Conservative Commentary/Opinion on Local, State & National issues. Hours 6am to 7pm to respond to comments
Monday, April 30, 2018
Lake Worth hires Information Systems Manager
April 30, 2018
Contact: Ben Kerr, Public Information Officer
Phone: 561.586.1631
Lake Worth, FL - Hiring of Lee Menke, Director of Information Technology
The City of Lake Worth has hired a new Director of Information Technology, Lee Menke, who will start today. Lee comes to the City with 15 years of state and municipal government experience in Information Technology leadership, management and project development.
Lee is leaving a position as the Information Systems Manager for the Broward County Board of County Commissioners where he directed the IT Operations of the 9th largest library system in the country. In this position he maintained 99.9% uptime for an extensive data centre; developed cloud and local based capital projects that improved efficiency and productivity; managed the Digital Divide project which provides internet access to economically disadvantaged residents and deployed 450 hotspots to provide internet access to retired and active military personnel and their families.
“As technology has changed and improved, Lake Worth has had a difficult time keeping up. Limited resources and implementation issues have hampered our capabilities, however having someone like Lee come on board will propel us into the future.” ~City Manager Michael Bornstein
Contact Ben Kerr, the City of Lake Worth Public Information Officer with any questions or comments.
Ben Kerr
Public Information Officer
Contact: Ben Kerr, Public Information Officer
Phone: 561.586.1631
Lake Worth, FL - Hiring of Lee Menke, Director of Information Technology
The City of Lake Worth has hired a new Director of Information Technology, Lee Menke, who will start today. Lee comes to the City with 15 years of state and municipal government experience in Information Technology leadership, management and project development.
Lee is leaving a position as the Information Systems Manager for the Broward County Board of County Commissioners where he directed the IT Operations of the 9th largest library system in the country. In this position he maintained 99.9% uptime for an extensive data centre; developed cloud and local based capital projects that improved efficiency and productivity; managed the Digital Divide project which provides internet access to economically disadvantaged residents and deployed 450 hotspots to provide internet access to retired and active military personnel and their families.
“As technology has changed and improved, Lake Worth has had a difficult time keeping up. Limited resources and implementation issues have hampered our capabilities, however having someone like Lee come on board will propel us into the future.” ~City Manager Michael Bornstein
Contact Ben Kerr, the City of Lake Worth Public Information Officer with any questions or comments.
Ben Kerr
Public Information Officer
Protecting Crooked Hillary
WHY IS THE MEDIA Ignoring The Connection Between James Comey’s Brother and Crooked Hillary?
Find out...
Crooked Hillary,
Fake News,
James Comey,
News Media
The "Comedian"
She joins a big list of "comedians" who are left-wing obnoxious punks. After her performance, the correspondent's Association said that her performance was "not in the spirit of their mission."
Read about it...
Sunday, April 29, 2018
Quote of the Day - President Trump

~ President Donald Trump
A Liberal who says Robert Mueller should be investigated
Alan Dershowitz: Robert Mueller should be investigated . Alan Dershowitz is a liberal former Haward professor but has some interesting things to say about Trump and Mueller’s investigation. [Global News YouTube channel]
Donald Trump,
Robert Mueller
The Deplorable woman who says she is a comedian
Totally attacked our President -- Glad the President did not attend. Her routine was unkind and uncouth but not as bad as I thought it would be. Her attack on Mike Pence was outrageous as well as her attack on Sarah Sanders who was sitting at the dais, an invited guest. Roasts are out of control today.
The Attack on our Constitution
Some in congress, other than all Democrats, want to protect Robert Muller and his Witch Hunt. No Trump/Russian collusion has been proved but Democrats are hoping that something, anything, might stick. The Democrats only needed one Republican but they got four.
[FrontPageMag] Four Republican senators voted to protect the Clinton-Mueller coup effort. The bill would prevent Mueller or a special prosecutor from being fired without, effectively, the approval, passive or active, of a Federal judge.
This is giving federal judges more power than anyone in the country, even the president of the united states.
[FrontPageMag] Four Republican senators voted to protect the Clinton-Mueller coup effort. The bill would prevent Mueller or a special prosecutor from being fired without, effectively, the approval, passive or active, of a Federal judge.
This is giving federal judges more power than anyone in the country, even the president of the united states.
The bill, sponsored by Tillis and Graham (R-S.C.) with Sens. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) and Christopher Coons (D-Del.), would codify Department of Justice regulations that say only a senior Department of Justice official can fire Mueller or another special counsel.
It would give a special counsel an "expedited review" of their firing. If a court determines that it wasn't for "good cause," the special counsel would be reinstated.
Donald Trump,
Robert Mueller,
Witch Hunt
Monument to the victims of Abortion
The great State of Tennessee's legislators have come up with a monument that is going to have liberals foaming at the mouth — and surprisingly, it has nothing to do with the Confederacy.
The monument, titled “Tennessee Monument to Unborn Children, In Memory of the Victims of Abortion: Babies, Women, and Men,” will be built with private funds. [Conservative Tribune]
Read about it...
The monument, titled “Tennessee Monument to Unborn Children, In Memory of the Victims of Abortion: Babies, Women, and Men,” will be built with private funds. [Conservative Tribune]
Read about it...
Saturday, April 28, 2018
James Comey Interview on Fox
Trey Gowdy says Comey's reflections are flawed. He says that Jim Comey has a definition of the word "leak" that no one else has.
Sarah Sanders and CNN's Jim Acosta
[GatewayPundit] On Wednesday Jim Acosta whined about press freedom in the age of Trump. What a clown. This is the same hack who accused Trump supporters of being idiots this week.
Watch Jim Acosta showing his AZZ again
Tom Brokaw and the Me Toos
How did this get so out of control? Feminists and the Me Too Movement who hate men. What else can it be?
Sure, there are predators out there and men and women who abuse their power but the Tom Brokaw charge is just plain nuts. People flirt and men and women make passes in order to get to know each other. How far back do you want to take this? I was sitting in 4th grade and some boy pulled my pony tail? What ever happened to due process in this country?
This sickening crap has to stop as feminists are ruining men's lives and people in general are protesting anything and everything and literally crawling out of the woodwork. Men are afraid to even ask a woman out on a date now. And you women have done it to yourselves and to the rest of sane people everywhere.
