Conservative Commentary/Opinion on Local, State & National issues. Hours 6am to 7pm to respond to comments
Thursday, January 31, 2019
Block Party Lake Worth
Business owners and residents spoke out wanting J Street to be included in the monthly block party downtown. Their requests were heard.
First Friday of every month.
First Friday of every month.
Message from the American Jewish Congress
The American Jewish Congress supports the decision of President Trump and the United States administration to recognize Juan Guaidó as President of Venezuela, and to condemn the actions of the now-illegitimate President Nicolás Maduro.
Since assuming office in 2013, Nicolás Maduro has corrupted and degraded Venezuela's system of democracy. We have seen this in his subversion of the Venezuelan people's right to choose their leader, in his efforts to maintain power through rigged elections that have been denounced as "sham elections" by the international community, and in the continued political repression and jailing of representatives of civil society and political opponents.
Two years ago, we called for the release of political prisoners in Venezuela, including Mayor Antonio Ledezma, one of the leaders of the opposition and former Mayor of Caracas, whom we had the pleasure to engage with and host at our International Mayors Conference in Israel. The American Jewish Congress will continue to support and stand in solidarity with the freedom-loving people of Venezuela.
We hope that all the international community will join the United States, Canada, and other countries, as well as international bodies such as the Organization of American States (OAS), in pressing for the realization of democratic principles in Venezuela.
Jack Rosen
American Jewish Congress
Since assuming office in 2013, Nicolás Maduro has corrupted and degraded Venezuela's system of democracy. We have seen this in his subversion of the Venezuelan people's right to choose their leader, in his efforts to maintain power through rigged elections that have been denounced as "sham elections" by the international community, and in the continued political repression and jailing of representatives of civil society and political opponents.
Two years ago, we called for the release of political prisoners in Venezuela, including Mayor Antonio Ledezma, one of the leaders of the opposition and former Mayor of Caracas, whom we had the pleasure to engage with and host at our International Mayors Conference in Israel. The American Jewish Congress will continue to support and stand in solidarity with the freedom-loving people of Venezuela.
We hope that all the international community will join the United States, Canada, and other countries, as well as international bodies such as the Organization of American States (OAS), in pressing for the realization of democratic principles in Venezuela.
Jack Rosen
American Jewish Congress
Homicide in Lake Worth
Homicide in Lake Worth
Another shooting--this time murder? Oh no, it can't be...especially as the entire dais keeps bragging that crime is going waaaaay down--27% I believe they said.Read about the murder... on South K Street.
Donald Trump to use E-Verify
Trump Organizations to implement E-Verify
The Trump Organization, responding to claims that some of its workers were in the U.S. illegally, said on Wednesday that it will use the E-Verify electronic system at all of its properties to check employees’ documentation.Read about it...
Let's hope that E-Verify can discern who is a legal and who isn't with all their fake documents.
Mueller Investigation and corrupt FBI lawyer
Ex-FBI Lawyer Already Under Criminal Investigation Was Found Meddling in Trump Investigation
Because of the new revelations about former top FBI lawyer James Baker, the Mueller investigation may soon be looking at the straw that will break its back.Read about it...
Robert Mueller,
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
President Trump--Watch your legal staff
Without President Trump Knowing, The White House Counsel Is Caving to Democrats on Judges
Read about it...Den Crenshaw, protecting the unborn's rights
Dan Crenshaw Defends Those Who Cannot Defend Themselves: ‘More Valuable than a Clump of Cells’
Dan Crenshaw, former Navy Seal and now a newly elected Congressman from Texas, called being pro-life “the default human position.”Read about this pro-lifer
AOC - what a gal!
She got--
100,044 votes or 77,95% of the vote.
Aside from being the youngest and most uniformed representative ever elected to Congress, there must be a lot of socialists and people looking for free stuff in her small district. She ran on a platform to abolish ICE, establish a federal jobs guarantee, tuition free colleges, against Israel and promoted Medicare-for-all.
