Friday, October 2, 2020

President tests positive for Covid-19

President Trump and First Lady test positive for Covid

A country already unnerved by a devastating health catastrophe and a turbulent political season faced fresh upheaval today as Americans awoke to news President Donald Trump had contracted coronavirus.

The President and FLOTUS are asymptomatic.



Lynn Anderson said...

I can't think of anything more devastating for the Trump campaign even if he and Melania are asymptomatic.

Lynn Anderson said...

Just released--White House doctor says Trump is 'fatigued but in good spirits'

The White House has released a statement from Trump’s physician saying the president is “fatigued but in good spirits” after testing positive for coronavirus.

The fatique could simply be from his hectic schedule. When the 1st announcement came out, it was stated that he was asymptomatic--that was when I read it first thing this morning.