Friday, April 27, 2018
Diamond & Silk Testify before Congress regarding Facebook
These gals held their own.
Diamond & Silk,
First Amendment
Atlanta Appellate Court stays lower court's ruling on restoration of felon voting rights
Al Sharpton: 'We Are Going to Turn on the Light in the Sunshine State'
If Al Sharpton wants felons to be able to vote in Florida, than I have a big problem with the entire idea and will have to study it further.Originally I signed Jo-Ann Golden's petition one night down at the Cultural Plaza to restore the voting rights of convicted Florida felons. I was hesitant but the rationale for me was, if you've done your time than you're rights should be restored. It was a black and white decision for me. I didn't think it through enough.
Even though the ballot amendment made exceptions for murder and rape, it is a known fact that most criminals re-enter the prison system. For the most part, they do not get rehabilitated. There are consequences from committing crimes that violate the rights of others and one consequence should be the restoration of voting rights. Voting is a privilege that should not be taken lightly..
According to Sunshine State News, "We have an estimated 1.6 million convicted felons in Florida and we are one of a few states that do not automatically restore voting rights to felons who have completed their sentences. An estimated 600,000 felons could have their voting rights restored if voters approve the measure, which will appear on the November ballot as Amendment 4.
The ruling Wednesday from the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals handed Gov. Rick Scott and the other members of the Board of Executive Clemency a decisive victory by blocking a federal judge’s order that would have required the state to overhaul Florida’s process of restoring the right to vote to felons by yesterday."
Read about it...
Liberals love this as it's all about picking up registered Democratic voters.
Amendment 4,
Florida State of,
Right to Vote
14th Annual Connoisseurs Garden Tour
Tickets are now on sale for the
14th Annual Connoisseurs Garden Tour presented by Art By Nature Garden Center
Mounts botanical Gardens
Saturday, May 12
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Sunday, May 13
11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Tickets are $20 for members; $35 for non-members and FREE for Steward Members and above and children 12 & under
For a list of houses on the tour and to purchase tickets online visit
Or at the following ticket outlets:
-Art By Nature Garden Center - 5155 Northlake Blvd.,
Palm Beach Gardens
-Amelia's Smarty Plants - 1515 N. Dixie Hwy., Lake Worth
-Delray Beach Garden Center - 3827 W. Atlantic Ave,
Delray Beach
-Giverny Gardens - 550 Center St, Jupiter
-Green Garden Supply - 1100 Northlake Blvd,
Palm Beach Gardens
-Mounts Botanical Garden Shop - 531 N. Military Trail, WPB
-Uncle Bims Garden Center - 926 Belvedere Rd., WPB
Mounts Botanical Garden of Palm Beach County | 561-233-1757 | |
Saturday, May 12 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Sunday, May 13 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM Tickets are $20 for members; $35 for non-members and FREE for Steward Members and above and children 12 & under For a list of houses on the tour and to purchase tickets online visit Or at the following ticket outlets: -Art By Nature Garden Center - 5155 Northlake Blvd., Palm Beach Gardens -Amelia's Smarty Plants - 1515 N. Dixie Hwy., Lake Worth -Delray Beach Garden Center - 3827 W. Atlantic Ave, Delray Beach -Giverny Gardens - 550 Center St, Jupiter -Green Garden Supply - 1100 Northlake Blvd, Palm Beach Gardens -Mounts Botanical Garden Shop - 531 N. Military Trail, WPB -Uncle Bims Garden Center - 926 Belvedere Rd., WPB Mounts Botanical Garden of Palm Beach County | 561-233-1757 | |
14th Annual Connoisseurs Garden Tour presented by Art By Nature Garden Center
Mounts botanical Gardens
Saturday, May 12
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Sunday, May 13
11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Tickets are $20 for members; $35 for non-members and FREE for Steward Members and above and children 12 & under
For a list of houses on the tour and to purchase tickets online visit
Or at the following ticket outlets:
-Art By Nature Garden Center - 5155 Northlake Blvd.,
Palm Beach Gardens
-Amelia's Smarty Plants - 1515 N. Dixie Hwy., Lake Worth
-Delray Beach Garden Center - 3827 W. Atlantic Ave,
Delray Beach
-Giverny Gardens - 550 Center St, Jupiter
-Green Garden Supply - 1100 Northlake Blvd,
Palm Beach Gardens
-Mounts Botanical Garden Shop - 531 N. Military Trail, WPB
-Uncle Bims Garden Center - 926 Belvedere Rd., WPB
Mounts Botanical Garden of Palm Beach County | 561-233-1757 | |
Saturday, May 12 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Sunday, May 13 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM Tickets are $20 for members; $35 for non-members and FREE for Steward Members and above and children 12 & under For a list of houses on the tour and to purchase tickets online visit Or at the following ticket outlets: -Art By Nature Garden Center - 5155 Northlake Blvd., Palm Beach Gardens -Amelia's Smarty Plants - 1515 N. Dixie Hwy., Lake Worth -Delray Beach Garden Center - 3827 W. Atlantic Ave, Delray Beach -Giverny Gardens - 550 Center St, Jupiter -Green Garden Supply - 1100 Northlake Blvd, Palm Beach Gardens -Mounts Botanical Garden Shop - 531 N. Military Trail, WPB -Uncle Bims Garden Center - 926 Belvedere Rd., WPB Mounts Botanical Garden of Palm Beach County | 561-233-1757 | |
Mounts Botanical Gardens,
Tom Brokaw accused of Sexual Harassment
Tom Brokaw Accused of Sexual Harassment By Former NBC Anchor
Is it all just more than a little insane?This war correspondent says she was sexually harassed by Tom Brokow in 1994! Give me a break! This was a good looking man making a pass at a good looking woman old enough to handle it. That's it.
Thursday, April 26, 2018
Trump Rips Reporter
Watch Emmanuel Macron’s priceless reaction to President Trump’s answer to a reporter who asked if he will pardon Michael Cohen
Read more... at PowderedWigsociety.
Will James Comey go to Prison?
Probable Cause Exists That Comey Committed Criminal Espionage Says Expert
Lawyer and legal expert, Robert Barnes, says there is probable cause that James Comey committed criminal espionage against President Trump and that charge carries a 10-year prison sentence. When Comey left the FBI, he took his memos with him.The problem is those memos belong to the government. He also said it doesn’t matter if the Justice Department had a chance to classify them yet because the moment he wrote about his meetings with the president, they were automatically classified.