The demographics in her district are 22 percent white, 50 percent Hispanic, 9 percent black and 16 percent Asian. In addition, 45.8 percent in her district is foreign-born and 67.8 percent report that they speak a language other than English at home. [Townhall]
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,
Obama sent $221 million to Palestinian Authority
In violation of a congressional hold, Barack Hussein quietly sent $221 million to the Palestinian Authority hours before Trump inauguration
We all know what a horrible job Barack Obama did while he was in office for eight years. Just trying to clean up the mess and the anti-Israel ill will that he created is enormous. Israel is our greatest ally in the Mid-East."From the moment Barack Hussein arrived on the political scene, it was obvious to anyone with an IQ superior to that of the average gerbil, a group that, sadly, does not include liberals, that he was a foul, inexperienced, racist, corrupt, incompetent, dishonest, Muslim-loving, America-hating scumbag," so says Thomas Madison of Powdered Wig.
Read about it... by a top conservative voice.
Know Thy Enemy,
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Emerge Lake Worth
Lake Worth’s new 23-office tower has an opening target date
Don't get too excited--it's NOT a 23 story building but a small boutique professional building at the old Hummingbird Hotel site.Read about it... getting ready for their opening on the same days as the Street Painting Festival.
Trump Tweet on Howard Schultz
Trump Takes on 2020 Rival

~ President Trump
Donald Trump,
Quote of the Day,
Trump Tweet
Susan Bucher Resigns as SOE
Susan Bucher resigns as elections supervisor, calls removal process unfair
Susan Bucher got advice from legal counsel before she resigned.Read about Susan... I always liked Susan but I sure didn't like the mess during the last election.
Monday, January 28, 2019
Robert Mueller - Was it overkill?
Did Mueller Mess this one up?
Roger Stone on Friday night said in a pair of cable TV interviews that the federal indictment against him is “thin,” special counsel Robert Mueller is out to get him and he will never turn on President Donald Trump.Read about Roger...
AOC - The Looney Tune
Ocasio-Cortez Uses Government Shutdown To Threaten GOP Senators
"Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said on Friday that she believes Republican Senators should be 'scared for their jobs in 2020' following the government shutdown." Of course, she is the only Democrat who voted against the bills because they included funding for ICE.Read about wonder woman
Arguments against the Wall are not factual
"As the government shutdown continues over President Trump’s funding request of $5 billion for the border wall, Crying Chuck and Speaker Pelosi have come up with many reasons to deny this funding even though it is less than 0.125 percent of the total budget. Arguments against the wall are not grounded in fact."
Read more... at the Reno Gazette. This is an excellent article.
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Camelot at The Lake Worth Playhouse
JAN. 19 – FEB. 3, 2019
Borrowing from the Arthurian legends, Lerner and Loewe’s Camelot is the duo’s fantastical masterpiece which triumphed on Broadway in a legendary original production that lead to a film version, and numerous revivals in New York, London and across the globe. Its Original Broadway Cast Album topped the charts for 60 weeks, with a rich score boasting such gems as “If Ever I Would Leave You,” “I Loved You Once in Silence,” “The Lusty Month of May,” and of course, “Camelot.”
Borrowing from the Arthurian legends, Lerner and Loewe’s Camelot is the duo’s fantastical masterpiece which triumphed on Broadway in a legendary original production that lead to a film version, and numerous revivals in New York, London and across the globe. Its Original Broadway Cast Album topped the charts for 60 weeks, with a rich score boasting such gems as “If Ever I Would Leave You,” “I Loved You Once in Silence,” “The Lusty Month of May,” and of course, “Camelot.”
Muslim woman gets her suit dismissed
Case dismissed involving Muslim woman forced to remove hijab
I love these people trying to do whatever they please and refusing to follow the laws of the United States.Muslim Suha Elqutt filed suit but she failed to establish there was any violation of her constitutional rights. In this case, it was a manufactured incident as she did not wear a hijab going through security 8 times in 5 months before this incident. Who was behind this insurrection?
Do law-abiding citizens of this country have to pick up the tab just to have frivolous lawsuits heard in court? The Court made the right decision by dismissing this lawsuit. The ACLU and CAIR are having a fit.
Read about it...
Trevor Noah and his blasphemy
Half black; half White, 34 year old Trevor Noah was raised as a Christian. He says he still is. He is confused. He says he's neither "right" nor "left" but he did go after Karen Pence saying "religious freedom is crazy" and he ridiculed Immanuel Christian School where the Vice President's wife was working. Mrs. Pence had previously worked at that school for twelve years before Mike Pence became Vice President.
