way Bernie will ever beat Trump is if he finds a stick somewhere.
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
Mango Festival Cultural Plaza
Live Entertainment and everything "mango" this Saturday at the Cultural Plaza, downtown Lake Worth.
Hours are from 10am to 4pm, rain or shine.
Cultural Plaza,
Downtown Lake Worth,
Mango Festival
Last Night's Lake Worth Commission Meeting
I ventured down to the city commission meeting last night mainly to see State Rep. Mike Caruso but I did watch the YouTube video of what transpired.
The most interesting thing on the Agenda was the last minute inclusion of discussion under New Business on placing items on the Agenda. This was added by the city manager although it was never mentioned what particular staff member added it to the agenda.
We have a definite policy in place about placing items on the agenda and this hasn't been adhered to in years. Items are being placed on the agenda at any time staff chooses--this is against the rules that say that an item must be added no later than 11 days prior to the commission meeting other than an emergency. It was also said, however, that it is staff that places items on the agenda although our policy says that Commissioners also can add items. I concluded that commissioner inclusions have been discouraged by staff.
Commissioner Hardy and Commissioner Robinson were right on point...there needs to be a process to get ideas in front of the commission that have been either denied or just plain ignored by staff. Apparently commissioners are discouraged to place anything on the agenda. The City manager reports to the Commission. The Commissioners are the bosses. Commissioner Hardy said that he does not believe that they should cede any authority to people who are not elected. And he stated that it was their job to work with each other not FOR each other, answering Scott Maxwell's snarky comment.
This discussion went over the one-half hour mark and the mayor then said discussion was over; it would go to a workshop. At 1:35:53 Commissioner Hardy made a motion to extend the discussion with Herman seconding the motion. That motion was totally disregarded by the mayor and discussion ended. As Herman had said earlier, it's all about "democracy, debate and deliberation." That didn't happen last night.
The most interesting thing on the Agenda was the last minute inclusion of discussion under New Business on placing items on the Agenda. This was added by the city manager although it was never mentioned what particular staff member added it to the agenda.
We have a definite policy in place about placing items on the agenda and this hasn't been adhered to in years. Items are being placed on the agenda at any time staff chooses--this is against the rules that say that an item must be added no later than 11 days prior to the commission meeting other than an emergency. It was also said, however, that it is staff that places items on the agenda although our policy says that Commissioners also can add items. I concluded that commissioner inclusions have been discouraged by staff.
Commissioner Hardy and Commissioner Robinson were right on point...there needs to be a process to get ideas in front of the commission that have been either denied or just plain ignored by staff. Apparently commissioners are discouraged to place anything on the agenda. The City manager reports to the Commission. The Commissioners are the bosses. Commissioner Hardy said that he does not believe that they should cede any authority to people who are not elected. And he stated that it was their job to work with each other not FOR each other, answering Scott Maxwell's snarky comment.
This discussion went over the one-half hour mark and the mayor then said discussion was over; it would go to a workshop. At 1:35:53 Commissioner Hardy made a motion to extend the discussion with Herman seconding the motion. That motion was totally disregarded by the mayor and discussion ended. As Herman had said earlier, it's all about "democracy, debate and deliberation." That didn't happen last night.
California to give Healthcare to Illegals
"Some low-income adults in California living in the country illegally will soon get their health benefits paid for by taxpayers. Democrats in the state Legislature on Sunday agreed to make adults
between the ages of 19 and 25 eligible for the state's Medicaid program."
California is one of the states that issue driver's licenses or permits to the illegal immigrant population in the United States. Next, they'll be voting?
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
California is set to become the first state to give full health care benefits to young, low-income immigrants living in the United States illegally, but a majority of U.S. voters don't support a similar initiative in their own state.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 31% of Likely U.S. Voters favor making health care benefits available to low-income illegal immigrants under the age of 26 in their state. Fifty-five percent (55%) are opposed, while 13% are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
California is one of the states that issue driver's licenses or permits to the illegal immigrant population in the United States. Next, they'll be voting?