Read the rest of the story... by Steven Ahle at Steadfast and Loyal.
Municipalities need to leave Gun Control to the State, Feds

Letters to the Editor
Palm Beach Post
April 26, 2018
Leave gun control to the state, feds
Time for the petty city council boards to accept that gun control is not part of their agenda. State law limits their powers very specifically, so learn to deal with it and get on with life.
Enough waffling around when a group wants to control assault or assault-style rifles, simply because their book club decided it would be a good project to get behind when they probably would not recognize a real assault weapon if they met it on the street.
Good intentions, perhaps, and they are aware that incumbents are so worried about winning the next election that they will agree to their requests, but not a threat they are likely to ever face at the pool deck.
Let the councils worry about local infrastructure needs, which are certainly abundant enough to keep them busy, and let the state and federal lawmakers handle gun control.
Cover the Border Wall with Solar Panels
This should shut up the liberal weenies because they believe in solar energy, right? On top of everything else, Democrats need to realize that illegals can't continue to walk across our border --we are a nation of laws. Liberals have spread the word that we are a nation of free stuff...they need a Democratic vote that badly. And think about it, we can sell this power back to Mexico--a way for them to pay for the wall.
Border Wall,
Build the Wall,
Donald Trump,
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Working on the High Voltage Lines
Nightmare on Sixth Avenue South
Sixth Avenue South is one mess if you're going east to Lake Worth or I-95. Traffic was backed up all the way to Congress as it merges into one lane. Forget it if you're trying to get out from a side street.
Sixth Avenue South is one mess if you're going east to Lake Worth or I-95. Traffic was backed up all the way to Congress as it merges into one lane. Forget it if you're trying to get out from a side street.
Lake Worth Utility performing work on High Voltage Line
City of Lake Worth
7 North Dixie Highway
Lake Worth, FL 33460
April 25, 2018
Contact: Ben Kerr, Public Information Officer
Phone: 561.586.1631
Lake Worth, FL – The City of Lake Worth Electric Utility is currently performing work on a high voltage line as part of our system hardening and reliability improvement project. For the safety of the crews carrying out this work the automatic customer restoration features for this circuit will be turned off temporarily. While the City does not anticipate any outages during this period, if an outage were to occur it would affect customers located West of Congress from Melaleuca to 10th Ave North. To ensure that any outages are responded to rapidly, our crews will remain on standby to provide manual restoration until the automatic customer restoration feature is able to safely be turned back on. The work is being carried out between 8am – 4pm, Monday to Friday, for the next two weeks.
For more information please call Ben Kerr, Public Information Officer at 561.586.1631
City of Lake Worth
7 North Dixie Highway
Lake Worth, FL 33460
April 25, 2018
Contact: Ben Kerr, Public Information Officer
Phone: 561.586.1631
Lake Worth, FL – The City of Lake Worth Electric Utility is currently performing work on a high voltage line as part of our system hardening and reliability improvement project. For the safety of the crews carrying out this work the automatic customer restoration features for this circuit will be turned off temporarily. While the City does not anticipate any outages during this period, if an outage were to occur it would affect customers located West of Congress from Melaleuca to 10th Ave North. To ensure that any outages are responded to rapidly, our crews will remain on standby to provide manual restoration until the automatic customer restoration feature is able to safely be turned back on. The work is being carried out between 8am – 4pm, Monday to Friday, for the next two weeks.
For more information please call Ben Kerr, Public Information Officer at 561.586.1631
We need E-Verify
Economist George Borjas of Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government estimates that illegal immigration reduces native-born workers’ wages by between $99 billion and $118 billion a year. The economic gains from illegal immigration, he finds, flow mainly to those who employ illegal workers.
Isn't it high time that we had E-Verify as a state and federal law? Florida, Indiana, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and Texas mandate E-Verify for public employees and state contractors--we need E-verify for ALL workers. [LawLogix]
Last night's Workshop on Land Development Regulations and Refuse Operations
I watched the entire meeting at home and it was much more interesting than I expected it to be. Commissioner Hardy had some good questions that made some on the dais including William Waters uncomfortable and annoyed. Hardy, once again, dominated the meeting with his ideas and queries. He was against the FAR, the Floor Area Ratio, in particular. No one could tell him why it was substantive.
I did not see the agenda on the city's web site until Monday. It never was on the calendar. I first found out about this meeting from a friend who pointed out the excerpt in the Sunday Palm Beach Post. The city manager is under the impression that it was up on Friday at 1pm. If it was, I totally missed it. The public spoke to this issue. Personally, I believe it was just an oversight, as generally the city does a good job getting information to the public..
I agreed with Janet Serrano when she spoke at around 2:49:21 into the video. Actually there were great comments by all.
The next time the LDR's come back will be at a public hearing when the commission will vote on the changes.
President Trump warns Iran
Trump Issues BIG WARNING To Iran Involving Nuclear Program Relaunch
“You can mark it down. If they restart their nuclear program they will have bigger problems than they ever had before.”[Politico] Despite the howls of the Democratic Party Resistance, Trump is right that the Iran deal is “an embarrassment to the United States.” In fact, it’s the most deficient accord in the history of American arms control diplomacy. Many aspects of it require reconsideration, and none more essential than its research and development provisions.
To realistically obstruct Iran’s path to nuclear arms, Washington must first deny it the technology most essential for the production of such weapons. No renegotiation will be complete without first undoing Salehi’s ingenious achievement.
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Mayor Susan Haynie booked into Jail
Boca Raton Mayor Susan Haynie was criminally charged and booked into the Palm Beach County Jail on Tuesday night.
Read about Mayor Haynie's problems...Waffle House Shooter
Waffle House Shooter’s Guns Had Been Seized, Gun Control FAILED
While the anti-gun crowd would merely crow that this incident proves the need to ban and confiscate all firearms — as if that is even remotely possible — they will indeed double-down on their demands that more laws be imposed as they move toward the ultimate goal of the entire population being disarmed to prevent such tragedies.Read Conservative Tribune.
