Thursday, May 5, 2016

Shelley Vana

Comment Up

On Tuesday, Hal Valeche and Shelley Vana were on the low end of the vote to raise the sales tax by one cent with Valeche wanting a bond for the Arts and Vana wanting a sales tax for the Arts. Either way, they did not want to eliminate the Arts. Melissa McKinlay in a motion, eliminated the funding for cultural projects in the amount of $121 million and $40 million for arts development incentives. It passed on a 5/2.

Shelley Vana, who lives in Lantana, is our county commissioner in this District. She called out a resident by name in a public meeting on May 3rd. It seems she has a bathroom fetish particularly towards certain people speaking against her desire to have the Atlanta Braves at John Prince Park. She mentioned "urination," not once but twice. She is also under some delusion that the park is consumed by an overwhelming number of of homeless, addicts, rapists and the like.

Last year she decided that she was qualified to run for Palm Beach County Property Appraiser.  To date she has raised $168,040. That's a lot of do re me. A few of the semi-interesting contributors who are Lake Worth connected:

Mulvehill Nursery:  $400
Suzanne Mulvehill:  $200
Bonnie Miskel:  $1,000 (attorney for Hudson Holdings)
David Kerner:  $600 (he is running for Vana's seat on the PB County Commission
Melissa McKinlay:  $100
Hal Valeche:  $1,000
Jaana Piira:  $100
Jon Faust:  $100 (President of the Neighborhood President's Council Lake Worth)


Anonymous said...

Shelly isn't looking so hot these day. Do something. Get a make-over. Go to charm school. Get a new role of toilet paper.

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't she do something about the homeless. If there is any crime there, why aren't they arrested? She votes in a lot of money to the PBSO.

Anonymous said...

Money for the arts,my ass ! Money for her sugar daddies. Money to get the braves spring training stadium into the middle of john Prince Park.People have the right to be inside John Prince Park in the daytime. Whether they are "homeless" or not.This woman is nothing but crude,rude,and a liar .THANK GOD FOR TERM LIMITS

Anonymous said...

Before I read any commennts I was going to say, you would think at least she would put some makeup on for a commission meeting. I am not one for commenting on a person's personal looks but I see nothing wrong with trying to keep yourself as best as you can even if it mean putting on some makeup if you NEED it. She needs it!
Aside from these personal comments, who in the hell thinks they just jump from one govt position to another. Self important people who get drunk from the power, money & ego building they have to have. Obvious she isn't qualified for Property Appraiser but I guess she doesn't care. Just like she doesn't care about Parks for non homeless people, like me. Hope they can come to their senses and realize it is all about the people, not about the money!

Anonymous said...

She represents ONLY herself. Wasn't she the one who moved to the Ag Reserve a while back and then proceeded to get the zoning changed so she could sell her property to a developer? She can't even act professional at a County Commission meeting. Wants to be property appraiser?? That's a laugh. The only thing she would do is use the position to cut breaks for herself and her special interest contributers. It sure seems like a lot of them are just on the take. Follow the money.

Anonymous said...

You completely undermine your positions when you attack people's appearance, especially women (a tried and true habit in politics). Stick to the issues and stay away from personal attacks. I'm no fan of Vana's plan for JPP. I think she is wrong and I'm sending her regular emails explaining how she is wrong. But stay away from appearance folks, just makes people think less of you.

Lynn Anderson said...

She's a public figure. She personally attacked a LW resident from the dais. Public figures are fair game. Personally I don't like nor do I allow any comments on weight, age, sex etc and this one about not wearing make-up was allowed because she was less than professional as an elected official.

Anonymous said...

So what she is a public official, I'm saying you lose credibility when you attack appearance. People stop listening to you. If you are trying to get people on board with your position, attacking a woman because she doesn't wear make up or because of your weight turns of most women and they don't listen to you.

This is your site and you can do what you want of course but I'm thinking of the park.

Lynn Anderson said...


Anonymous said...

Start thinking of the Constitution.

Lynn Anderson said...

Did someone mention weight? Look, people are allowed to comment. Personal attacks on someone's appearance such as weight, age, and that sort of thing is not allowed. Talking about someone not wearing make-up is something they can do something about...not a personal attack in my opinion.

As far as my credibility goes, you have a problem with that so you will have to be the one to deal with it and make a decision on it.

Anonymous said...

Men aren't expected to wear make up, make up is a smothered mess in this humid swamp.

Anonymous said...

Just try to look as good as you can. Combing your hair is a starter.