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
California is set to become the first state to give full health care benefits to young, low-income immigrants living in the United States illegally, but a majority of U.S. voters don't support a similar initiative in their own state.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 31% of Likely U.S. Voters favor making health care benefits available to low-income illegal immigrants under the age of 26 in their state. Fifty-five percent (55%) are opposed, while 13% are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
State Rep Mike Caruso at City Hall
Mike Caruso, District 89, had one wild campaign in November 2018. He was narrowly elected with 50.02% of the vote, defeating Democrat Jim Bonfiglio. Caruso's margin of victory--just 32 votes--triggered both a machine and manual recount under Florida law.
He spoke in front of our city commission last night and was given kudos from the entire dais for all his hard work for Lake Worth. He co-authored, backed and sponsored an anti-semitism law and a Sober Home bill.
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Quote of the Day - John Bolton

John Bolton
National Security Advisor
Sarah knocked Biden's Socks Off
Full 2008 Vice Presidential Debate with Gov. Sarah Palin and Sen. Joe Biden.
Judge dismisses case of former Trump campaign staffer
Campaign staffer claiming Trump tried to kiss her gets case booted, scolding from judge
Read about the former staffer full of crap
Donald Trump,
What we do for revenue
Sharia in our Country
Sharia in the USA: Christians Jailed for Preaching to Muslims–Dearborn, MI Officials Sued
Richard Thompson, TMLC President and Chief Counsel, commented, “Muslims dominate the political and law enforcement process in Dearborn. It seems that police were more interested in placating the Mayor and Muslims than obeying our Constitution. Sharia law makes it a crime to preach the Gospel to Muslims. This is a classic example of stealth Jihad being waged right here in America. And it should be a wake-up call for all patriotic Americans.”Read about it...
Read the lawsuit by the Thomas More Law Center
And in all of our progressive and politically correct direction in our city, in July 2016 the city commission passed a resolution (Resolution 35-2016 to support Muslim communities in and around the city) saying their religion is one of "peace." How dare anyone with the Constitutional right to speak out against it? We have to accept what's happening in our country?
Read my blog
Politically Correct,
Resolution Islam,
Sharia Law
Monday, June 17, 2019
Recycle Coach App
I downloaded the Recycle Coach app recently launched by the City of Lake Worth (Beach) as mentioned in the PBPost. This was developed to help residents know their collection schedule for recyclables and garbage. I'm thinking, great going! Wrong.
First it did not take the Lake Worth Beach city as a destination. You have to use Lake Worth. Then after programming my address, it was correct on the recyclable schedule but wrong on the garbage pick-up day telling me it is Tuesday. No sooner did I see this, the garbage was picked up today, Monday.
It is supposed to send you scheduling changes, bulk pick-up days, etc.
I'll still keep the app for awhile to see if the kinks are worked out.
First it did not take the Lake Worth Beach city as a destination. You have to use Lake Worth. Then after programming my address, it was correct on the recyclable schedule but wrong on the garbage pick-up day telling me it is Tuesday. No sooner did I see this, the garbage was picked up today, Monday.
It is supposed to send you scheduling changes, bulk pick-up days, etc.
I'll still keep the app for awhile to see if the kinks are worked out.
City of Lake Worth,
Recycle coach App,
Making America Muslim
Even though Sharifa Alkhateeb (1946 – 2004) is no longer on this Earth having met her maker, the goal of all Muslims continues, more so than ever.
We have Muslims elected to Congress and local governments, all Democrats. Their ultimate goal is to Make America Muslim. For all of you Democrats, Socialists, Communists, etc. who just don't understand, view the video.
We have Muslims elected to Congress and local governments, all Democrats. Their ultimate goal is to Make America Muslim. For all of you Democrats, Socialists, Communists, etc. who just don't understand, view the video.