Lake Worth man wins $2 mil in Powerball
Lake Worth man wins $2 million Powerball prize
Read about it...DNC lawsuit against Trump, Russia and Wikileaks was just a cheap Stormy Daniels PR stunt
The DNC has made a major faux pas when they filed their lawsuit claiming that there was collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. It was a huge mistake. Because of that suit, Republicans can now depose Hillary Clinton, under oath, on tape, and without softball questions.
The same can be said for Debbie Wasserman Schultz and several other DNC officials as well as any Democrat who claimed there was evidence of collusion. It’s one thing to make those accusations on TV and an entirely different matter in a deposition and under oath.
Read more about it...
The same can be said for Debbie Wasserman Schultz and several other DNC officials as well as any Democrat who claimed there was evidence of collusion. It’s one thing to make those accusations on TV and an entirely different matter in a deposition and under oath.
Read more about it...
Quote of the Day - Emmanuel Macron
Donald Trump's Love for America
"Donald Trump has made huge sacrifices for this country in his first year as President. He gave up his comfortable lifestyle in quest to make this country great again.
But despite this, he CONSTANTLY is persecuted each and every day by the liberal media, obstructionist Democrats, and lunatic leftists... just for fulfilling his promises.
Just in case there is some liberal weenie out here who doesn't know about what our president has achieved here are some facts since President Trump took office:
But despite this, he CONSTANTLY is persecuted each and every day by the liberal media, obstructionist Democrats, and lunatic leftists... just for fulfilling his promises.
Just in case there is some liberal weenie out here who doesn't know about what our president has achieved here are some facts since President Trump took office:
- Unemployment has fallen to a 17 year low
- Over 1.9 million jobs have been added
- The stock market has gone up more than six TRILLION dollars
- ISIS is on the run
- New home sales have soared to a 10 year high
Monday, April 23, 2018
Here's how F-d up the state of California is
California Gender Bill May Ban the Sale of Bibles
Democrats in the alt-left state of California have passed bill 2943 by a vote of 50/18 in the Assembly that would ban the sale of books that express Christian beliefs about sexual morality, quite possibly extending to printed texts such as the Bible.Read more about it...
California won't be happy until it eliminates the Christian religion altogether.
Mitt Romney fails to secure Utah GOP nomination, will face primary
[Powdered Wig] CNN reports that after the initial round of votes, when none of the 12 candidates were able to cross that threshold, the party continued with successive rounds of caucus voting until one candidate reached 40%.
On the second round of voting, Utah state representative Mike Kennedy emerged in the lead with 50.88%. Romney came in a close second with 49.12%.
As a reminder, The Hill points out that in 2016, Romney made waves when he urged Republicans to oppose Trump. He called Trump a “fraud” who lacked the character to be president.
Read about it...
Worhshop Tuesday night Lake Worth City Hall
The City of Lake Worth is going to have a workshop tomorrow night--let's see what next the city (city manager) wants to do to screw up our town. The commission goes along with anything he and Maxwell want.
2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: led by Commissioner Omari Hardy
2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: led by Commissioner Omari Hardy
- A. Workshop on the Land Development Regulations (1.5 hr.)
- B. Refuse Operational Overview (1 hour)
City of Lake Worth,
Rasmussen Reports - The Left are calling them Liars
The Liars Say We’re Outliers – Again
The Left just can't accept anything the least bit positive about President Trump. Now they are going after Rasmussen Polling because of the results of their polls showing approval ratings for the president are on the up-swing.It's really unfortunate that the Left is so atrociously abominable.
Read about it...
Travel ban to go to Supreme Court on Wednesday
Trump's travel ban faces U.S. Supreme Court showdown
And even though there is supposedly a 5/4 conservative leaning on the court, it does not guarantee that the President's ban will be up held. President Trump's ban now involves five countries as the restrictions on Chad were lifted on April 10.If you recall, "In another immigration-related case, the justices on April 17 invalidated a provision in a U.S. law requiring deportation of immigrants convicted of certain crimes of violence. Trump’s administration and the prior Obama administration had defended the provision," said Reuters.
Sunday, April 22, 2018
Oliver at the Lake Worth Playhouse
Book, Music and Lyrics by Lionel Bart--play runs through April 29thGreat show today of the award-winning musical adaptation of the classic Dicken’s novel that springs to life with some of the most memorable characters and songs to ever hit the stage. Oliver was played by Lucas Lacey, a young boy who just turned 12 and in the 6th grade at the Bak School.
Follow Oliver’s journey on the streets of Victorian England from poor house to pick pocket and finally the true love of family. Oliver! Is a musical theatre masterpiece.
Meghan McCain questions Porn Queen
"How much of Daniels’ twisting story about an alleged one-night stand with Donald Trump more than a decade ago is about the truth? And how much is really aimed at raking in big bucks for a woman who, at 39, is nearing the end of her shelf life as a sexual entertainer?"
Read about it...
Can you even imagine what will be on her tombstone?
Evidence Emerges about a Collusion
“As we look at that there is also additional evidence that would suggest that DOJ narrowed the scope of the Hillary investigation to make sure she was exonerated.”
~ Mark Meadows
Read more about it...
Crooked Hillary,
Dept. of Justice,
James Comey,
Loretta Lynch
Another disastrous decision by Obama
(Brendan Clarey, Liberty Headlines) The Immigration Reform Law institute filed a lawsuit Tuesday against the Social Security Administration (SSA) over a Freedom of Information Act request for records regarding the Obama administration’s decision to loosen protocols on Social Security fraud.
Three out of four illegal aliens have a Social Security number, and the Obama administration told the SSA to stop sending “no match” letters to businesses when an employee’s number doesn’t match the SSA’s records, the IRLI claims.
Read about it...
Three out of four illegal aliens have a Social Security number, and the Obama administration told the SSA to stop sending “no match” letters to businesses when an employee’s number doesn’t match the SSA’s records, the IRLI claims.
Read about it...
Chappaquiddick the Trailer
Gosh, it's difficult to realize that this was nearly 50 years ago. Ted Kennedy is portrayed as an extremely shallow man, used to getting his own way and only interested in his political ambition. His first wife, Joan, "had his number" as well as his dad, Joe.
In spite of the death of Mary Jo Kopekne caused by Kennedy's negligence, he was in office from 1969 to August 25, 2009 when he died of a malignant brain tumor.
