Monday, April 1, 2019

Death by Stoning

Another country adopts sharia Law

Brunei will now punish gay sex and adultery with death by stoning thanks to a new penal code inspired by sharia law.

Well, hell, we have two new Democrat congresswomen who were both sworn in on the Quran.  According to Pew Research, "...most Muslims believe sharia is the revealed word of God rather than a body of law developed by men based on the word of God."

Read about Death by stoning


Jackie said...

I guess if I lived in Brunei or planned on visiting there I would care...but I'm not so....what's new in Lake Worth Beach?

Lynn Anderson said...

Hey "Jackie," It's not all about you now is it?
With more and more Muslims in this country, it could be you next. Think about that. It would end your undignified parade.

Jackie said...

I don't know who you think this is. I don't have a parade. I was just commenting on a post.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jackie...just FYI, Lynn attacks and taunts everyone who doesn't share her opinion. Don't take it personal.

Lynn Anderson said...

Attack? Democrats I don't like for very good reason. What I attack is their intolerance to MY opinion. Get a job.

Anonymous said...

If you don't care about atrocities anywhere, you have no soul.

Chip said...

I usually don't like to comment here but, Lynn, you just attacked Jackie for simply saying she's more interested in local news than news halfway around the world. Sometimes you're so nasty to people here for no reason. Jackie is just more interested in what goes on in her backyard. Why is that so offensive to you that you have to belittle her?

I like reading most of your posts but the comments sections are filled you shouting at people all the time. Anyway, besides that, I like coming here.

Lynn Anderson said...

First of all you are posting anonymously. Your opinion of me is not important.
Read comment policy...thanks very much.
It is you attacking me. Democrats never can see the facts.