Community ID's for Illegals
The article in today's Palm Beach Post on Community ID's was informative. It mentioned the concerns of illegal aliens trying to open bank accounts, etc. in our county and who want a community ID to facilitate their every desire while living here.
Why are we trying so hard to make life easier for illegals? They are here against our laws.
On December 4, 2018, the idea of community ID's passed on a 3/1 vote at the Lake Worth City Commission meeting, Scott Maxwell dissenting. Commissioner Amoroso is the one who put it on the agenda. Mayor Pam Triolo cut out of the meeting prior to the discussion and vote. So, our alt-left commissioners favored it.
The article mentioned that 25% of our city consists of "undocumented" people. It seems like more than that when you constantly run into people who speak no English. The commission likes to tell us that our city has 37,000 residents. Using that figure, we have 9,250 illegals. Even Belle Glade has a lessor percentage of illegals at 20%.
Read about it...
On December 4, 2018, the idea of community ID's passed on a 3/1 vote at the Lake Worth City Commission meeting, Scott Maxwell dissenting. Commissioner Amoroso is the one who put it on the agenda. Mayor Pam Triolo cut out of the meeting prior to the discussion and vote. So, our alt-left commissioners favored it.
The article mentioned that 25% of our city consists of "undocumented" people. It seems like more than that when you constantly run into people who speak no English. The commission likes to tell us that our city has 37,000 residents. Using that figure, we have 9,250 illegals. Even Belle Glade has a lessor percentage of illegals at 20%.
Read about it...
Accessory Dwelling Units for Lake Worth?
Copied from Nextdoor: I have been told that Anthony Marotta wrote it but authorship is unverified. Mr. Marotta is a licensed community property manager and president of the Parrot Cove Neighborhood Association. It is an excellent argument as to why we do not want ADU's.
"There is a City workshop June 25 at 6pm at City Hall regarding an effort that would effectively triple the permitted density in our single family residential neighborhoods from 7 units per acre to 21 units by allowing up to 2 Accessory Dwelling Units, or ‘ADUs’ be built on lots in all single family residential neighborhoods. This is being spearheaded by Commissioner Omari Hardy. Those living in these areas should take note of this effort.
This will greatly encourage sober homes, a proliferation of Airbnbs and increased cost of real estate all making homeownership that much more difficult to attain. It will alter the character of the neighborhoods, promote more investor buy ups and maxing out of property, create constant parking deficiencies, and present daunting tasks for code enforcement as they try to regulate things they can’t get access to.
Having a background relevant to this, I have spent much time reviewing the topic. I live in one of the affected neighborhoods and have an ADU that would become a legal rental that I could profit from and I am wholeheartedly against this, based on the following:
Commissioner Hardy has stated the following reasons this must happen for our city:
When asked how he would prevent that from happening everywhere, Commissioner Hardy stated that he would use warrants if necessary to force people to allow them in. There is an uprising when certain areas get red tagged for abandoned cars, but the city is going to get warrants over an ADU inspection?
The city struggles to enforce its codes now, but somehow will be able to enforce what is going on in units in the back of properties?
Commissioner Hardy has stated he believes there should be no parking regulations at all. This helps to understand why he is disinterested in resident’s concerns over parking.
The main issue is density, which manifests itself by affecting several quality of life issues
· Parking in these neighborhoods, many of which are either historic or older in general, is not adequate for the current need. Adding up to four+ cars per homesite will fill the roads and encourage owners to pave over more of their yards for parking, creating heat sinks and diminishing our green areas. A house has room on the road for 2 cars in front, not 6.
· Renting the ADUs will add a revenue stream that is factored into the price of the home. This in turn puts upward pressure on housing prices and effectively pushes homeownership further away from people as well as means they always have to rent the unit to afford the cost. Creates additional exclusivity in areas due to higher income requirements.