Saturday, April 21, 2018
Starbucks--Black man demands free coffee and gets it
Apparently a prank, this is the comment at the end of the video: Black man demands free coffee at Starbucks - watch what he does with it afterwards "I heard you all was racist, so I came to get my free coffee . . ." Prank or not, this incident goes to show the entitlement mentality of too many who have taken advantage of baseless white guilt.
Beach Complex Charette
How can we screw up your beach complex?
As soon as I arrived this morning at 9am, Commissioner Herman Robinson was there so I had to chide him just a bit about being the guy who wants to ruin our beach. Chris Zimmerman, Owner and President of CPZ Architects was there along with several associates. CPZ is a Broward County CBE firm with a local staff of 10 employees, 3 of which are registered Architects. They were awarded the design contract from the City of Lake Worth.Primarily the residents were there to give the design team our ideas on what we want at our beach. That was easy for me--leave it alone; repair our pool, open up the view so that it can be seen by those driving by; redo the lockers and bathrooms and if necessary, build a parking garage on the lower level and keep our decal parking. Lease the 2nd floor space or build-out around its perimeter for city purposes for offices for the Recreation Department and lifeguards and have the space in the middle to lease out for small meetings. Do not spend small fortunes. Essentially that is it.
They had a sign-in sheet and a comments page to fill out on various topics such as parking, do we want more retail space, what do do with the upper level space, etc. Herman was insistent that I sign it. No problem, commissioner--I do everything under my own name--no anonymous for me!
The only thing they needed on the form was--give us your ideas on how we can screw up your beach complex. Only a few years ago, we spent $11 million dollars re-doing our casino, the upper level as well as the parking below. We can dream big and what we dream may not even be close to what we can afford or actually need. Fiscal responsibility is what's needed for our poor city...keep that in mind elected officials and city management.
City of Lake Worth,
CPZ Architects,
Herman Robinson,
Demand of Criminal Investigation of Swamp Rats
11 members of Congress have forwarded a criminal referral to Jeff Sessions demanding a criminal investigation of Hillary, Comey, McCabe, Lynch, and other swamp rats
Read about it... and what Thomas Madison has to say.The attempt of an Illegal Alien activist to Demonize the Right - Laura Ingraham cuts his mic
Laura Ingraham's guest, Enrique Morones, was rude and mocked her on her own show...even bringing up David Hogg. Morones didn't do anything for his cause but be obnoxious.
[PowderedWigSociety] When immigration activist and lover of illegal immigration Enrique Morones (great name for a liberal weenie “moron”) gets nasty, insulting Laura Ingraham, telling her he is glad David Hogg let her come back on the air, then insulting Laura’s other guest, California candidate for governor, John Cox, she takes the gloves off, reading the leftist loser the riot act, then cutting his mic and his camera. He simply disappears. Now, if she can just make all liberal weenies disappear so easily.
[PowderedWigSociety] When immigration activist and lover of illegal immigration Enrique Morones (great name for a liberal weenie “moron”) gets nasty, insulting Laura Ingraham, telling her he is glad David Hogg let her come back on the air, then insulting Laura’s other guest, California candidate for governor, John Cox, she takes the gloves off, reading the leftist loser the riot act, then cutting his mic and his camera. He simply disappears. Now, if she can just make all liberal weenies disappear so easily.
Laura Ingraham
DNC desperate - Suing Russia and Trump Campaign
Democratic Party files suit alleging Russia, the Trump campaign, and WikiLeaks conspired to disrupt the 2016 election
The suit asserts that the Russian hacking campaign — combined with Trump associates’ contacts with Russia and the campaign’s public cheerleading of the hacks — amounted to an illegal conspiracy to interfere in the election and caused serious damage to the Democratic Party.The DNC is desperate as no one can find collusion against the President. Now they're after Wikileaks accusing them of conspiring to disrupt the 2016 presidential election along with the President's son Donald Trump Jr. and son-in-law Jared Kushner. The DNC says Russia found a "willing and active partner" in the Trump campaign to attack American democracy and defeat Hillary Clinton.[CNBC]
Read about it.... The Democratic party is proving more and more every day that they are the only obstructionists to our democracy as the President continues to remind them. Now they're looking stupid to boot. Perhaps the DNC should sue Tom Perez instead for bringing more harm to the Democratic party.
DNC. lawsuit,
Donald Trump,
Friday, April 20, 2018
Lake Worth Vegetation Amnesty
City of Lake Worth
7 North Dixie Highway
Lake Worth, FL 33460
April 20, 2018
Contact: Jason Yaeger
Phone: 561.533.7396
The City of Lake Worth’s Refuse Division will be having a RESIDENTIAL VEGETATION (ONLY) AMNESTY PICK UP SERVICE beginning May 15, 2018. The vegetation amnesty week is designed to allow residents to dispose of large amounts of vegetation prior to the commencement of Hurricane Season (not to exceed 12 cubic yards per residential property). All vegetation should be placed curbside on a resident’s regular scheduled pick-up day and the City of Lake Worth’s Refuse Division will remove it at no charge.
Vegetation will be picked up on the following days:
Zone 1 Monday May 21,
Zone 2 Thursday May 17,
Zone 3 Friday May 18,
Zone 4 Tuesday May 15.
• Only vegetation
• Tree branches less than (2) inches in diameter
• Branches and palm fronds less than (4) feet in length
• Stumps less than (15) inches in diameter and or less than fifty (50) pounds
• Do NOT use vegetation bin - place ALL vegetation at the curb
For more information please call City of Lake Worth Public Services Refuse Department at 561-533-7344.
Topping of trees is considered tree abuse and is not allowed in the City of Lake Worth.
What is topping- topping is the indiscriminate cutting of tree branches to stubs. Other names for topping include heading, tipping, hat-racking and rounding over.
“Hurricane pruning” of palm trees is also considered tree abuse and is not allowed in the City of Lake Worth. Only dead fronds should be removed. Leaving the green fronds actually helps protect the tree.
For more information please contact David McGrew, City Horticulturist at 561-586-1677 or
Located in central Palm Beach County, Lake Worth is a dynamic, multi-cultural city with an individualistic style. People are drawn to the city by its acceptance of different cultures and lifestyles, historic districts, hip downtown and colorful arts district.
