Saturday, April 11, 2020

Those who will NOT get a Stimuus check

For all of you looking for a stimulus check...

some of you wont get one!

"Here’s a look at who falls through the cracks: College Students and 17-year-olds
Disabled people whose parents support them
Seniors living with their kids
Immigrants without Social Security numbers
Babys born in 2020
High earners who lost their jobs
Parents who split custody
Recently divorced or estranged
People who owe back child support

Of course, Democrats are trying to fit some of these into their plans and fighting for money for immigrants who shouldn’t be here in the first place. Let’s take care of our own countrymen first. Those who came here illegally took the chance and now they need to face the facts that they’re not going to get any help this time around." []

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