People really show their ignorance in so many ways and never will admit their biases. He has been influenced by the other Hollywood types as well as liberals who are doing their best to obliterate or lessen the importance of Christianity.
Voter Fraud - 58,000 Illegals voted in Texas
Texas says it found 95,000 non-citizens on voter rolls; 58,000 have voted
"The New York Times reported that the findings were a result of of an 11-month investigation into records at the Texas Department of Public Safety. Gov. Greg Abbott praised the findings and hinted at future legislation to crack down on voter fraud."This is happening in several states such as Pennsylvania, Michigan and California.
Read about the voter fraud It's no wonder that there have been close elections such as in Texas. We need Election Fraud Units everywhere as many state laws do not require verification of voters’ statements that they are citizens.
Voter ID by States but this is not good enough. We need verification that illegals are NOT voting.
Saturday, January 26, 2019
South Florida Fair
The plan was to go to the South Florida Fair today but look at that weather! I was looking forward to the Highwaymen Art Exhibit at Yesteryear Village Bink Glisson Museum. I own four of their paintings.
I love everything about the fair from the arts and crafts, the animals, the midway, the shows and especially the people. I always look forward to seeing Dennis Lee.
"For 60 years Floridians have embraced a legendary group of African American artists known as The Highwaymen. The Highwaymen developed a rapid style of painting that captured a romantic vision of Florida. Highwaymen Alfred Hair met Ft. Pierce landscape artist A.E. Backus while he was in high school. Backus welcomed him into his studio and gave the aspiring painter lessons. Other artists of this group followed Backus' example and started painting. The innovative Highwaymen approach to painting was no less than the path they found around the limitations imposed on them by radical segregation. Highwaymen Art Specialists recognizes the many achievements of this group and are supportive of their efforts.It will be open for one more week."
I plan to get out there before the Fair ends.
I love everything about the fair from the arts and crafts, the animals, the midway, the shows and especially the people. I always look forward to seeing Dennis Lee.
"For 60 years Floridians have embraced a legendary group of African American artists known as The Highwaymen. The Highwaymen developed a rapid style of painting that captured a romantic vision of Florida. Highwaymen Alfred Hair met Ft. Pierce landscape artist A.E. Backus while he was in high school. Backus welcomed him into his studio and gave the aspiring painter lessons. Other artists of this group followed Backus' example and started painting. The innovative Highwaymen approach to painting was no less than the path they found around the limitations imposed on them by radical segregation. Highwaymen Art Specialists recognizes the many achievements of this group and are supportive of their efforts.It will be open for one more week."
I plan to get out there before the Fair ends.
Friday, January 25, 2019
Roger Stone and his Melodramatic Arrest was Overkill
Roger Stone, June 1, 2017 at the Republican Club of Central Palm Beach County
The charge--He made “multiple false statements” about his interactions regarding WikiLeaks, “falsely denied possessing records that contained evidence of these interactions”, and “attempted to persuade a witness to provide false testimony to and withhold pertinent information from the investigations.”
Read about Roger...
He was shackled this morning when he was in court on charges he says are bogus and just part of the Witch Hunt. He is now out on a $250,000 surety bond. Stone has already said that he will NOT bear false witness against the President or make up lies to make things easier on himself. It was indicated that Mueller is trying to squeeze everyone to go against the President.
While he was speaking to the press, an anti-Stone demonstration by screaming idiot Trump haters was taking place. You could barely hear what he had to say.
This is America, folks. What the hell is going on?
Former Trump Advisor Roger Stone Arrested As Part Of Mueller Probe
67 year old Roger Stone knew it was coming. A longtime political adviser and friend of President Trump, he was arrested in Fort Lauderdale around 6am by FBI and SWAT, guns drawn. His door was stormed scaring his wife and dogs and probably every neighbor around. 29 FBI agents arrived in 17 vehicles. It was overkill. CNN knew to be there and were on the scene.The charge--He made “multiple false statements” about his interactions regarding WikiLeaks, “falsely denied possessing records that contained evidence of these interactions”, and “attempted to persuade a witness to provide false testimony to and withhold pertinent information from the investigations.”