City of Lake Worth
7 North Dixie Highway
Lake Worth, FL 33460
April 20, 2018
Contact: Jason Yaeger
Phone: 561.533.7396
The City of Lake Worth’s Refuse Division will be having a RESIDENTIAL VEGETATION (ONLY) AMNESTY PICK UP SERVICE beginning May 15, 2018. The vegetation amnesty week is designed to allow residents to dispose of large amounts of vegetation prior to the commencement of Hurricane Season (not to exceed 12 cubic yards per residential property). All vegetation should be placed curbside on a resident’s regular scheduled pick-up day and the City of Lake Worth’s Refuse Division will remove it at no charge.
Vegetation will be picked up on the following days:
Zone 1 Monday May 21,
Zone 2 Thursday May 17,
Zone 3 Friday May 18,
Zone 4 Tuesday May 15.
• Only vegetation
• Tree branches less than (2) inches in diameter
• Branches and palm fronds less than (4) feet in length
• Stumps less than (15) inches in diameter and or less than fifty (50) pounds
• Do NOT use vegetation bin - place ALL vegetation at the curb
For more information please call City of Lake Worth Public Services Refuse Department at 561-533-7344.
Topping of trees is considered tree abuse and is not allowed in the City of Lake Worth.
What is topping- topping is the indiscriminate cutting of tree branches to stubs. Other names for topping include heading, tipping, hat-racking and rounding over.
“Hurricane pruning” of palm trees is also considered tree abuse and is not allowed in the City of Lake Worth. Only dead fronds should be removed. Leaving the green fronds actually helps protect the tree.
For more information please contact David McGrew, City Horticulturist at 561-586-1677 or
Located in central Palm Beach County, Lake Worth is a dynamic, multi-cultural city with an individualistic style. People are drawn to the city by its acceptance of different cultures and lifestyles, historic districts, hip downtown and colorful arts district.
Trump was right!
(Gateway Pundit) – On March 4, 2017, President Donald Trump accused his predecessor Barack Obama of spying on him during the 2016 election.
Trump was right!
Not only was the Obama White House spying on him but the Obama administration instructed the DOJ and FBI to surveil Trump.
Dept. of Justice,
Donald Trump,
Commissioners and their "stipends"
Riviera votes to end individual $12,000 stipends for council
That is the headline in today's Palm Beach Post on the front page.Apparently in Riviera Beach, if its commission wants a raise, it has to go by the voters. But call it a "stipend" and you get away with it. Aren't elected officials clever? That's why municipalities pay big bucks to their city attorneys.
Here in Lake Worth, this commission of Maxwell, Triolo and Amoroso voted themselves in a whopping raise--$10,100 more for a commissioner or $24,500 a year and an additional $14,100 for mayor bringing that salary up to $29,500. Plus they all get $6,000 a year for a car allowance I won't even mention all the benefits such as medical, life insurance, etc. The commissioners who voted against this were McVoy and Maier.
They work so hard at ribbon cuttings and figuring out how to screw up good things like our beach and pool and have made this job more part-time than ever--only one commission meeting in November, December and January. And everything is thrown on the Consent Agenda. They don't even have to discuss spending your money, unless, of course, you are Commissioner Hardy who wants to grandstand on guns and sanctuary city status and put the city through a stupid ordeal.
Now tomorrow they are having a charette about our beach complex saying they want community input. No they don't--they already know what they're going to do to our beach.
Trump Tweet

~ President Donald Trump
Andrew McCabe,
Donald Trump,
James Comey,
Quote of the Day,
Shooting in Lake Worth
Assault and it wasn't an assault weapon, Commissioner!
Incident #: 18064068
1700 BLOCK LAKE WORTH RD | 4/18/2018 @ 11:21 AM
Palm Beach County Sheriff
It was a bad guy with a gun somewhere within walking distance to City Hall.. Can we get security at City Hall commission meetings?
Incident #: 18064068
1700 BLOCK LAKE WORTH RD | 4/18/2018 @ 11:21 AM
Palm Beach County Sheriff
It was a bad guy with a gun somewhere within walking distance to City Hall.. Can we get security at City Hall commission meetings?
Thursday, April 19, 2018
Mike Pompeo met with Kim Jong un
The Secret Meeting Between “Little Rocket Man” And The CIA
President Trump Tweeted: “Mike Pompeo met with Kim Jong Un in North Korea last week. Meeting went very smoothly and a good relationship was formed. Details of Summit are being worked out now. Denuclearization will be a great thing for World, but also for North Korea!”Illegal alien involved in hit-and-run death
I guess the low-life should have lived in Crazy California instead of Nebraska.
"Velasquez-Oritz reportedly has prior convictions, including a DUI. His employer claimed he wasn’t aware the man was an illegal alien. “The state would suggest that he’s a high flight risk,” said Douglas County attorney Jameson Cantwell during the court appearance. “He is here illegally, from Guatemala. He avoided police after this incident. When he was located and arrested, he was found with fraudulent state, federal and international identification documents.”
Commissioner Omari Hardy says Lake Worth is handcuffed
This morning, Lake Worth was on the news for its gun ban resolution. Commissioners Hardy and Robinson were featured.
As you recall, they both promoted their morality on the entire City of Lake Worth with Hardy stating his view is what the majority believes. How presumptuous can you get? He says he respects the law but in the same breath says "I hate it," and it "sucks." He wants to close down the gun show at the Scottish Rite, a monthly business in Lake Worth. He even entertained the idea of suing the State of Florida because he is against the State "hollowing out Home Rule," an act he feels is unconstitutional. The city attorney will look into it. Hardy has no problem incurring legal fees here.
I remember when the City of Lake Worth said that the State had precedent on a law it enacted three months after our Heights Amendment passed with 58% at the polls and therefore our vote was moot. They told us, too bad, so sad. But like a lot of puffed up elected officials, laws are only good when they agree with their political agenda. View the video below.
Channel 12 report and video
Assault weapons,
City of Lake Worth,
Herman Robinson,
Omari Hardy
City of Lake Worth's Charette on the beach complex
The city wants you to bring your questions and ideas to the meeting.
My only question is, Why do you continually want to screw up our beach and spend millions? A parking garage built into the dune? We just spent $5 million on the upper and lower level parking areas. It's easy to spend other people's money. We just spent $6 million on the casino. This is a beach park and the city is determined to make it into a commercial enterprise.