· Who came to the City Commission and demanded they take action on allowing ADUs? This has never been a pressing matter in our city ever.
This is simply a solution looking for a problem, and will absolutely create those problems."
"There is a City workshop June 25 at 6pm at City Hall regarding an effort that would effectively triple the permitted density in our single family residential neighborhoods from 7 units per acre to 21 units by allowing up to 2 Accessory Dwelling Units, or ‘ADUs’ be built on lots in all single family residential neighborhoods. This is being spearheaded by Commissioner Omari Hardy. Those living in these areas should take note of this effort.
This will greatly encourage sober homes, a proliferation of Airbnbs and increased cost of real estate all making homeownership that much more difficult to attain. It will alter the character of the neighborhoods, promote more investor buy ups and maxing out of property, create constant parking deficiencies, and present daunting tasks for code enforcement as they try to regulate things they can’t get access to.
Having a background relevant to this, I have spent much time reviewing the topic. I live in one of the affected neighborhoods and have an ADU that would become a legal rental that I could profit from and I am wholeheartedly against this, based on the following:
Commissioner Hardy has stated the following reasons this must happen for our city:
- “The city needs more residents to shop in the downtown.” Why sacrifice the quality of life of the residents so that there will be a few extra people to get haircuts and get a drink so the investors from Boca who are buying up all the commercial property can rent their space at inflated prices?
- “People will be able to ‘age in place.’” You can do that now. These structures are permitted in multifamily by right and you can construct these units in SR7 neighborhoods without a stove. Frankly if the city could not get a former commissioner who allegedly had an illegal second unit built into his place, to open up his door for inspection, will city inspectors be knocking on doors to find out if someone put a stove in their rear unit for their grandmother?
- “States cities such as Portland Oregon, Vancouver British Columbia and Tacoma Washington have used ADUs to address housing affordability issues.” Neglects to state these cities have nothing in common with LWB. Those cities have housing affordability issues due to, in most part, because they have too many rich people. LWB has the opposite with an over abundance of very affordable cost housing and lack of rich people.
- Sober homes will proliferate. This is opening up the doors to this highly profitable segment to really max out their investment. These operators have the cash to make this happen quickly and this destructive force will be given the full speed ahead. Fair housing and ADA laws protect these operators and the city will be powerless to stop them. Why would we do anything to add more of them?
- Airbnb will be a very attractive use for this. It will push up rents and home prices as inventory goes to this higher dollar value venture instead, further eroding affordability in desirable areas. Per state law, the city can’t restrict them.
- This is a back door effort to triple density and upzone neighborhoods without following the normal procedures that would alert residents to what is going on and how their neighborhood is about to get drastically more crowded.
When asked how he would prevent that from happening everywhere, Commissioner Hardy stated that he would use warrants if necessary to force people to allow them in. There is an uprising when certain areas get red tagged for abandoned cars, but the city is going to get warrants over an ADU inspection?
The city struggles to enforce its codes now, but somehow will be able to enforce what is going on in units in the back of properties?
Commissioner Hardy has stated he believes there should be no parking regulations at all. This helps to understand why he is disinterested in resident’s concerns over parking.
The main issue is density, which manifests itself by affecting several quality of life issues
· Parking in these neighborhoods, many of which are either historic or older in general, is not adequate for the current need. Adding up to four+ cars per homesite will fill the roads and encourage owners to pave over more of their yards for parking, creating heat sinks and diminishing our green areas. A house has room on the road for 2 cars in front, not 6.
· Renting the ADUs will add a revenue stream that is factored into the price of the home. This in turn puts upward pressure on housing prices and effectively pushes homeownership further away from people as well as means they always have to rent the unit to afford the cost. Creates additional exclusivity in areas due to higher income requirements.
· Who came to the City Commission and demanded they take action on allowing ADUs? This has never been a pressing matter in our city ever.
This is simply a solution looking for a problem, and will absolutely create those problems."
Sunday, June 16, 2019
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