Read about Roger...
He was shackled this morning when he was in court on charges he says are bogus and just part of the Witch Hunt. He is now out on a $250,000 surety bond. Stone has already said that he will NOT bear false witness against the President or make up lies to make things easier on himself. It was indicated that Mueller is trying to squeeze everyone to go against the President.
While he was speaking to the press, an anti-Stone demonstration by screaming idiot Trump haters was taking place. You could barely hear what he had to say.
This is America, folks. What the hell is going on?
Republican Club,
Robert Mueller,
Roger Stone
Oh No, Not Again!
Commissioners are bragging about the latest stats provided by the PBSO--crime supposedly down by 27%. I have never believed it. PBSO did admit that shootings are up.
Shooting/Stabbing. PBSO investigating man with GSWs, transported to hospital. Active crime scene.
Type: Shooting
Date: 01/24/2019 01:18 PM
Shooting/Stabbing. PBSO investigating man with GSWs, transported to hospital. Active crime scene.
Type: Shooting
Date: 01/24/2019 01:18 PM
Florida Secretary of State resigns
Florida Secretary of State Resigns 2 Weeks Into the Job Over Blackface Pictures
Only in office 16 days, Mike Ertle resigns for doing something stupid in 2005. But no one thought it a "racist" thing back then. With the new standards of today, things can and will come back to haunt you.Read about it...
Florida State of,
Ron DeSantis,
Secretary of State
Andrew Gillum committed "Face Crime"
"Andrew Gillum (thank God he's not our governor) jumped at the opportunity to score who-knows-what kind of
political points. His tweet -- which has been resent more than 14,000
times -- remains up on his feed. Gillum uses the word “honor” for a man
who tries to claim active-duty status when he in fact was busted
numerous times for abandoning his duties." SunshineStateNews]
Gillum took the side (of course) of the Indian in a tweet, a guy who has a serious history of being a bad actor, instead of even attempting to find out the facts. After all, it was kids wearing Make America Great Again caps. But with Andrew Gillum, along with the nutty news media, jumped right in and attacked the kids, Christian schools, etc.and glorified Phillips.
P.S. Andrew Gillum's tweet is still up. So much for hatred and ignorance, Andrew.
Gillum took the side (of course) of the Indian in a tweet, a guy who has a serious history of being a bad actor, instead of even attempting to find out the facts. After all, it was kids wearing Make America Great Again caps. But with Andrew Gillum, along with the nutty news media, jumped right in and attacked the kids, Christian schools, etc.and glorified Phillips.
P.S. Andrew Gillum's tweet is still up. So much for hatred and ignorance, Andrew.
Andrew Gillum,
Thursday, January 24, 2019
On a Scale of 1 - 5 - Last Night's Candidate Forum
With #1 being the best--
I always surprise myself---choosing an ultra-liberal such as Omari as Top Dog at last night's NAPC Candidate debate. He was the most articulate and intelligible of all the candidates and I agreed with his platform. He looked professional and sounded the same, does his research and hones in on the goal. I swear, he must have been on the debating team at the U of Miami.
I do want to give credit to all the candidates. This ranking is not meant to insult anyone. It's not an easy job running for office as a lot of former candidates and commissioners will attest. All candidates, especially the newbees, will improve their skills as they debate at neighborhood associations within the next month or so. This ranking very well could change!
Let me know what you think of the "debate" and the rankings above. Who do you feel stood out from the pack?
The Video of last night's forum
I always surprise myself---choosing an ultra-liberal such as Omari as Top Dog at last night's NAPC Candidate debate. He was the most articulate and intelligible of all the candidates and I agreed with his platform. He looked professional and sounded the same, does his research and hones in on the goal. I swear, he must have been on the debating team at the U of Miami.
I do want to give credit to all the candidates. This ranking is not meant to insult anyone. It's not an easy job running for office as a lot of former candidates and commissioners will attest. All candidates, especially the newbees, will improve their skills as they debate at neighborhood associations within the next month or so. This ranking very well could change!
Let me know what you think of the "debate" and the rankings above. Who do you feel stood out from the pack?