My only question is, Why do you continually want to screw up our beach and spend millions? A parking garage built into the dune? We just spent $5 million on the upper and lower level parking areas. It's easy to spend other people's money. We just spent $6 million on the casino. This is a beach park and the city is determined to make it into a commercial enterprise.
Governor Rick Scott's agreement with the Seminole Indians
Under the current contract between the Seminole Tribe of Florida and the state, the Tribe pays more than $300 million a year into the state’s General Revenue fund. This agreement does not make any changes to state gaming law or expand current gaming operations in Florida in any way. [SunshineStateNews]
Read the agreement
Read the agreement
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Federal Judge Kimba Wood
Read about it...
Do judges allow their personal political feelings ever enter into their decisions? Nawh, no, of course not.
Nick Freitas on Guns
Delegate Nick Freitas is running for U.S. Senate against Tim Kaine.
2nd Amendment,
Assault weapons,
Gun Control,
Commission Meeting ends in Liberal stand on Resolutions
Assault Weapon Ban and Welcoming (Sanctuary) City status are voted in for Lake Worth
The mayor was absent last night--an anniversary in her family. Perhaps that was a good thing...she didn't have to involve herself in a losing discussion that went along Democrat party lines. This is why I have stated that I will never vote for a Democrat even on a local level. They always and only represent their liberal philosophy and are always bringing their moral beliefs into everything and shoving them down our throats. Accept them or stand in the corner and shut up.They even went against a private business, the monthly gun show at the Scottish Rite. Hardy and Robinson would like the city to take a stand against the show even operating with Hardy blaming the State of Florida for disempowering cities to actually do something about it. Can you even imagine a government not allowing a legal business to operate in America? And Hardy even wants to sue the State of Florida and Robinson said that "Tallahassee does the bad."
Regarding the two important resolutions on the agenda, that of banning assault weapons and becoming a sanctuary city, Omari Hardy dominated the conversation. It would be really great if commissioners all had equal time to express their opinions but they never do especially since Omari Hardy was elected.
Commissioner Hardy debated and gave his position on these two important resolutions--guns and sanctuary city status. He must have been on the debate team at the University of Miami. Maybe he missed his calling and should have been a lawyer. Even scarier, he's teaching our children. Although Scott Maxwell had some objections, he was impotent and ineffectual after the Omari Hardy dominance. Hardy just kept saying it was just a discussion. No it was not. It was a full fledged assault using all the plays in the liberal playbook to make your points, Commissioner.
And to make everyone who disagrees feel better, the city attorney will put a caveat (another WHEREAS) at the end of the Resolution stating that Lake Worth is NOT a Sanctuary City. What a complete farce.
And both resolutions passed on a 4/0 vote in spite of one Republican on the dais who was essentially against. But as Scott Maxwell has said in the past, you have to pick your battles. These battles were destined for defeat by Democrat commissioners in a Democrat city. Besides, down the road, Maxwell might need his cohorts on the dais for something he wants like destroying our pool. Maxwell, no longer with fire and passion in his belly, voted for the resolutions.
Resolution 17-2018 Ban on Assault weapons
1:10:25 on the video
Vote 4/0
Resolution 24-2018 Welcoming City
1:48:20 on the video
Vote 4/0
David Hogg planning another school Walk-Out
David Hogg had announced a walkout over guns. A walkout that was planned for April 20th, the 19th anniversary of the shooting deaths of Columbine students.
But Columbine won't have any part of it and that's not quite what Hogg had counted on. The students at Columbine did not want to walk out of school. They have made it a day to volunteer, not to complain about guns.They sent Hogg a letter to that effect. Hogg is telling his followers that everyone else will be still walking out.
Read about the Hogg... Hogg won't be happy until he helps destroy everything in his wake.
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Cut the numbers of immigrants to our country
I say cut the numbers immigrating here back to the 1950's level. We are over-populated as it is. "In the six decades from 1950 to 2010, the U.S. population had increased
from 157.8 million to 312.2 million, a total gain of 98% at an average
annual rate of 1.1%." [Pew]
President Trump wants immigrants who can “contribute to our society, grow our economy and assimilate into our great nation."
President Trump wants immigrants who can “contribute to our society, grow our economy and assimilate into our great nation."
City of Lake Worth to Ban assault weapons
The liberals feel empowered--As the mayor would say, this is "pontificating." It is meaningless at this point and nothing more than a wish--up the ante, make it more difficult for people to have guns and watch out 2nd Amendment.
Once again, Democrats Omari Hardy and Herman Robinson have been determined to ban assault weapons in our city or what they believe to be assault weapons but they can't tell you what exactly they want banned. If someone wants an assault weapon, he will get one.
What is their definition of an "assault" weapon? How far will this hopeful ban go? Will they want to ban conceal carry next? President Trump is all for extensive background checks, raising the minimum age to 21 and the Fix NICS Act that would ensure that states and federal agencies comply with existing law on reporting criminal history records to the national background check system.
Resolution 17-2018 ban on assault weapons
The Resolution advocates for common-sense policies that keep guns out of dangerous hands while respecting the rights of law-abiding gun owners, and strongly believes that Congress and state governments should take action to close deadly gaps in the NICS.
February 14, 2018, a mass shooting occurred at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida killing 17 students, teachers and coaches and wounding 14 others, 5 with life-threatening injuries.
Commissioners Robinson and Hardy have requested that the City take a position advocating for changes by lawmakers at the Federal and State levels to significantly improve the processes such as background checks and for designating certain devices and weapons as illegal.
Once again, Democrats Omari Hardy and Herman Robinson have been determined to ban assault weapons in our city or what they believe to be assault weapons but they can't tell you what exactly they want banned. If someone wants an assault weapon, he will get one.
What is their definition of an "assault" weapon? How far will this hopeful ban go? Will they want to ban conceal carry next? President Trump is all for extensive background checks, raising the minimum age to 21 and the Fix NICS Act that would ensure that states and federal agencies comply with existing law on reporting criminal history records to the national background check system.
Resolution 17-2018 ban on assault weapons
The Resolution advocates for common-sense policies that keep guns out of dangerous hands while respecting the rights of law-abiding gun owners, and strongly believes that Congress and state governments should take action to close deadly gaps in the NICS.
February 14, 2018, a mass shooting occurred at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida killing 17 students, teachers and coaches and wounding 14 others, 5 with life-threatening injuries.
