Monday, July 5, 2021

Corrupt Chicago Councilwoman Indicted!

Corrupt Obama Delegate Along With Chief of Staff INDICTED

Corrupt party bosses in Chicago politics? Say it isn’t so!

Chicago Alderman Carrie Austin now joins two other members of the city council being indicted by the DOJ along with her chief of staff…for bribery charges.

Here’s the complication: Carrie M. Austin, isn’t just a Chicago Alderman, the 72-year-old is 34th Ward Committeeman, Vice-Chair of Cook County Democratic Party of Illinois, Central State Committeeman, and was a Delegate for President Barack Obama at the Democratic National Convention. Yikes.

And just for some added irony, Carrie Austin also Vice Chairs the Chicago City Council Committee on Committees, Rules, and Ethics.

Read about Carrie...

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