The Video of last night's forum
Venezuela - what a mess
Maduro severing Venezuelan relations with US
President Trump officially recognized the opposition leader Juan Guaido as the Interim President of Venezuela. He simply raised his right hand and took over the government! Within hours of this, Maduro gave American diplomats 72 hours to exit the country.And this is what the Democrat party wants for the United States--socialism! Why don't they teach this in Harvard for David Hogg...not only is socialism doomed to failure but it always fails. Give that message to AOC, the big mouthpiece of the Democrat party. Boy, is that party losing it.
Quote of the Day - President Trump

~ President Trump
In the meantime, John Kerry is there trashing the president...the clueless gaffe-prone buffoon who at one time tried to become president and failed.
Donald Trump,
John Kerry,
Quote of the Day
I thought David Hogg had his 15 minutes
The insipid, obnoxious kid is at it again--
"Responding to President Trump’s address on Tuesday night, famed historian and immigration expert David Hogg, who was admitted to Harvard University despite the fact that he reportedly got a score of 1270 out of 1600 on the SAT, while the bottom 25% of students admitted had an average score of 1460, decided to weigh in on Twitter, pontificating, 'Reminder: No one is illegal on stolen land #TrumpAddress.'"
Read about him... and wonder how American citizens can breed these insufferable and rude uninformed kids. This one is Harvard bound.
David Hogg,
Donald Trump,
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
State of the Union
White House planning to proceed with State of the Union, but details up in the air after Pelosi threat
Nancy Pelosi will not take the steps to stop illegal immigration but she will make steps to stop the State of the Union Address by President Trump. Who in the hell does she think she is by asking the president NOT to come to Capitol Hill?The president accepted her invitation to speak before Congress and he is making plans to do that very thing.
Group associated with al-Qaeda killed in Somalia
U.S. airstrikes killed 52 radical Islamist terrorists in Somalia over the weekend
in its deadliest airstrike on the terror group in months.
Read about it...
Al Qaeda,
United States
Covington Kids to go to White House
WH has reached out to the Covington Catholic kids and invited them to the WH
Any meeting would take place after the shutdown.Tuesday, January 22, 2019
The Socialist Left, Kamala Harris
2020 contender Kamala Harris on the US economy
She wants to give free cash to qualifying middle- and lower-income households."Harris is offering as much as $3,000 a year for a single person or $6,000 a year for a married couple, on top of existing tax and transfer programs, disbursed either as a lump-sum tax refund or as a monthly payment. Working families making less than $100,000 a year would qualify, including those making close to nothing.
As many as 80 million Americans would benefit, Harris's office has estimated, with the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities calculating that the proposal would lift 9 million people out of poverty, including nearly 3 million kids."
"Harris has supported Medicare for all, legalization of recreational marijuana, sanctuary cities, passing a DREAM Act, lowering taxes for the working- and middle-class while raising taxes on corporations and the wealthy." Wikipedia
Kamala Harris' wealth
The Socialist left runs the Democratic Party: Varney. Fox News Network
Nancy -The Power has gone to her head
Nancy Pelosi has to get it into her brain that she is NOT the president of the United states. How dare that she even suggest that President Trump cancel his State of the Union address for whatever phony reason she has. What a dip.
Donald Trump,
Nancy Pelosi,
State of the Union
Kim Jong Un still playing deadly games
Report finds another undisclosed North Korea missile site, says there are 19 more
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has not provided a full accounting of his country's ballistic missile sites and its nuclear weapons program.KCNA / Reuters
Read about the little pissant... at NBC News
Monday, January 21, 2019
News Media Poll
And of course, Democrats feel the news media is doing right by them. For the most part, it is fake news and they are getting exposed on a daily basis. However, Democrats would never believe the truth...they are still believing Buzzfeed over Robert Mueller.
Fake News. News Media,
The Native American March
The fake news media can't get enough of, well, FAKE NEWS.
The Full Video of the MAGA Kids & Indian Drummer Is a Game-Changer says the Conservative Tribune.
See the video and learn the truth about who harassed whom at the Native American March.Native American was even a trouble maker back in 2015.
Code Enforcement in Lake Worth
Code violations default to new property owner says Lake Worth
The property is located at 322 North C Street. The city says there is $700,000 in old code fees at the site and the buyer MUST pay them as the fines run with the property.Read about it...
Sunday, January 20, 2019
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