Commissioners Robinson and Hardy have requested that the City take a position advocating for changes by lawmakers at the Federal and State levels to significantly improve the processes such as background checks and for designating certain devices and weapons as illegal.
Hudson Holdings out of the Gulfstream Hotel project
Steven Michael, Hudson Holdings out of Gulfstream Hotel project
The suit has been settled where Hudson Holdings' partner accused them of engaging in racketeering activities for years. Now CDS Gulfstream that owned 51% can go forward in building out the Gulfstream Hotel.Read about it...
Lake Worth to become a Sanctuary City by Proclamation
Tonight Lake Worth will become a Sanctuary City.
Forget about the small town charm. We have seen our city erode through the years and its administration's secret desire to become a mini-West Palm this case, a Welcoming City. We have been "welcoming" the illegal alien for years. It started with the Mentoring Center and allowing illegals to congregate on Lake Avenue as a morning labor pick-up area. Now it will be official--ya'll come to Lake Worth--bring us your tired and poor from all ports south. This decision will really attract investment.I don't know why the City has to have a proclamation about this other than to slap down the Trump administration--they already have thousands of illegal aliens walking around and living here unperturbed. The PBSO does not ask suspected criminals their legal status. If you recall, the Department of Justice put West Palm Beach on a list of cities that are not in compliance with Federal Law ever since it became a "welcoming city." WPB sued the federal government telling them essentially to "stick it." And that's what Lake Worth is doing.
At the end of last year, the Department of Justice announced that sanctuary jurisdictions will lose access to certain federal law enforcement grants if they prohibit officials from communicating with ICE. These particular grants, known as the Byrne Justice Assistance Grants, are the largest source of federal criminal justice funds for state, local and tribal authorities.
Although Lake Worth has always denied it's a Sanctuary City and has for years and even fought to get it off the list, this latest proclamation will finally settle their confusion. Do they really want to be placed on the DOJ's list of Sanctuary Cities? So, why are Commissioner Hardy and the rest of this commission making a big Left-Wing deal out of this?
We used to worry about anarchists in our little city and their stand on Arizona 1070. Now we have to worry about globalists, liberals, socialists, open border people, etc. This is a shameful proclamation, representing the illegals over American citizens and the U.S. government.
WHEREAS, Fostering a welcoming environment for all individuals, regardless of race,
ethnicity or place of origin, enhances Lake Worth’s cultural fabric, economic growth, global competitiveness and overall prosperity for current and future generations; and
WHEREAS, Lake Worth has long been recognized as a hospitable and welcoming
place where people, families and institutions thrive and the contributions of all are celebrated and valued; and
WHEREAS, Lake Worth is committed to continue building a welcoming and neighborly atmosphere in our community, where all are welcome, accepted and integrated; and
WHEREAS, Community efforts that promote understanding and collaboration between our native-born and foreign-born community member regardless of legal status, are crucial in encouraging and preserving Lake Worth’s welcoming environment; and
WHEREAS, Lake Worth encourages the business leadership, civic groups, other governmental agencies and community institutions to undertake their own initiatives, beyond this resolution, to make Lake Worth not only a welcoming place for new residents from other countries but also a center of world commerce. ARE THEY NUTS? World commerce? Who in the hell writes this stuff?
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Pam Triolo, Mayor of the City of Lake Worth, Florida, by virtue of the authority vested in me, do hereby proclaim APRIL 17, 2018 AS WELCOMING CITY DAY In the City of Lake Worth, Florida and we urge all residents of Lake Worth to do their part in reaching out to and welcoming all who live in and visit our City. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the Cit >of Lake Worth, Florida to be affixed this 17th day of April, 2017.
Pam Triolo, Mayor
Deborah M. Andrea, City Clerk
City of Lake Worth,
Sanctuary City
Monday, April 16, 2018
Neil Gorsuch made a "first"
Justice Gorsuch Made Supreme Court History with Brand New Hire for 2018 Term
He just hired a Native American clerk and guess what? The appointee is female.Read about it...
Democrats - The Tax and Spend party
Here are the details of the Democrats’ plan to win your vote by repealing President Trump’s tax cuts and raising your taxes. Brilliant!
by Thomas Madison, Click here...Lake Worth beach decals go on sale today
Buy your decal at the City Annex. I was told that approximately 150 residents bought their decals in advance on line.
Cost including tax:
Resident: $42.80
Seasonal Resident: $64.20
Mad Dog speaks
Mattis told reporters that it was in our “vital national interest” to destroy Syria’s chemical weapons factories.
Read about it...
Secretary of Defense,
Toxic chemicals
Comey gets "nuked" by Rod Rosenstein
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein Nukes Comey in a newly released report.
It is apparent that Mr. Rosenstein is not a fan of former FBI Director James Comey. He is even less enamored of the book that Comey just wrote and is now promoting.
What we gather is that there are still some choice facts that are yet to be revealed about the real James Comey. What could it be that Rosenstein knows that we are not aware of yet?
Read about it...
Sunday, April 15, 2018
Lake Worth Historic Districts Design Guidelines Meeting
Historic Preservation Design Guidelines
The City of Lake Worth is hosting a meeting of the Neighborhood Associations that include historic districts to present the preliminary Historic Preservation Design Guidelines. These guidelines are being prepared by Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council and City Staff as a guide for property owners located within a Historic District.
We hope you can join us for this important event that will help to shape the future of our great City. All are invited, especially those who live in the following neighborhoods that include Historic Districts:
• Bryant Park Neighborhood
• Royal Poinciana Neighborhood
• College Park Neighborhood
• South Palm Park Neighborhood
• Downtown Jewel
• Parrot Cove Neighborhood
• Mango Groves Neighborhood
Historic Preservation Design Guidelines
The City of Lake Worth is hosting a meeting of the Neighborhood Associations that include historic districts to present the preliminary Historic Preservation Design Guidelines. These guidelines are being prepared by Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council and City Staff as a guide for property owners located within a Historic District.
We hope you can join us for this important event that will help to shape the future of our great City. All are invited, especially those who live in the following neighborhoods that include Historic Districts:
• Bryant Park Neighborhood
• Royal Poinciana Neighborhood
• College Park Neighborhood
• South Palm Park Neighborhood
• Downtown Jewel
• Parrot Cove Neighborhood
• Mango Groves Neighborhood
Historic Districts,
Neighborhood Assns
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